Over time, most Nintendo Switch games receive free online updates that fix bugs and add new features. Sometimes, the updates even add major features to the game, such as new levels or characters. Here’s how to make sure your games are updated.

随着时间的流逝,大多数Nintendo Switch游戏都会获得免费的在线更新,这些更新会修复错误并添加新功能。 有时,这些更新甚至为游戏增加了主要功能,例如新关卡或角色。 这是确保游戏更新的方法。

首先,查看自动更新是否已打开 (First, See if Auto-Update is Turned On)

By default, the Nintendo Switch automatically checks for software updates when you are connected to the internet. If it finds an update, the system will download and install it. Because it’s possible to turn this feature off, here’s how to make sure Auto-Update is active.

默认情况下,当您连接到Internet时,Nintendo Switch会自动检查软件更新。 如果找到更新,系统将下载并安装它。 因为可以关闭此功能,所以这是确保自动更新处于活动状态的方法。

First, launch System Settings by selecting the gear icon on the Nintendo Switch Home screen.

首先,通过选择Nintendo Switch 主页屏幕上的齿轮图标来启动系统设置。

In the list on the left side of the screen, navigate down to System. Then scroll down the settings page until you locate the “Auto-Update Software” option. Toggle it to “On.”

在屏幕左侧的列表中,向下导航至“系统”。 然后向下滚动设置页面,直到找到“自动更新软件”选项。 将其切换为“开”。

There may be situations when you’d like to turn off Auto-Update—for example, you might need to save download bandwidth, preserve limited system storage, or avoid downloading an accidentally buggy game patch—but, in general, it’s a good idea for most people to keep this feature on.


If you prefer to keep the Auto-Update feature turned off (or if you don’t want to wait for Auto-Update to do its work), you can check for updates manually.


通过启动检查游戏更新 (Check for a Game Update By Launching It)

There are three ways to manually check for Nintendo Switch game updates. The first is to simply attempt to launch a game. If you are connected to the internet when you launch and there is an update available, an update message will pop up.

有三种方法可以手动检查Nintendo Switch游戏更新。 首先是简单地尝试启动游戏。 如果启动时已连接到Internet,并且有可用的更新,则会弹出更新消息。

Select “Download,” and the game update will download and install automatically.


When the download is complete, the game will launch. If you want to check other games, you can then return to the Home screen and attempt to launch those as well, but it may be quicker to use the second update method.

下载完成后,游戏将启动。 如果要检查其他游戏,则可以返回主屏幕并尝试启动这些游戏,但是使用第二种更新方法可能会更快。

从菜单手动检查游戏更新 (Manually Check for a Game Update From the Menu)

The second way to manually check for updates is through the Options menu. On the Home screen, position the selection cursor over the game you’d like to update.

手动检查更新的第二种方法是通过“选项”菜单。 在主屏幕上,将选择光标置于您要更新的游戏上。

Push the + (Plus) button, and the Software Options screen will pop up. Navigate to the “Software Update” section, then select “Via The Internet.”

按+(加号)按钮,将弹出“软件选项”屏幕。 导航到“软件更新”部分,然后选择“通过Internet”。

A message that says, “Checking For Updates” pops up. If there are no updates available, you will see a screen that says, “You are using the latest version of this software.”

弹出消息“检查更新”。 如果没有可用的更新,您将看到一个屏幕,显示“您正在使用该软件的最新版本。”

If there are updates available, the system will begin downloading the software.


Return to the Home screen. There, you can check the progress of the update download by watching the status bar at the bottom of the game’s icon.

返回主屏幕。 在这里,您可以通过观看游戏图标底部的状态栏来检查更新下载的进度。

When the update is complete, you’re free to start playing.


从另一个交换机更新游戏(不使用Internet) (Update Games From Another Switch (Without the Internet))

In System Software version 4.0.0, Nintendo introduced a third method to manually update games called “Match Version With Local Users.” This method makes sure that two or more people playing a game via local communications are all running the same version of the game.

在系统软件版本4.0.0中 ,任天堂引入了第三种手动更新游戏的方法,称为“与本地用户匹配版本”。 此方法可确保两个或多个通过本地通信玩游戏的人都在运行相同版本的游戏。

To do this, start at the Home screen and highlight the software you’d like to update. Press the + (Plus) button and the Options screen will appear. Navigate to “Software Update” and select “Match Version Wwith Local Users.”

为此,请从主屏幕开始,然后突出显示要更新的软件。 按+(加号)按钮,将出现“选项”屏幕。 导航到“软件更新”,然后选择“与本地用户匹配版本”。

You will see a screen that shows a cartoon of three people playing Switches. Select “Next.”

您将看到一个屏幕,显示三个人在玩Switch的动画片。 选择“下一步”。

On the following screen, someone in the group must select “Create Group.” Then other switch users in the group must go to the same screen in Options and choose “Join Group.”

在以下屏幕上,组中的某人必须选择“创建组”。 然后,该组中的其他切换用户必须转到“选项”中的同一屏幕,然后选择“加入组”。

Once everyone has joined the group, the group creator should select “Start Communication.”


If there is an update someone doesn’t have, that person’s game will be updated to match the latest version present in the group. Have fun playing!

如果有人没有更新,则该人的游戏将被更新以匹配组中存在的最新版本。 玩得开心!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672714/how-update-nintendo-switch-games/

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