If your Nintendo Switch is running low on internal system storage, you can easily move games you’ve already downloaded from the Nintendo eShop to a microSD card without having to download them again. Here’s how to do it.

如果您的Nintendo Switch内部系统存储空间不足,则可以轻松地将已经从Nintendo eShop下载的游戏移至microSD卡,而无需再次下载。 这是操作方法。

要求与例外 (Requirements and Exceptions)

With Switch system software version 10.0.0 or later, Nintendo allows you to move software from internal System Memory to a microSD card inserted into the Switch (and vice versa). This method only works for games that have been downloaded from the Nintendo eShop. Software stored on Game Cards cannot be moved to microSD storage.

使用Switch系统软件版本10.0.0或更高版本,Nintendo允许您将软件从内部系统内存移动到插入Switch的microSD卡中(反之亦然)。 此方法仅适用于从Nintendo eShop下载的游戏。 游戏卡上存储的软件无法移至microSD存储。

Nintendo also lists the following caveats in System Setup during the copy process:


  • You cannot move software or data while it is being played or downloaded.在播放或下载软件或数据时,无法移动它们。
  • Save data and some update data cannot be moved.保存数据和某些更新数据无法移动。
  • When software has been updated, some data may be stored outside the move destination.更新软件后,某些数据可能会存储在移动目的地之外。

如何将切换游戏从系统内存复制到microSD卡 (How to Copy a Switch Game from System Memory to microSD Card)

First, launch System Settings by tapping on the gear icon on the Switch home screen.


Navigate to Data Management, then select “Move Data Between System / microSD Card.”

导航到“数据管理”,然后选择“在系统/ microSD卡之间移动数据”。

In the “Move Data Between System / microSD Card” screen, select “Move to microSD Card.”

在“在系统/ microSD卡之间移动数据”屏幕中,选择“在microSD卡上移动数据”。

You will be presented with a list of games stored in System Memory that can be moved to the microSD card. Scroll through the list and select the game (or games) you’d like to move using the blue checkboxes beside them. You can move more than one game at a time if you have enough free space on your microSD card.

系统将为您提供存储在系统内存中的游戏列表,可以将其移至microSD卡。 滚动列表,然后使用旁边的蓝色复选框选择要移动的游戏。 如果您的microSD卡上有足够的可用空间,则一次可以移动多个游戏。

When you’re ready, select the “Move Data” button.


System Settings will ask you for confirmation that you want to move the game(s) you selected. Select “Move.”

系统设置将要求您确认是否要移动所选的游戏。 选择“移动”。

You will see a progress indicator as the software is copied to the microSD card.


When the process is complete, you will see a “Data move complete” message.


Then you can exit System Settings and use the Switch as usual. Happy gaming!

然后,您可以退出系统设置并照常使用开关。 祝您游戏愉快!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668111/how-to-move-downloaded-nintendo-switch-games-to-microsd-card/

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