
策略出处: https://www.botvs.com/strategy/24288

策略名称: python版CTP商品期货交易类库

策略作者: 小小梦



参数 默认值 描述

--------- ----- ----

SlideTick true 滑价

Interval 500 轮询间隔


import json # json 模块

import types # 类型 模块

import platform # 版本信息

# str() : ASCII and UTF-8

import sys

import time



versionMainValue = None # 记录python 版本信息

isFirstCheck = True # 记录 是否是第一次检查

def CheckVersion(): # 检查python 版本

global versionMainValue,isFirstCheck

if(isFirstCheck == True):

platformInfo = platform.python_version()

if platformInfo[0] == '2':

Log("您使用的托管者 python编译环境的python版本是",platformInfo)

versionMainValue = 2

elif platformInfo[0] == '3':

Log("您使用的托管者 python编译环境的python版本是",platformInfo)

versionMainValue = 3



isFirstCheck = False

def typeOfstr(str):

if str == "list":

if versionMainValue == 2:

return types.ListType

elif versionMainValue == 3:

return list

elif str == "int":

if versionMainValue == 2:

return types.IntType

elif versionMainValue == 3:

return int

elif str == "float":

if versionMainValue == 2:

return types.FloatType

elif versionMainValue == 3:

return float


Log("error , typeOfstr used false")

def init():

if not 'SlideTick' in locals().keys():

SlideTick = 1


SlideTick = int(SlideTick)

CheckVersion() # 检查python 版本

if IsVirtual():

exchange.GetRawJSON = VGetRawJSON



def GetPosition(e, contractType, direction, positions = None):

allCost = 0

allAmount = 0

allProfit = 0

allFrozen = 0

posMargin = 0

if (not positions in dir()) or (not positions):

positions = _C(e.GetPosition)

for i in range(len(positions)):

if (positions[i]['ContractType'] == contractType and (((positions[i]['Type'] == PD_LONG or positions[i]['Type'] == PD_LONG_YD) and direction == PD_LONG) or ((positions[i]['Type'] == PD_SHORT or positions[i]['Type'] == PD_SHORT_YD) and direction == PD_SHORT))):

posMargin = positions[i]['MarginLevel']

allCost += positions[i]['Price'] * positions[i]['Amount']

allAmount += positions[i]['Amount']

allProfit += positions[i]['Profit']

allFrozen += positions[i]['FrozenAmount']

if allAmount == 0:


return {

"MarginLevel": posMargin,

"FrozenAmount": allFrozen,

"Price": _N(allCost / allAmount),

"Amount": allAmount,

"Profit": allProfit,

"Type": direction,

"ContractType": contractType


def Open(e, contractType, direction, opAmount):

initPosition = GetPosition(e, contractType, direction)

isFirst = True

initAmount = initPosition['Amount'] if initPosition else 0

positionNow = initPosition

while True:

needOpen = opAmount

if isFirst:

isFirst = False


positionNow = GetPosition(e, contractType, direction)

if positionNow:

needOpen = opAmount - (positionNow['Amount'] - initAmount)

insDetail = _C(e.SetContractType, contractType)

if needOpen < insDetail['MinLimitOrderVolume']:


depth = _C(e.GetDepth)

amount = min(insDetail['MinLimitOrderVolume'], needOpen)

e.SetDirection("buy" if direction == PD_LONG else "sell")

orderId = None

if direction == PD_LONG:

orderId = e.Buy(depth['Asks'][0]['Price'] + (insDetail['PriceTick'] * SlideTick), min(amount, depth['Asks'][0]['Amount']), contractType, 'Ask', depth['Asks'][0])


orderId = e.Sell(depth['Bids'][0]['Price'] - (insDetail['PriceTick'] * SlideTick), min(amount, depth['Bids'][0]['Amount']), contractType, 'Bid', depth['Bids'][0])

