
One of the Nintendo Switch’s little-known features is the ability to install a single copy of a digital game on multiple devices. Here’s how it works.

Nintendo Switch鲜为人知的功能之一就是能够在多个设备上安装数字游戏的单个副本。 运作方式如下。

什么是游戏共享? (What Is Game Sharing?)

Game sharing is a process that allows you to use a single digital copy of a game across multiple consoles, similar to how you’d share a physical copy of a game. This is especially useful for families with multiple consoles, or groups of friends that don’t want to pay for the same game repeatedly.

游戏共享是一个过程,它使您可以跨多个控制台使用游戏的单个数字副本,类似于共享游戏的物理副本的方式。 这对于拥有多个游戏机的家庭或不想重复为同一个游戏付费的朋友群特别有用。

All digital purchases on the Switch are linked to a Nintendo Account. To share games between two devices, you need a single Nintendo Account on both.

Switch上的所有数字购买都链接到Nintendo帐户。 要在两个设备之间共享游戏,两个设备上都需要一个Nintendo帐户。


When sharing games, each device is registered as either a primary console or a secondary console. The primary console has full online and offline access to all the titles linked to the eShop account. On the other hand, the account registered on the secondary console needs internet access to play.  Also, both Switches cannot play the same game at the same time with the same Nintendo Account.

共享游戏时,每个设备都注册为主要控制台或辅助控制台。 主控制台对链接到eShop帐户的所有标题具有完全的联机和脱机访问权限。 另一方面,在辅助控制台上注册的帐户需要Internet访问才能播放。 另外,两个Switch不能使用相同的Nintendo Account来同时玩同一游戏。

The process to do this surprisingly straightforward and involves a few simple steps on both devices.


交换机上的游戏共享 (Game Sharing on the Switch)

First, boot up the Switch with the games installed. From the Home screen, go to the Nintendo eShop by clicking the store button at the bottom, and select the account that has the games you want to share.

首先,在安装了游​​戏的情况下启动Switch。 在主屏幕中 ,通过单击底部的商店按钮转到Nintendo eShop,然后选择包含要共享游戏的帐户。

Next, click on your player icon on the upper right, and scroll down to the bottom of the page on the right side. There, you’ll see an option titled “Primary Console.” Select “Deregister,” which will turn the Switch into a secondary device. This setting can be changed later on.

接下来,点击右上角的播放器图标,然后向下滚动到右侧页面的底部。 在那里,您会看到一个名为“主控制台”的选项。 选择“取消注册”,这会将交换机变成辅助设备。 以后可以更改此设置。

On the second Nintendo Switch, log into the same Nintendo Account by going to System Settings > Add User. This device will now be registered as the Primary Console. After, simply redownload the title you’d like to save from the eShop.

在第二个Nintendo Switch上,进入“系统设置”>“添加用户”,登录到同一Nintendo帐户。 现在,该设备将被注册为主控制台。 之后,只需从eShop重新下载要保存的标题。

If you want to swap who the primary and secondary accounts are, simply deregister the Switch with the Primary Account. This will automatically change the permissions.

如果要交换主要帐户和辅助帐户的身份,只需在主要帐户中注销交换机即可。 这将自动更改权限。

游戏共享的利弊 (The Pros and Cons of Game Sharing)


The best part of this process is that you can save a lot of money. This is especially true for first-party Nintendo titles, which generally cost $60 each and are some of the most popular on the platform. Digital games often retail for cheaper because of frequent sales on the eShop.

此过程最好的部分是可以节省很多钱。 对于第一方的任天堂游戏而言尤其如此,后者通常每本售价60美元,并且是该平台上最受欢迎的游戏。 由于在eShop上的频繁销售,数字游戏通常以便宜的价格零售。

However, there are a few caveats to Switch game sharing. First, secondary consoles always need the internet to play. This is because Nintendo performs an online verification process when the software is launched to make sure the game is owned.

但是,切换游戏共享有一些注意事项。 首先,辅助控制台始终需要Internet才能播放。 这是因为任天堂在启动该软件以确保拥有该游戏时会执行在线验证过程。

Another thing to note is that both consoles cannot play the same game at the same time when they’re logged into a single account. However, this does not apply to a second Nintendo account. If you make another account on the secondary device and select it whenever you play, both devices can run the same game simultaneously. However, to play online multiplayer together, you need a second Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

要注意的另一件事是,当两个控制台登录到一个帐户时,它们不能同时玩同一游戏。 但是,这不适用于第二个任天堂帐户。 如果您在辅助设备上创建另一个帐户并在每次玩游戏时都选择了该帐户,则两个设备都可以同时运行同一游戏。 但是,要一起玩在线多人游戏,您需要第二个Nintendo Switch Online订阅 。

The last caveat is that this process does not work for local multiplayer gameplay. This is because playing locally involves turning off the Switch’s internet modem. You must either play online or play together on one console.

最后要注意的是,此过程不适用于本地多人游戏。 这是因为在本地播放涉及关闭Switch的Internet调制解调器。 您必须在线玩或在一个控制台上一起玩。


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