全球 化 化

重点 (Top highlight)

Designing for a global audience can feel daunting. Do you localize your product? Or, do you internationalize your product? And what does that even entail?

为全球观众设计可能会令人生畏。 您是否将产品本地化? 还是您将产品国际化? 那甚至意味着什么?

Let’s demystify localization (L10n) and internationalization (I18n) to understand how designers might leverage both approaches to create truly global products.


Simply put, localization is translation plus cultural adaptation. International users are sensitive to cultural differences and are likely to distrust or overlook a product that poorly adapts to their market.

简而言之,本地化是翻译加上文化适应。 国际用户对文化差异很敏感,可能会不信任或忽视适应其市场的产品。

Internationalization is about building features and experiences to programmatically adapt to the localized content and local market. If you aren’t coding and testing for internationalization, you risk giving your users a broken experience (E.g. the product may not be able to process payment correctly if the number format is not adapted to the country).

国际化是关于构建功能和体验以编程方式适应本地化内容和本地市场。 如果您不进行国际化编码和测试,则可能会给用户带来糟糕的体验(例如,如果数字格式不适合该国家/地区,则该产品可能无法正确处理付款)。

Here are some examples of how a designer might use these different approaches.


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So which approach is the correct one for designers? Localization, internationalization, or a combination of both?

那么对于设计师来说哪种方法是正确的呢? 本地化,国际化,还是两者结合?

Globalization (G11n) is the combination of localization and internationalization and it’s the proper approach for designing for a global audience.


SurveyMonkey如何应对全球化? (How does SurveyMonkey tackle Globalization?)

At SurveyMonkey we believe a truly global-ready product is one that has been internationalized by engineers and designers, and properly localized by qualified linguists.


We practice a simple schedule of continuous localization: translation happens every day and we edit Monday through Thursday. Translators, Lead Linguists, and Linguist Quality Assurance Specialists work directly via our Translation Management System (TMS) platform, and we do this across 15 locales.

我们制定了一个简单的连续本地化时间表:翻译每天进行,我们在周一至周四进行编辑。 翻译人员,首席语言学家和语言学家质量保证专家直接通过我们的翻译管理系统 (TMS)平台工作,我们在15个地区中进行此项工作。

Additionally, designers and developers follow global-ready design practices. If you are designing for a global audience, you might want to consider implementing these 5 steps into your workflow.

此外,设计师和开发人员遵循全球就绪的设计惯例。 如果您是为全球受众设计的,则可能需要考虑在工作流程中实施这5个步骤。

1.留出较长的语言空间 (1. Allow Space for Longer Languages)

English is a compact language (usually shorter than most latin-based languages). Designers should design for all languages upfront by allowing space for longer languages to expand. Here’s a simple rule of thumb: For less than 10 characters in English, allow up to a 300% expansion for other languages (I.e. Design for 30 characters).

英语是一种简洁的语言(通常比大多数基于拉丁语的语言要短)。 设计师应通过为更长的语言留出空间来预先设计所有语言。 这是一条简单的经验法则:如果英文字符少于10个,则其他语言最多可扩展300%(即30个字符的设计)。

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2.仔细平衡图形与文本 (2. Carefully Balance Graphics with Text)

Graphics that have embedded English text in them can’t be translated, so creating a graphic without any text makes it applicable to any language.


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Don’t go overboard. While removing all text sounds easy, sometimes taking out too much information makes the images hard to understand.

不要太过分。 尽管删除所有文本听起来很容易,但有时会花费太多信息,使图像难以理解。

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3.注意字体和格式 (3. Mind Your Fonts & Formatting)

Fonts do make a difference, especially for Asian languages. Anything under .50em (8pts) is very difficult to read in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

字体确实有所作为,特别是对于亚洲语言。 0.5em(8分)以下的任何内容都很难用中文,日文和韩文阅读。

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Additionally, don’t force capitalization or bold formats. Instead, work with your developer to put uppercase/bold/italic styling in the string itself and not the CSS template. This allows translators to apply formatting within the string based on the style rules of their unique language.