# CancelPendingOrders

while True:


orders = _C(e.GetOrders)

if len(orders) == 0:


for j in range(len(orders)):


if j < (len(orders) - 1):


ret = {

"price": 0,

"amount": 0,

"position": positionNow


if positionNow is None:

return ret

if initPosition is None:

ret['price'] = positionNow['Price']

ret['amount'] = positionNow['Amount']


ret['amount'] = positionNow['Amount'] - initPosition['Amount']

ret['price'] = _N(((positionNow['Price'] * positionNow['Amount']) - (initPosition['Price'] * initPosition['Amount'])) / ret['amount'])

return ret

def Cover(e, contractType):

insDetail = _C(e.SetContractType, contractType)

while True:

n = 0

positions = _C(e.GetPosition)

for i in range(len(positions)):

if positions[i]['ContractType'] != contractType:


amount = min(insDetail['MaxLimitOrderVolume'], positions[i]['Amount'])

depth = None

if (positions[i]['Type'] == PD_LONG) or (positions[i]['Type'] == PD_LONG_YD):

depth = _C(e.GetDepth)

e.SetDirection("closebuy_today" if positions[i]['Type'] == PD_LONG else "closebuy")

e.Sell(depth['Bids'][0]['Price'] - (insDetail['PriceTick'] * SlideTick), min(amount, depth['Bids'][0]['Amount']), contractType, "平今" if positions[i]['Type'] == PD_LONG else "平昨", 'Bid', depth['Bids'][0])

n += 1

elif (positions[i]['Type'] == PD_SHORT) or (positions[i]['Type'] == PD_SHORT_YD):

depth = _C(e.GetDepth)

e.SetDirection("closesell_today" if positions[i]['Type'] == PD_SHORT else "closesell")

e.Buy(depth['Asks'][0]['Price'] + (insDetail['PriceTick'] * SlideTick), min(amount, depth['Asks'][0]['Amount']), contractType, "平今" if positions[i]['Type'] == PD_SHORT else "平昨", 'Asks', depth['Asks'][0])

n += 1

if n == 0:


while True:


orders = _C(e.GetOrders)

if len(orders) == 0:


for j in range(len(orders)):


if j < (len(orders) - 1):


trans = {

"AccountID": "投资者帐号",

"Available": "可用资金",

"Balance": "期货结算准备金",

"BrokerID": "经纪公司代码",

"CashIn": "资金差额",

"CloseProfit": "平仓盈亏",

"Commission": "手续费",

"Credit": "信用额度",

"CurrMargin": "当前保证金总额",

"CurrencyID": "币种代码",

"DeliveryMargin": "投资者交割保证金",

"Deposit": "入金金额",

"ExchangeDeliveryMargin": "交易所交割保证金",

"ExchangeMargin": "交易所保证金",

"FrozenCash": "冻结的资金",

"FrozenCommission": "冻结的手续费",

"FrozenMargin": "冻结的保证金",

"FundMortgageAvailable": "货币质押余额",

"FundMortgageIn": "货币质入金额",

"FundMortgageOut": "货币质出金额",

"Interest": "利息收入",

"InterestBase": "利息基数",

"Mortgage": "质押金额",

"MortgageableFund": "可质押货币金额",

"PositionProfit": "持仓盈亏",

"PreBalance": "上次结算准备金",

"PreCredit": "上次信用额度",

"PreDeposit": "上次存款额",

"PreFundMortgageIn": "上次货币质入金额",

"PreFundMortgageOut": "上次货币质出金额",

"PreMargin": "上次占用的保证金",

"PreMortgage": "上次质押金额",

"Reserve": "基本准备金",

"ReserveBalance": "保底期货结算准备金",

"SettlementID": "结算编号",

"SpecProductCloseProfit": "特殊产品持仓盈亏",

"SpecProductCommission": "特殊产品手续费",

"SpecProductExchangeMargin": "特殊产品交易所保证金",

"SpecProductFrozenCommission": "特殊产品冻结手续费",

"SpecProductFrozenMargin": "特殊产品冻结保证金",

"SpecProductMargin": "特殊产品占用保证金",

"SpecProductPositionProfit": "特殊产品持仓盈亏",

"SpecProductPositionProfitByAlg": "根据持仓盈亏算法计算的特殊产品持仓盈亏",

"TradingDay": "交易日",

"Withdraw": "出金金额",

"WithdrawQuota": "可取资金",


def AccountToTable(Str, title = '账户的信息'):

global trans

if (not title in dir()) or (not title):

title = '账户信息'

tbl = {'type': "table", 'title': title, 'cols': ["字段", "描述", "值"], 'rows': []}


fields = json.loads(Str)

for k in fields:

if k == 'AccountID' or k == 'BrokerID':


if k not in trans:

desc = '--'


desc = trans[k]

