An atm can only dispense values of $1, $5, $20, and $50. Return the number 
of unique ways that a $ amount of X can be tendered.
($1, $5) is distinct from ($5, $1)

Input: 4 Output: 1
Input: 6 Output: 3
Input: 100 Output: 954515231698

这题和Coin Change很像,只不过这题需要考虑顺序的问题。



public int atm(int x) {if (x <= 0)return x == 0 ? 1 : 0;return atm(x - 1) + atm(x - 5) + atm(x - 20) + atm(x - 100);



public long tellMoneyCombinations(int money) {long[] f = new long[money+1];f[0] = 1;for(int i=1; i<=money; i++) {f[i] = f[i-1];if(i>=5) f[i]+=f[i-5];if(i>=20) f[i]+=f[i-20];if(i>=50) f[i]+=f[i-50];}return f[money];

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