本系列文章主要讲解 MEM/MBA 英语基础,系列文章总纲链接为:MEM/MBA英语基础


名词可以充当句子成分中 主语、宾语、表语、补语(同位语)。所谓名词性从句 就是通过 从句形式 来 充当 句子成分中的 主语、宾语、表语、补语(同位语),比如:

  1. 主语从句:What I am watching is interesting. 我正看的这个很好玩。
  2. 宾语从句:I know ( that ) you like English. 我知道你喜欢英语。
  3. 表语从句:This is what I want to eat. 这就是我想吃的
  4. 补语(同位语)从句:The fact that there will be a vacation in our company isn't true. 我们公司要放假这个事实不是真的。

1 主语从句

1.1 从句的3种方式

@1 从句=陈述句

That he survived the earthquake is a miracle. 他在地震中幸免遇难,这是个奇迹。

@2 从句=一般疑问句

  1. Whether you can pass the exam is unknown. 你是否能通过考试就不得而知了。
  2. Whether you can find the mistake within 3 seconds is unknown. 你是否能在三秒内找到错 误我就不得而知了。

@3 从句=特殊疑问句

  1. How this happened is not clear to anyone. 这是怎么发生的,谁也不清楚。
  2. Where we should go for our picnic has not been decided. 我们去哪里野餐还没有决定
  3. How we can finish our task in such a short time is a problem. 我们如何能在这么短的时间内完成任务是一个问题。

1.2 It作形式主语

It is+形容词+that从句

  1. It is a miracle that he survived the earthquake. 他在地震中幸免遇难,这是个奇迹。
  2. It is true that everyone has the right to pursue the happiness. 的确,每个人都有追求幸福的权利。
  3. It is great that he will go together with me. 他能和我一起去真是太好了。
  4. It is obvious that we need more practice. 很明显,我们需要更多的练习。

It is +名词(短语)+that 从句

  1. It is a mistake that we stole the car. 我们偷车是不对的。
  2. It is a pity that you missed the wonderful lecture by Mr. Zhang. 很遗憾你错过了张先生的精彩讲座。

It is +过去分词+that从句

  1. It is said that everyone lives by selling something.  据说每个人都靠卖东西为生。
  2. It is known to all that the gun powder was first invented by the Chinese. 众所周知火药是中国第一发明的。
  3. It is suggested that the work should be done with great care.  根据建议工作应该仔细完成。

2 宾语从句

2.1 从句的3种方式

@1 从句=陈述句

  1. I believe that our team will win the football match. 我相信我们队能赢得足球比赛。
  2. Everybody says that he is a geek. 他是个书呆子。大家都这么认为。

@2 从句=一般疑问句

whether or not

  1. I don’t know if/whether you love me. 我不知道你是否爱我。
  2. We don’t know whether G.E.M will come or not. 我们不知道邓紫棋是否会来。
  3. Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam or not. 没有人知道他是否会通过考试。
  4. It all depends on whether he will approve of our plan.这完全都取决于他是否赞成我们的计划。


  1. It all depends on whether he will approve of our plan. 这完全都取决于他是否赞成我们的计划。
  2. I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 我担心我是否伤害了她的感情。


  1. I don’t know whether to accept or to refuse. 我不知道是接受还是拒绝。
  2. He doesn't know whether to stay or to leave. 他不知道该走还是该留。

@3 从句=特殊疑问句

  1. I don’t know why he was late yesterday. 我不知道他昨天为什么迟到了。
  2. Could you tell me what I should do with the money ? 你能告诉我我如何处理这笔钱吗?
  3. Could you tell me why were you late for the meeting this morning? 你为什么今天早上开会迟到?

2.2 从句的引导词

@1 由从属连词that引导的宾语从句,比如:

I hear (that) he will be back in an hour. 我听说他一个小时后回来 [注:that 在句中无词义,在从句中不能充当句子成分,在口语中往往被省略]

@2 由连接代词 Who,whom,whose,which,what 和连接副词where,how,why,when引导的宾语从句。 这些连词既有词义又充当句子成份。比如:

  1. Do you know whose book it is ?(谁的,作定语)
  2. Could you tell me why the train is late? (为什么,作状语)
  3. He asked who could answer the question.(谁,作主语)

3 表语从句

@1 从句=陈述句

  1. The biggest glory in my life is that I married my wife.  我这辈子最大的光荣就是娶了我老婆。
  2. The trouble is that I have lost his address. 麻烦是我把他的地址丢了。
  3. The truth is that I have never been there. 事实是我从未去过那里。
  4. The reason why I am against this plan is that it will be bad for the environment.  我反对这个计划的原因是它将对环境有害

@2 从句=一般疑问句

  1. The key point is whether you can shake your head. 问题关键在于你是否能摇头。
  2. The question is whether they will support the plan. 问题是他们是否会支持这个计划。

@3 从句=特殊疑问句

The question is who will be responsible for the accident? 问题是谁将对这次事故负责?

4 补语(同位语)从句

4.1 同位语解读

  1. This is my friend, John.这是我的朋友,约翰。
  2. I want to borrow the book,Struggle.我想借这本书, 《斗争》。
  3. Sara, the eldest girl in the family, always had to care for the other children.  萨拉,家里最大的女孩,总是要照顾其他的孩子。

4.2 从句的3种方式

@1 从句=陈述句

  1. The rumour that there will be the earthquake soon spreads all over the area. 地震即将发生的谣言很快就传遍了这个地区。
  2. The suggestion that we should get up early tomorrow is great. 明天我们应该早起的建议很好。
  3. Due to the fact that she is dark-skinned, I can’t see her.  因为她皮肤很黑,我们看不见她。

@2 从句=一般疑问句

  1. He is faced with the problem whether he should continue his school work. 他面对着难题是否要继续学业。
  2. There is some doubt whether he will come. 他是否会来还不一定。
  3. The question whether we should call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor. 我们是否请专家由家庭医生来定。

@3 从句=特殊疑问句

  1. I have no idea when we should set off. 我不知道我们该什么时候出发。
  2. I have no idea what you are talking about.  我不知道你在说什么。
  3. The question who should do the work requires consideration. 谁该干这项工作,这个问题需要考虑。


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