# Log(k not in trans) # ceshi

v = fields[k]

if type(v) == typeOfstr('int') or type(v) == typeOfstr('float'):

v = _N(v, 5)

tbl['rows'].append([k, desc, v])

except BaseException, e:

Log("异常信息:", e)

return tbl

# NewTaskQueue 类

class NewTaskQueue:


NewTaskQueueCount = 0

def __init__(self, onTaskFinish = None):

self.ERR_SUCCESS = 0




self.ERR_GET_POS = 4

self.ERR_TRADE = 5

self.ERR_GET_DEPTH = 6


self.ERR_BUSY = 8

self.onTaskFinish = None if onTaskFinish is None else onTaskFinish

self.retryInterval = 300

self.tasks = []

def pushTask(self, e, symbol, action, amount, onFinish):

task = {

"e" : e,

"action" : action,

"symbol" : symbol,

"amount" : amount,

"init" : False,

"finished" : False,

"dealAmount" : 0,

"preAmount" : 0,

"preCost" : 0,

"retry" : 0,

"maxRetry" : 10,

"onFinish" : onFinish,

"desc" : ""


# 暂时不用字典映射

if task["action"] == "buy":

task["desc"] = task["symbol"] + " 开多仓,数量" + str(task["amount"])

elif task["action"] == "sell":

task["desc"] = task["symbol"] + " 开空仓,数量" + str(task["amount"])

elif task["action"] == "closebuy":

task["desc"] = task["symbol"] + " 平多仓,数量" + str(task["amount"])

elif task["action"] == "closesell":

task["desc"] = task["symbol"] + " 平空仓,数量" + str(task["amount"])


task["desc"] = task["symbol"] + " " + task["action"] + ", 数量 " + str(task["amount"])


Log("接收到任务", task["desc"])

def cancelAll(self, e):

while True:

orders = e.GetOrders()

# Log("orders:", orders) # ceshi

if orders is None:

return self.ERR_GET_ORDERS

if len(orders) == 0:


for i in range(len(orders)):



return self.ERR_SUCCESS

def pollTask(self, task):

insDetail = task["e"].SetContractType(task["symbol"])

if insDetail is None:

return self.ERR_SET_SYMBOL

ret = False

isCover = (task["action"] != "buy") and (task["action"] != "sell")

while True:

if not ext.IsTrading(task["symbol"]):

# Log(ext.IsTrading(task["symbol"]), task["symbol"], ext.IsTrading("MA701")) # ceshi

# raise Exception("stop") # ceshi

return self.ERR_NOT_TRADEING


ret = self.cancelAll(task["e"])

if ret != self.ERR_SUCCESS:

return ret

positions = task["e"].GetPosition()

if positions is None:

return self.ERR_GET_POS

pos = None

for i in range(len(positions)):

if (positions[i]["ContractType"] == task["symbol"] and (((positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG or positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG_YD) and (task["action"] == "buy" or task["action"] == "closebuy")) or ((positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT or positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT_YD) and (task["action"] == "sell" or task["action"] == "closesell")))):

if pos is None:

pos = positions[i]

pos["Cost"] = positions[i]["Price"] * positions[i]["Amount"]


pos["Amount"] += positions[i]["Amount"]

pos["Profit"] += positions[i]["Profit"]

pos["Cost"] += positions[i]["Price"] * positions[i]["Amount"]

if not task["init"]:

task["init"] = True

if pos:

task["preAmount"] = pos["Amount"]

task["preCost"] = pos["Cost"]


task["preAmount"] = 0

task["preCost"] = 0

if isCover:

Log("找不到仓位", task["symbol"], task["action"])

ret = None


remain = task["amount"]

if isCover and (pos is None):

pos = {"Amount": 0, "Cost": 0, "Price": 0}

if pos:

task["dealAmount"] = pos["Amount"] - task["preAmount"]

if isCover:

task["dealAmount"] = -task["dealAmount"]

remain = task["amount"] - task["dealAmount"]

if (remain <= 0 or task["retry"] >= task["maxRetry"]):

ret = {

"price" : (pos["Cost"] - task["preCost"]) / (pos["Amount"] - task["preAmount"]),

"amount" : (pos["Amount"] - task["preAmount"]),

"position" : pos


if isCover:

