
采用云资源上部署的oracle RAC数据库两节点不定期重启



Fri Sep 09 10:32:50 2022
WARNING: Waited 15 secs for write IO to PST disk 0 in group 1.
WARNING: Waited 15 secs for write IO to PST disk 0 in group 1.
WARNING: Waited 15 secs for write IO to PST disk 0 in group 2.
WARNING: Waited 15 secs for write IO to PST disk 0 in group 2.
Fri Sep 09 10:33:13 2022
NOTE: client exited [2319]
Fri Sep 09 10:33:13 2022
NOTE: ASMB process exiting, either shutdown is in progress
NOTE: or foreground connected to ASMB was killed.
Fri Sep 09 10:33:13 2022
PMON (ospid: 2262): terminating the instance due to error 481
Fri Sep 09 10:33:14 2022
ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process
Fri Sep 09 10:33:14 2022
License high water mark = 19
Instance terminated by PMON, pid = 2262
USER (ospid: 8682): terminating the instance
Instance terminated by USER, pid = 8682


ASM diskgroup dismount with “Waited 15 secs for write IO to PST” (文档 ID 1581684.1)
Generally this kind messages comes in ASM alertlog file on below situations,
Delayed ASM PST heart beats on ASM disks in normal or high redundancy diskgroup,causes the affected disks to go offline.By default, it is 15 seconds.
Diskgroup will get dismounted if ASM cannot issue the PST heart beat to majority of the PST copies in a diskgroup with respect to redundancy.
i.e. Normal redundancy diskgroup will get dismounted if it failed to update two of the copies.
By the way the heart beat delays are sort of ignored for external redundancy diskgroup.
ASM instance stop issuing more PST heart beat until it succeeds PST revalidation,but the heart beat delays do not dismount external redundancy diskgroup directly.
The ASM disk could go into unresponsiveness, normally in the following scenarios:

  • Some of the paths of the physical paths of the multipath device are offline or lost
  • During path ‘failover’ in a multipath set up
  • Server load, or any sort of storage/multipath/OS maintenance
    The Doc ID 10109915.8 briefs about Bug 10109915(this fix introduce this underscore parameter). And the issue is with no OS/Storage tunable timeout mechanism in a case of a Hung NFS Server/Filer. And then _asm_hbeatiowait helps in setting the time out.


  1. ASM实例会定期检查每一个磁盘组的磁盘状态,是否通信正常;
  2. 这个检查,只是针对normal和high冗余模式,对于external冗余,不会遇到这个错误;
  3. 默认情况是15s超时,也就是说15s磁盘组还是没有对ASM实例响应的话,就会dismount磁盘组。
  4. 此次部署使用云资源共享磁盘,仅一个磁盘,会导致数据库ASM磁盘组宕机。



SQL> select ksppinm as "hidden parameter", ksppstvl as "value" from x$ksppi join x$ksppcv using (indx) where ksppinm like '\_%' escape '\' and ksppinm like '%undo%' order by ksppinm;
hidden parameter value;
_asm_hbeatiowait 15
_asm_hbeatwaitquantum 2#修改_asm_hbeatiowait时间为120S
SQL> alter system set "_asm_hbeatiowait"=120 scope=spfile;#重启CRS和数据库

不推荐在虚拟化环境安装oracle rac。

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