iphone id无法创建

Creating a ringtone for your iPhone from your favorite song can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s how to quickly whip up a killer new tone directly on your phone.

从您喜欢的歌曲为iPhone创建铃声可能是一个挑战,但这不是必须的。 这是直接在您的手机上快速发出令人震惊的新音调的方法。

There are numerous ringtone apps in the iOS app store. We checked out about a dozen of them, and they all have similar functionality. All of the apps we tested required that you load music to the iPhone using iTunes instead of downloading it from a cloud or streaming music service. It remains to be seen how the retirement of iTunes will affect these apps going forward. A surprising number of these apps also look for a weekly subscription upgrade to unlock all the features, which feels a little dirty.

iOS应用商店中有许多铃声应用。 我们检查了大约一打,它们都有相似的功能。 我们测试的所有应用程序都要求您使用iTunes将音乐加载到iPhone,而不是从云或流音乐服务下载音乐。 iTunes的退役将如何影响这些应用程序,还有待观察。 数量惊人的这些应用程序还希望每周进行一次订阅升级,以解锁所有功能,这有点脏。

Ultimately, we went with Ringtone Designer 2.0. Ringtone Designer 2.0 has all the basics you need—the ability to import a track and determine the positioning and length of the clip (30 seconds max). It also adds the ability to fade the clip in and out.

最终,我们使用了Ringtone Designer 2.0 。 Ringtone Designer 2.0具有您所需的所有基础知识-能够导入曲目并确定剪辑的位置和长度(最多30秒)的功能。 它还增加了使剪辑淡入和淡出的功能。

There is a pro upgrade option available, but it’s a one-time purchase for $0.99, not a subscription. The pro option allows you to create longer tones—up to 40 seconds. It also allows you to use your device’s microphone to record any sound to use as a ring tone.

有专业升级选项,但一次性购买,价格为0.99美元,而不是订阅。 专业版选项可让您创建更长的音调-长达40秒。 它还允许您使用设备的麦克风来录制任何声音以用作铃声。

With or without the pro upgrade, this is a straightforward app to use.


如何使用Ringtone Designer 2.0创建铃声 (How to Create a Ringtone with Ringtone Designer 2.0)


When you first launch the app, you get a splash screen with a “Get Started” button. Tap that.

首次启动该应用程序时,会出现一个带有“开始使用”按钮的启动屏幕。 点一下

You’ll be taken to your iTunes library. For this tutorial, we’ll be using a track from the curiously popular U2 album from a few years ago. Navigate to the song you want to convert.

您将被带到iTunes资料库。 对于本教程,我们将使用几年前颇受欢迎的U2专辑中的曲目。 导航到要转换的歌曲。

When you find your song, tap on it to open it in the editor.


Once you select the song, you can cut out the section you want. The interface is pretty straightforward: swipe left or right to move the position of the song, use the arrow buttons on either side to fine tune the song’s position, and then use the grab buttons change the length of the clip.

选择歌曲后,您可以剪切想要的部分。 界面非常简单:向左或向右滑动即可移动歌曲的位置,使用两侧的箭头按钮微调歌曲的位置,然后使用抓取按钮更改剪辑的长度。

The buttons at the bottom of the interface control the whole clip. Tap the button in the bottom left corner to change from a text tone to a phone ring tone—seven seconds as opposed to thirty seconds. Tap the button in the bottom right corner to fade the clip in and out, which makes for a less jarring experience when your phone suddenly starts ringing at full volume. Once you’ve pinned down what you think is the perfect tone, tap the Play button to give it a listen.

界面底部的按钮控制整个剪辑。 点击左下角的按钮,从文本音更改为电话铃音,从7秒更改为30秒。 点按右下角的按钮以使剪辑淡入和淡出,从而在手机突然开始以最大音量响铃时减少震动感。 一旦确定了理想的音调,请点击“播放”按钮进行聆听。

Once you’re set, tap the check mark in the upper right corner to save your clip.


如何在iPhone上获取新音 (How to Get Your New Tone on Your iPhone)

At this point, you need to load the ringtone into the ringtones section of your iPhone.


To do that, you need to connect your phone to a computer with iTunes. Ringtone Designer 2.0 includes a link to a tutorial video that covers how to import that ringtone. That video is quite outdated, so here are some updated instructions using the latest and greatest version of iTunes—which is about to be retired. We’ll update this article with new instructions when that happens. For now, connect your phone to your computer and launch iTunes. Once iTunes is open, click the device icon in the upper left corner.

为此,您需要将手机连接到装有iTunes的计算机。 Ringtone Designer 2.0包含指向教程视频的链接,该视频涵盖了如何导入该铃声。 该视频已经过时了,因此,这里有一些使用最新最好的iTunes版本的更新说明,该版本即将淘汰。 发生这种情况时,我们将使用新的说明更新本文。 现在,将手机连接到计算机并启动iTunes。 打开iTunes后,单击左上角的设备图标。

In the left column, click “File Sharing,” and then click the Ringtones app. Click the ringtone you created, followed by the Save button.

在左列中,单击“文件共享”,然后单击“铃声”应用程序。 单击您创建的铃声,然后单击“保存”按钮。

Choose a location to save the ringtone. We recommend your Desktop.

选择一个保存铃声的位置。 我们建议您使用台式机。

Once saved, click on “Tones” on the left side of iTunes. Drag your ringtone from the desktop into the Tones area on the right-hand side of iTunes.

保存后,单击iTunes左侧的“音调”。 将您的铃声从桌面拖到iTunes右侧的“铃声”区域。

After that, just sync your iPhone. The ringtone is now on your iPhone.

之后,只需同步您的iPhone。 铃声现在在您的iPhone上。

如何设置新铃声 (How to Set Your New Ringtone)

To set the ringtone, go to Settings > Sounds.


Tap on “Ringtone.” Select your ringtone from the list, and you’re all set.

点击“铃声”。 从列表中选择您的铃声,您已准备就绪。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/423528/how-to-create-free-ringtones-directly-on-your-iphone/

iphone id无法创建

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