ret["amount"] = -ret["amount"]

if pos["Amount"] == 0:

ret["position"] = None


elif task["retry"] >= task["maxRetry"]:

ret = None


depth = task["e"].GetDepth()

if depth is None:

return self.ERR_GET_DEPTH

orderId = None

slidePrice = insDetail["PriceTick"] * SlideTick

if isCover:

for i in range(len(positions)):

if positions[i]["ContractType"] != task["symbol"]:


if (int(remain) < 1):


amount = min(insDetail["MaxLimitOrderVolume"], positions[i]["Amount"], remain)

if (task["action"] == "closebuy" and (positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG or positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG_YD)):

task["e"].SetDirection("closebuy_today" if positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG else "closebuy")

amount = min(amount, depth["Bids"][0]["Amount"])

orderId = task["e"].Sell(_N(depth["Bids"][0]["Price"] - slidePrice, 2), amount, task["symbol"], "平今" if positions[i]["Type"] == PD_LONG else "平昨", "Bid", depth["Bids"][0])

elif (task["action"] == "closesell" and (positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT or positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT_YD)):

task["e"].SetDirection("closesell_today" if positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT else "closesell")

amount = min(amount, depth["Asks"][0]["Amount"])

orderId = task["e"].Buy(_N(depth["Asks"][0]["Price"] + slidePrice, 2), amount, task["symbol"], "平今" if positions[i]["Type"] == PD_SHORT else "平昨", "Ask", depth["Asks"][0])

remain -= amount


if task["action"] == "buy":


orderId = task["e"].Buy(_N(depth["Asks"][0]["Price"] + slidePrice, 2), min(remain, depth["Asks"][0]["Amount"]), task["symbol"], "Ask", depth["Asks"][0])

else :


orderId = task["e"].Sell(_N(depth["Bids"][0]["Price"] - slidePrice, 2), min(remain, depth["Bids"][0]["Amount"]), task["symbol"], "Bid", depth["Bids"][0])

if orderId is None:

task["retry"] += 1

return self.ERR_TRADE

task["finished"] = True

if self.onTaskFinish:

self.onTaskFinish(task, ret)

if task["onFinish"]:

task["onFinish"](task, ret)

return self.ERR_SUCCESS

def poll(self):

processed = 0

# 迭代

for task in self.tasks :

if not task["finished"] :

processed += 1


# LogStatus("jieguo:", jieguo) # ceshi

if processed == 0:

self.tasks = []

# Log("AA") # ceshi

def size(self):

return len(self.tasks)

# NewPositionManager 类

class NewPositionManager:


NewPositionManagerCount = 0

# 构造函数

def __init__(self, e):

self.e = e

self.account = None

# Account

def Account(self):

if self.account is None:

self.account = _C(self.e.GetAccount)

return self.account

# GetAccount

def GetAccount(self, getTable = False):

self.account = _C(self.e.GetAccount)

if (not getTable in dir() and getTable):

return AccountToTable(self.e.GetRawJSON())

return self.account

# GetPosition

def GetPosition(self, contractType, direction, positions = None):

return GetPosition(self.e, contractType, direction, positions)

# OpenLong

def OpenLong(self, contractType, shares):

if self.account is None:

self.account = _C(self.e.GetAccount)

return Open(self.e, contractType, PD_LONG, shares)

# OpenShort

def OpenShort(self, contractType, shares):

if self.account is None:

self.account = _C(self.e.GetAccount)

return Open(self.e, contractType, PD_SHORT, shares)

# Cover

def Cover(self, contractType):

if self.account is None:

self.account = _C(self.e.GetAccount)

return Cover(self.e, contractType)

# CoverAll

def CoverAll(self):

if self.account is None:

self.account = _C(self.e.GetAccount)

while True:

positions = _C(self.e.GetPosition)

if len(positions) == 0:


for i in range(len(positions)):

if '&' not in positions[i]['ContractType']:

Cover(self.e, positions[i]['ContractType'])


# Profit

def Profit(self): # contractType JS 版本有该参数

accountNow = _C(self.e.GetAccount)

return _N(accountNow.Balance - self.account.Balance)

