Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data


Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).



而在处理彩色图像时则不会,而是将浮点值变换至[0,1],整数值变换到[0, 255]范围


def slic_image(image_path, block_number, compactness, sigma):image = cv2.imread(image_path)image_depth = image.shape[2]if image_depth == 3:image_r, image_g, image_b = cv2.split(image)image_r = image_r.astype('float32')image_g = image_g.astype('float32')image_b = image_b.astype('float32')syn_image_g = syn_single_channel_image(sig_channel_image=image_g, channel_name="g")plt.imshow(syn_image_g) syn_single_channel_image(sig_channel_image, channel_name,):image_height = sig_channel_image.shape[0]image_width = sig_channel_image.shape[1]b = np.empty(shape=(image_height, image_width), dtype="float32")g = np.empty(shape=(image_height, image_width), dtype="float32")r = np.empty(shape=(image_height, image_width), dtype="float32")b[:][:] = 0g[:][:] = 0r[:][:] = 0synthesis = [r, g, b]if channel_name == 'r':synthesis = [sig_channel_image, g, b]elif channel_name == 'g':synthesis = [r, sig_channel_image, r]elif channel_name == 'b':synthesis = [r, g, sig_channel_image]synthesis_image = cv2.merge(synthesis)return synthesis_imageslic_image(image_path='test.png', block_number=30, compactness=10, sigma=5)


这里我将抽取出的每个通道的信息都转为float32,原目的的为了更好的保留图像的信息(后来发现使用cv2.imread( )函数读取的图像,其像素值类型本就为uint8,完全没有必要这么做)

最后合成的结果自然是三个通道的数据类型全部是float32,在调用plt.imshow( )函数的时候全被调整到了[0, 1]范围内,最后导致生成了几乎全是绿色的图像:

​ 原图与合成图像的显示对比


​ 最终我将数组中的数据类型全部定义为uint8,这样就正常了。



Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).



而在处理彩色图像时则不会,而是将浮点值变换至[0,1],整数值变换到[0, 255]范围


def slic_image(image_path, block_number, compactness, sigma):image = cv2.imread(image_path)image_depth = image.shape[2]if image_depth == 3:image_r, image_g, image_b = cv2.split(image)image_r = image_r.astype('float32')image_g = image_g.astype('float32')image_b = image_b.astype('float32')syn_image_g = syn_single_channel_image(sig_channel_image=image_g, channel_name="g")plt.imshow(syn_image_g) syn_single_channel_image(sig_channel_image, channel_name,):image_height = sig_channel_image.shape[0]image_width = sig_channel_image.shape[1]b = np.empty(shape=(image_height, image_width), dtype="float32")g = np.empty(shape=(image_height, image_width), dtype="float32")r = np.empty(shape=(image_height, image_width), dtype="float32")b[:][:] = 0g[:][:] = 0r[:][:] = 0synthesis = [r, g, b]if channel_name == 'r':synthesis = [sig_channel_image, g, b]elif channel_name == 'g':synthesis = [r, sig_channel_image, r]elif channel_name == 'b':synthesis = [r, g, sig_channel_image]synthesis_image = cv2.merge(synthesis)return synthesis_imageslic_image(image_path='test.png', block_number=30, compactness=10, sigma=5)


这里我将抽取出的每个通道的信息都转为float32,原目的的为了更好的保留图像的信息(后来发现使用cv2.imread( )函数读取的图像,其像素值类型本就为uint8,完全没有必要这么做)

最后合成的结果自然是三个通道的数据类型全部是float32,在调用plt.imshow( )函数的时候全被调整到了[0, 1]范围内,最后导致生成了几乎全是绿色的图像:

​ 原图与合成图像的显示对比


​ 最终我将数组中的数据类型全部定义为uint8,这样就正常了。


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