What if a type is created solely from the bit-representation of characters?


This question was the basis of creating this experimental type. The type no longer uses familiar characters. ‘A’ looks like colon ‘:’ and that makes no sense. Except, it does. Each character uses its bit-representation as the raw information to construct its symbol. Obviously, this is not meant for use in the general sense. This is an exploration pursued merely seeing how a type or information would look like with a type with no familiar symbols. I also wanted to create what can be the simplest type in terms of visual information carried by each character to display.

这个问题是创建这种实验类型的基础。 该类型不再使用熟悉的字符。 “ A”看起来像冒号“:”,这没有任何意义。 除了,确实如此。 每个字符都使用其位表示作为原始信息来构造其符号。 显然,这并不是一般意义上的使用。 这只是在没有熟悉符号的情况下查看类型或信息的外观而进行的探索。 我还想创建一个可以显示每个角色所携带的视觉信息的最简单的类型。

So it’s called RawCode, for as it is itself. It is based on ISO-8859–1 (Latin1) character encoding and has 256 unique characters. Control characters also have symbols. RawCode is set as mono-spaced if that matters. Maybe for the sake of simplifying the job for the OCR.

因此它被称为RawCode,因为它本身就是它。 它基于ISO-8859–1(Latin1)字符编码,并且具有256个唯一字符。 控制字符也有符号。 如果重要的话,将RawCode设置为等距。 也许是为了简化OCR的工作。


The construction is super simple. Each pair from 8-bits are stacked vertically. The resultant information is colored black or white based on the bit’s state, and the character is constructed. See the below graphic to get an idea of this construction. Similarly, all 256 characters are constructed.

施工非常简单。 每对8位垂直排列。 根据位的状态,结果信息将显示为黑色或白色,并构造了字符。 请参阅下图以了解这种构造。 同样,将构造所有256个字符。

How are characters constructed from their 8-bit representation?

I hope you have liked this. But now, on a more serious note, I stumbled on this idea when studying data compression long ago. A dictionary while data decompression may be analogous to vector data to render the character. And more big the dictionary is or complex the vector drawing, longer it will take to render on the screen. While it may not be significant from the point of modern display systems but it is still valid in theory. Besides, such studies can be useful in Visual Cryptography.

我希望你喜欢这个。 但是现在,更严肃地说,我很久以前在研究数据压缩时偶然发现了这个想法。 数据解压缩时的字典可能类似于矢量数据以呈现字符。 字典越大或矢量绘图越复杂,则在屏幕上渲染所需的时间就越长。 尽管从现代显示系统的角度来看可能并不重要,但从理论上讲它仍然有效。 此外,这样的研究在视觉密码学中可能是有用的。

That’s all about this useless type. Available under SIL Open Font License 1.1 I’m not sure what you will use it for, but feel free to study/remix/use in any way. Share your work using RawCode with me @0xf17 or @mathscapes on Twitter. Font can be downloaded from the above link.

这就是所有无用的类型。 根据SIL Open Font License 1.1可用,我不确定您将使用它什么,但是随时可以以任何方式学习/混合/使用。 在Twitter上与我@ 0xf17或@mathscapes共享使用RawCode的工作。 字体可以从上面的链接下载。

翻译自: https://medium.com/mathscapes/rawcode-an-experimental-8-bit-type-that-is-itself-8a27b20eed0e



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