# NewPositionManager END

# 导出函数实现

def CreateNewPositionManager(e = exchange): # 导出函数实现

if e not in exchanges:

raise Exception("error exchange", e)

if e.GetName() != 'Futures_CTP':

raise Exception("error exchange, 本模板适用于CTP商品期货,当前添加的交易所为:", e.GetName());

obj_NewPositionManager = NewPositionManager(e)

return obj_NewPositionManager

def IsTrading(symbol):

now = time.time()

tup_localtime = time.localtime(now)

day = tup_localtime.tm_wday # tm_wday : week 0~6 , 0 is monday

hour = tup_localtime.tm_hour # tm_hour : 0~23

minute = tup_localtime.tm_min # tm_min : 0~59

if (day == 0 or (day == 6 and (hour > 2 or hour == 2 and minute > 30))):

return False

shortName = "" # i , p

for i in range(len(symbol)):

ch = symbol[i]

if ch.isdigit(): # ch >= 48 and ch <= 57:


shortName += symbol[i].upper()

period = [

[9, 0, 10, 15],

[10, 30, 11, 30],

[13, 30, 15, 0]


if (shortName == "IH" or shortName == "IF" or shortName == "IC"):

period = [

[9, 30, 11, 30],

[13, 0, 15, 0]


elif (shortName == "TF" or shortName == "T"):

period = [

[9, 15, 11, 30],

[13, 0, 15, 15]


if day >= 1 and day <= 5:

for i in range(len(period)):

p = period[i]

if ((hour > p[0] or (hour == p[0] and minute >= p[1])) and (hour < p[2] or (hour == p[2] and minute < p[3]))):

return True

nperiod = [


['AU', 'AG'],

[21, 0, 02, 30]



['CU', 'AL', 'ZN', 'PB', 'SN', 'NI'],

[21, 0, 01, 0]



['RU', 'RB', 'HC', 'BU'],

[21, 0, 23, 0]



['P', 'J', 'M', 'Y', 'A', 'B', 'JM', 'I'],

[21, 0, 23, 30]



['SR', 'CF', 'RM', 'MA', 'TA', 'ZC', 'FG', 'IO'],

[21, 0, 23, 30]



for i in range(len(nperiod)):

for j in range(len(nperiod[i][0])):

if nperiod[i][0][j] == shortName:

p = nperiod[i][1]

condA = hour > p[0] or (hour == p[0] and minute >= p[1])

condB = hour < p[2] or (hour == p[2] and minute < p[3])

# in one day

if p[2] >= p[0]:

if ((day >= 1 and day <= 5) and condA and condB):

return True


if (((day >= 1 and day <= 5) and condA) or ((day >= 2 and day <= 6) and condB)):

return True

return False

return False

def CreateNewTaskQueue(onTaskFinish = None):

obj_NewTaskQueue = NewTaskQueue(onTaskFinish)

return obj_NewTaskQueue

# 导出函数

ext.NewPositionManager = CreateNewPositionManager

ext.IsTrading = IsTrading

ext.AccountToTable = AccountToTable

ext.NewTaskQueue = CreateNewTaskQueue

# 测试 IsVirtual() 判断是否是回测。

def VGetRawJSON(): # 模拟 GetRawJSON 函数 ,仅测试使用。

nowTime = time.time()

DnowTime = _D(nowTime)

dict1 = {"AccountID": "073997", "Available": 1331.445464656656, "Balance": 1331.3344567, "BrokerID": "9999", "time": nowTime, "_D": DnowTime}

dict1Str = json.dumps(dict1)

return dict1Str

def main():


# 测试 AccountToTable

Log("测试 AccountToTable 函数 ")

Str = '{"AccountID": "073997", "Available": 1331.445464656656, "Balance": 1331.3344567, "BrokerID": "9999", "CashIn": 0, "XXX": "dd"}'

table = AccountToTable(Str)


LogStatus('`' + json.dumps(table) + '`')

# 测试 IsTrading

Log("now time", _D(), "isTrading('MA701'): ", ext.IsTrading("MA701"))

Log("now time", _D(), "isTrading('SR701'): ", ext.IsTrading("SR701"))

Log("now time", _D(), "isTrading('jd1701'): ", ext.IsTrading("jd1701"))

# 测试 NewPositionManager 导出函数 生成对象

obj = ext.NewPositionManager()

Log(obj.Account(), obj.account)

# 测试 NewPositionManager 类 实例的成员函数 GetAccount

retGetAccount = obj.GetAccount(True)


