2-21    已知某单位负反馈的开环传递函数为:


解:    因为系统的开环传递函数为G(s),反馈函数为H(s),所以系统的传递函数应为:


% Exercise 2-21 of the <principle of automatic control>, SCUT, Page 68    %
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%clear                                                                      % remove all varialbes from the workspaces
clc                                                                        % clear command windownum = [ 0, 0, 1, 2 ];                                                      % numerator of G(s)
den = [ 1, 5, 2, 1 ];                                                      % denominator of G(s)
sys_num = num;                                                             % numerator of system
sys_den = num + den;                                                       % denominator of system: Gf(s)=G(s)/[1+G(s)H(s)],H(s)=1%%%------------METHOD 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%%%
figure(1);                                                                 % create a figure whose handle is 1
step( sys_num, sys_den );                                                  % the step response of system, then graph on figure(1)
hold on;                                                                   % hold on the graph
impulse( sys_num, sys_den );                                               % the impulse response of system, then graph on figure(1)
hold on;                                                                   % hold on againtitle( 'the Step Response and Impulse Response' );                         % title of the figure(1)
text( 20, 0.70,  'Step Response'  );                                       % show text 'Step Response' on [20,0.70]
text( 20, 0.03,  'Impulse Response'  );                                    % show text 'Impulse Response' on [20, 0.03]
grid on;                                                                   % show the grid point%%%------------METHOD 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%%%
figure(2);                                                                 % create a figure whose handle is 2
t = 0:0.1:30;                                                              % create a arithmetic progression(time) from 0 to 30, common difference is 0.1
y1 = step( sys_num, sys_den, t );                                          % work out the step response of system then assign to vector y1
y2 = impulse( sys_num, sys_den, t );                                       % work out the impulse response of system then assign to vector y2
plot( t, y1, '--r', t, y2, '-b' );                                         % plot the vector y1 versus t(dashed, red), and vector y2 versus t(full, bule)axis([ 0, 30, -0.5, 1.5 ]);                                                % x axis from 0 to 30, y axis from -0.5 to 1.5
legend( 'Step Response', 'Impulse Response' );                             % place a legend on various types of graphs
title( 'Page 68, Exercise 2-21' );                                         % title of figure(2)
xlabel( 't/s' );                                                           % show the x axis lable
ylabel( 'ampitude' );                                                      % show the y axis lable
grid on;                                                                   % show the grid point%%%------------METHOD 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%%%
figure(3);                                                                 % create a figure whose handle is 3
Gs = tf( num, den );                                                       % open-loop transfer function
Hs = 1;                                                                    % feedback transfer function
Gf = feedback( Gs, Hs, -1 );                                               % system transfer function, negative feedback: Gf(s)=G(s)/[1+H(s)G(s)]
step(Gf);                                                                  % the step response of system, then graph on figure(3)
hold on;                                                                   % hold on the graph
impulse(Gf);                                                               % the impulse response of system ,then graph on figure(3)
hold on;                                                                   % hold on again%%-----the following is the same as METHOD 1-----%%
title( 'the Step Response and Impulse Response' );                         % title of the figure(3)
text( 20, 0.70,  'Step Response'  );                                       % show text 'Step Response' on [20,0.70]
text( 20, 0.03,  'Impulse Response'  );                                    % show text 'Impulse Response' on [20, 0.03]
grid on;                                                                   % show the grid point


本人使用的是 MATLAB R2010a。当设置代码语言为中文时,发现注释很难对齐(可能中文字体下每个汉字或英文字母的宽度不一样);当设置代码语言为英文时,注释就可以像 VS 或 Keil 一样变得很工整,但中文注释变成乱码显示。百度之,发现鱼和熊掌不可兼得,狠心之下全用了英文注释。

后来发现,原来是设置字体的问题。本人比较偏爱的 Consolas 字体就无法显示中文注释以及 Current Folder 的中文路径,而一些中文字体比如宋体等就能够显示中文注释及中文路径,但存在上述对齐的问题。而某些字体比如 Microsoft JhengHei 就能够显示出中文的注释,而且不存在对齐的问题。


算了,以后都是用英文注释好了,反正 MATLAB 里头 Function Browser 都是英文的。当作能力的锻炼吧。


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