android 辅助功能

Accessibility may be more than a moral imperative to ensure products are inclusive of more people who already experience barriers in daily life — it has a very practical outcome, benefiting everyone including the person with the disability. Or it may be the law depending on where you live. Regardless, it’s worthwhile to dig deeper and learn about the variety in how others may experience the world.

无障碍获取可能不仅仅是道德上的当务之急,要确保产品包括更多已经在日常生活中遇到障碍的人们,这是非常实际的结果,使包括残疾人在内的所有人受益。 或者可能是法律,具体取决于您居住的地方。 无论如何,值得深入研究并了解其他人如何体验世界的多样性。

According to the World Health Organization, disability can be related to:

根据世界卫生组织 ,残疾可能与以下方面有关:

1. Impairment — in a person’s body structure or function, or mental functioning; examples of impairments include loss of a limb, loss of vision or memory loss.

1.障碍-人的身体结构或功能或精神机能; 障碍的例子包括肢体丧失,视力丧失或记忆力丧失。

2. Activity limitation — such as difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, or problem solving.


3. Participation restrictions — in normal daily activities, such as working, engaging in social and recreational activities, and obtaining health care and preventive services.


As designers, we often have full control over creating the visual assets and elements for the user experience. That gives us responsibility for picking what content to highlight and how to help the content get seen, as well as working with developers to implement ways that enable as many people as possible to use the Web or other digital experiences.We have the opportunity to use technology to give people superpowers and it can be an incredible tool to help people thrive and access importance resources.

作为设计师,我们经常完全控制创建视觉资产和元素以提供用户体验。 这使我们有责任选择突出显示的内容以及如何帮助查看内容,并与开发人员一起实施实现使尽可能多的人使用Web或其他数字体验的方式。我们有机会使用赋予人们超能力的技术,它可以成为帮助人们蓬勃发展并获得重要资源的绝佳工具。

Here’s some tips and resources to help you consider ways to ensure your design is accessible where possible— even if you feel time-crunched. For a summary of the latest guidance at a glance, check out the Web Content Accessibility site.

这里有一些技巧和资源,可帮助您考虑一些方法,以确保在可能的情况下也可访问您的设计,即使您感到时间紧迫。 有关最新指南的概述,请访问Web Content Accessibility网站。

1.传达的信息不仅限于色彩 (1. Convey information with more than color alone)

There’s a few ways to add contrast between two visual elements:


  • Shape形状
  • Size尺寸
  • Color颜色
  • Position/Orientation位置/方向

A good rule of thumb is to make sure you are changing more than just one of the elements (shape, color, size, position/orientation) to ensure enough contrast for a state change.


My thought on this guidance is that it is meant to push designers to avoid using thin fonts or subtle colors for conveying information which are hard to see, sometimes subtle changes can be overlooked. At the end of the day, consider this within the context of the workflow for the user.

我对本指南的想法是,它旨在促使设计人员避免使用细字体或微妙的颜色来传达难以看清的信息,有时细微的变化可能会被忽略。 最终,请在用户工作流的上下文中考虑这一点。

For example, if not seeing a state change could results in frequent or harmful errors, perhaps a warning label needs to be more prominent not just for meeting a color contrast ratio but to prevent errors as a general design principle.


Tip: Using greyscale mode is a quick way to bypass checking color contrast in a rush. If different states can be perceived in greyscale, it is likely ok for the most common types of color blindness as well.

提示:使用灰度模式是绕过匆忙检查颜色对比度的快速方法。 如果可以用灰度感知不同的状态,则对于最常见的色盲类型也可能没问题。

Robert Bye罗伯特·拜

2.假设条件不理想 (2. Assume less than ideal conditions)

There’s something about seeing the design live in the real world vs. a shiny computer screen that surfaces the variety of conditions people experience digital products. In the real world, various lighting conditions, older devices, or slower connection speeds, all of which impact the experience.