LogStatus('`' + json.dumps(retGetAccount) + '`')

# 测试 OpenLong 、 OpenShort 、GetPosition

open_long = obj.OpenLong("MA701", 2)

open_short1 = obj.OpenShort("SR701", 3)

open_short2 = obj.OpenShort("jd1701", 4)

Log("open_long:", open_long)

Log("open_short1:", open_short1)

Log("open_short2:", open_short2)

positions = obj.GetPosition("MA701", PD_SHORT)

Log("get MA701 PD_SHORT:", positions)

positions = obj.GetPosition("MA701", PD_LONG)

Log("get MA701 PD_LONG:", positions)

# 测试 CoverAll


# 测试 CoverAll


# 读取 Cover 、CoverAll 后的 持仓信息

positions = exchange.GetPosition()

Log("now Positions:", positions)

# 测试 GetAccount 、 Profit

# Log("Account:", obj.GetAccount())

Log("Profit:", obj.Profit())

Log("account", obj.Account())

Log("Account:", obj.GetAccount())

# 测试 IsTrading


# 测试 ext.AccountToTable

Str = '{"AccountID": "000", "Available": 55, "Balance": 55, "BrokerID": "9999", "CashIn": 0, "ZZZ": "YHU"}'

table = ext.AccountToTable(Str)


LogStatus('`' + json.dumps(table) + '`')



# 测试 NewTaskQueue

q = ext.NewTaskQueue()


def NoName2(task, ret):

Log(task["desc"], ret, "#FF0000")

def NoName1(task, ret):

Log(task["desc"], ret, "#FF0000")

if ret:

q.pushTask(exchange, "MA701", "closebuy", 1, NoName2)


q.pushTask(exchange, "MA701", "buy", 3, lambda task, ret: Log(task["desc"], ret, q.pushTask(exchange, "MA701", "closebuy", 1, lambda task, ret: Log(task["desc"], ret, "#FF0000")) if ret else "", "#FF0000"))

Log("q.tasks`s length :", q.size())

# count = 0 # ceshi

while True:


# LogStatus("q.tasks`s length :", q.size())

# count += 1 # ceshi

# if count > 10:

# break


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  4. python基础实例教程 微课版-从零开始学Python(微课视频版)

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  1. ArcGIS 坐标系统文件
  2. 判断一个字符串是另外字符串的旋转字符串
  3. trunc 文字与格式与字符串不符_EXCEL字符串中间数字提取进阶
  4. 交叉熵损失函数分类_交叉熵损失函数
  5. 在Emacs中使用ECB(转载)
  6. linux i2c adapter 增加设备_Linux驱动之I2C驱动架构
  7. 重学java基础第十六课:jdk jre jvm
  8. Flink的窗口聚合操作(Time\Count Window)
  9. 华为开会有“原则”?企业的成功都从会议开始
  10. Hadoop hdfs编程案例和java交互
  11. 半监督学习入门基础(一)
  12. 开发中一些常用的代码片段(持续更新,要是各位大牛看见了麻烦也给在评论区添一下常用的代码)
  13. 泛微oa部署linux步骤,泛微OA流程搭建操作流程
  14. 计算机教室电气设计规范,车库电气设计规范.docx
  15. 警惕面试过程中的 PUA
  16. 计算某个日期到今天的天数
  17. QNX-Adaptive Partition
  18. 计算机应用行业平均市盈率,申万行业指数:二级行业:市盈率:医疗器械
  19. ThinkPad_E570 拆机清灰换硅脂
  20. jar 打包java文件


  1. [Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '111' for key 'PRIMARY'
  2. 清明五一假期催热周边自驾游 迪庆州应势推出“杜鹃花之旅”
  3. 转:学会正念沟通,领导力再也不是玄学
  4. QT的triggered意思
  5. 中等计算机的配置,中等特效的电脑主机配置推荐
  6. Back键失效的原因分析及解决(基于Android 4.4.3源码分析)
  7. 前沿科技-混合现实(MR)远程协作辅助工具:微缩虚拟形象Mini-Me
  8. 二、es的可视化工具:Kibana及练习
  9. 二叉树先序递归遍历,中序递归非递归遍历实验
  10. 解决FAT32格式U盘安装win10时0x8007000D错误