
If I have three columns:

orderNumber, name, email

and I would like to count how many unique emails are in the table how would I go about doing so?

A statement like:

SELECT count(email) FROM orders

gives me the total count.

I tried SELECT DISTINCT count(email) FROM orders

but that does not seem to be giving me the numbers I am expecting.



SELECT count( DISTINCT(email) ) FROM orders

Distinct provide unique email ids and then simply count them.


SELECT count(DISTINCT(email)) FROM orders

its different from your posting, since its filters out the duplicates before counting it


For best performance you should use:



count(1) as 'count_unique'


(SELECT email FROM orders GROUP by email) sub


The accepted soultion doesn't work for me - it returns a "1" for each unique email address in the table.

This is what I had to do to get the info I needed:

select email, count(email) AS total from sysAccessLog group by email order by total desc

Which returns a list of email addresses and the number of occurrences.


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