相对于一个闪亮的计算机屏幕,它可以看到人们在数字产品中所经历的各种条件,而在现实世界中可以看到设计的真something。 在现实世界中,各种照明条件,较旧的设备或较慢的连接速度都会影响体验。

Compounding this reality with the barriers of disability (where each have additional nuanced needs) means that providing alternatives ways to use and experience a product is necessary for good design. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of some examples:

将这一现实与残疾障碍(每个人都有额外的细微需求)加在一起,意味着对于良好的设计,必须提供替代的方式来使用和体验产品。 以下是一些示例的非详尽列表:

  • Hearing → closed captions, voice is not the only input method听力→隐藏字幕,语音不是唯一的输入方法
  • Low vision → actions can be reached with keyboard, meaningful text alternatives for images视力低下→可以通过键盘实现有意义的操作,图像可以替代有意义的文本
  • Physical → click targets meet device guidance, voice as an input method身体→点击目标符合设备指导,语音作为输入方法
  • Color blindness → conveying information with more than color alone色盲→传达的信息不仅仅是单独的颜色
  • Cognitive → icons with text label认知→带有文本标签的图标
  • Photosensitivity → avoid flashing bright colors, rapid flashes or excessive motion光敏性→避免闪烁鲜艳的色彩,快速闪烁或过度运动

Note: It’s important for designers to collaborate with developers to ensure focus order (such as for keyboard/other forms of input) are logical and prioritized so the most important actions are surfaced.


3.不要忽视内容理解 (3. Don’t overlook content comprehension)

Vision or hearing impairment may be the more well known disabilities for designers but understandability of written content is often overlooked. Is the content readable for someone with a lower reading ability? Is there enough time to read an explanation of a complex topic? Consider making your content is as simple and clear as possible, with visually distinct links.

视力或听力障碍可能是设计师更为熟知的障碍,但是书面内容的可理解性常常被忽略。 阅读能力较低的人可以阅读内容吗? 有足够的时间阅读有关复杂主题的说明吗? 考虑通过视觉上不同的链接使内容尽可能简单明了。

资源资源 (Resources)

  • Accessibility Masterlistfor aligning feature/approach with corresponding disability

    可访问性主列表 - 用于使功能/方法与相应的残疾保持一致

  • WebAIM Contrast Checkerfor type or graphical elements


  • Subtleties of Colorinformative introduction to color theory

    色彩的微妙之处 - 色彩理论的介绍

  • Viz Palette for Data Visualization Colorrules for color usage in data visualization


  • Funkify (Chrome)browser plugin disability simulator

    Funkify(Chrome) - 浏览器插件残障模拟器

  • Colorblind mode (Windows)Settings > Color Filters, to preview different color blindness types or greyscale

    色盲模式 (Windows) - 设置>滤色器,可预览不同的色盲类型或灰度

  • AbleFigma plugin to compare color contrast and color blindness


  • Focus OrdererFigma plugin to annotate your designs’ focus / tab order flow for keyboard and other input devices


  • Photoshop/Illustrator Color-Blindness previews — View > Proof Setup > Color Blindness

    Photoshop / Illustrator色盲预览 —视图>校样设置>色盲

  • Inclusive DesignMicrosoft’s design toolkit for learning from diversity and building more universal solutions

    包容性设计 -Microsoft的设计工具包,可从多样性中学习并构建更通用的解决方案

屏幕阅读器 (Screen readers)

  • Narrator (Windows)

    讲述人 (Windows)

  • JAWS (Windows)


  • NVDA (Windows)

    NVDA (Windows)

  • VoiceOver (iOS)

    VoiceOver (iOS)

  • TalkBack (Android)

    话语提示 (Android)

数据可视化 (Data Viz)

  • Viz Palette — color palette for data viz

    Viz调色板 -数据 Viz的调色板

  • Color Scale Helpergenerate even color scales for data viz

    色阶助手 - 为数据生成均匀的色阶

  • i want huetool for picking optimally distinct color palette

    我要色相 - 选择最佳色彩调色板的工具

  • ColorBreweroriginally developed for cartographers creating maps

    ColorBrewer- 最初是为制图师创建地图而开发的

Adobe Color CCAdobe彩色CC

调色板生成器 (Color palette generators)

  • Adobe Color CCaccessible color palette

    Adobe Color CC- 可访问的调色板

  • Fluent UI Theme designer


  • Color Tool — Material Design color tool while measuring accessibility

    色彩工具 -测量辅助功能时的Material Design色彩工具


android 辅助功能


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  • matplotlib可视化_EDA:Geopandas,Matplotlib和Bokeh中的可视化
  • 笔记本移交_创建完美的设计移交
  • 一个好的设计师_是什么让一个好的设计师
  • ux和ui_首先要做的— UX / UI案例研究
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