此外,请勿强行使用大写或粗体格式。 而是与您的开发人员合作,将大写/粗体/斜体样式放置在字符串本身而不是CSS模板中。 这使翻译人员可以根据其独特语言的样式规则在字符串中应用格式。

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In screenshot above, all table column headers have been capitalized in the source code making it impossible for linguists to follow the proper capitalization rules in German.


4.设计日期/时间格式的差异 (4. Design for Differences in Date/Time Formats)

Most countries outside the USA use the 24-hour clock for displaying time and order months, days, and year differently. Instead of depending on translators to adjust these according to their language, consider having your developers implement calendar features using existing international libraries to automatically render the correct layout for each language.

美国以外的大多数国家/地区都使用24小时制来不同地显示时间和订单的月,日和年。 不要让翻译人员根据他们的语言来调整它们,而是考虑让开发人员使用现有的国际库来实现日历功能,以自动为每种语言呈现正确的布局。

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Fun fact: Not all dates are equal when it comes to a product launch. Which day is considered bad luck in Italy?

有趣的事实:关于产品发布,并非所有日期都相同。 在意大利哪一天算是运气不好?

A) Friday the 17th


B) Friday the 13th


C) Friday the 7th


The answer is Friday the 17th!


This is an example of why it is important to get feedback from local office team members, users, and linguists working in-country. It helps you avoid the embarrassment of launching your product on this day in Italy.

这是为什么从本地工作团队,用户和语言学家那里获得反馈很重要的示例。 它可以帮助您避免在意大利这一天发布产品的尴尬。

5.考虑文化敏感性 (5. Consider Cultural Sensitivities)

Using the same models for all regions could make local users feel less connected with your content. Make sure to use diverse people in accordance with the region. Use culturally relevant images when possible or neutral images when necessary.

在所有地区使用相同的模型可能会使本地用户感觉与您的内容的联系减少。 确保根据地区使用不同的人。 尽可能使用与文化相关的图像,必要时使用中性图像。

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Another example where culturally relevant images are being used appropriately according to the target audience is shown below.


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Besides imagery, color plays a factor as well. Enabling color adaptation can make an impact when reaching out to global audiences. For example, do you know what the color red means in China?

除了图像之外,颜色也是一个因素。 启用色彩适应功能可以影响到全球观众。 例如,您知道红色在中国意味着什么吗?

A) Peace and love


B) Danger


C) Good luck and happiness


If you guessed ‘C,’ you are correct! Unlike in the United States, where the correct answer would be ‘B.’

如果您猜到“ C”,那么您是正确的! 与美国不同,正确答案是“ B”。

最后几点提示 (A few final tips)

At SurveyMonkey, our designers use a Sketch plug-in that helps them preview layouts in several languages. The plug-in leverages existing translations and uses machine translation (MT) to simulate completely translated designs. Designers can catch text truncation, overlapping, and other user interface issues before all layouts are finalized.

在SurveyMonkey,我们的设计师使用了一个Sketch插件,可以帮助他们预览几种语言的布局。 该插件利用现有翻译,并使用机器翻译(MT)来模拟完全翻译的设计。 在完成所有布局之前,设计人员可以解决文本截断,重叠和其他用户界面问题。

If you have a localization team, involve them in early design iterations. If you don’t have localization experts on your team, be sure to test your designs in German and Japanese before you start development. This will help you visualize your layout with text length that is much longer and shorter than English, as well as avoid a few headaches downstream.

如果您有本地化团队,请让他们参与早期的设计迭代。 如果您的团队中没有本地化专家,请确保在开始开发之前以德语和日语测试您的设计。 这将帮助您使用比英语长得多和短得多的文本长度来可视化您的布局,并避免在下游出现一些麻烦。

And always remember: languages are different, design for flexibility!


翻译自: https://medium.com/curiosity-by-design/designing-for-globalization-572bc7d73af4

全球 化 化



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