
Are you looking to create a coupon site with WordPress? We often get asked about how did we build our WordPress coupons and deals section here at WPBeginner. In this article, we will show you how to create a coupon site in WordPress without any code knowledge.

您是否正在使用WordPress创建优惠券网站? 我们经常在WPBeginner上被问到如何构建WordPress优惠券和交易部分。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在无需任何代码知识的情况下在WordPress中创建优惠券网站。

Before we start, we want to let you know that we built our deals section using custom post types and custom taxonomies. Since that requires code and is difficult for beginners, we’re going to show an easier way to build a coupon site that doesn’t require any HTML or CSS knowledge.

在开始之前,我们想告诉您我们使用自定义帖子类型和自定义分类法构建了交易部分。 由于这需要代码并且对于初学者来说很困难,因此我们将展示一种更简单的方法来构建不需要任何HTML或CSS知识的优惠券网站。

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The first method we are going to cover will use a WordPress coupon theme that allows you to create a dedicated coupons site in WordPress. This will be similar to RetailMeNot and FatWallet.

我们将介绍的第一种方法将使用WordPress优惠券主题,该主题允许您在WordPress中创建专用的优惠券网站。 这将类似于RetailMeNot和FatWallet。

The second method we are going to cover will use a WordPress coupon plugin that allows you to add a coupons section to an existing WordPress site similar to the WPBeginner deals concept.


Let’s get started.


在WordPress中创建优惠券网站 (Creating a Coupon Site in WordPress)

If your primary goal is to create a dedicated coupon site like RetailMeNot and monetize it with affiliate links, then using a WordPress coupon theme is the best solution for you.


We’re going to assume that you already have WordPress hosting and installed WordPress. If you haven’t, then you need to do that first.

我们将假设您已经拥有WordPress托管并已安装WordPress 。 如果还没有,那么您首先需要这样做。

We recommend SiteGround. They’re a user favorite and offer an exclusive 60% discount for WPBeginner users. You also get a free domain too!

我们建议使用SiteGround 。 他们是用户的最爱,并为WPBeginner用户提供独家60%的折扣。 您还将获得一个免费域名!

Once you have installed WordPress, you would need to install and activate the Clipper theme which is the best WordPress coupon theme.

安装WordPress之后,您将需要安装并激活Clipper主题 ,这是最好的WordPress优惠券主题。

It is a premium WordPress theme that costs $99 for a single site license and $159 for developer license.


We usually don’t recommend installing themes to add functionality to your WordPress site, but we are making an exception in this case. Why? Because Clipper does an excellent job in handling the appearance as well as functionality to create a complete coupons site in less than an hour.

我们通常不建议安装主题来向您的WordPress网站添加功能,但是在这种情况下,我们会例外。 为什么? 因为Clipper在处理外观以及在不到一个小时的时间内创建完整优惠券网站的功能方面做得非常出色。

It comes with a custom write panel, advanced link cloaking and tracking feature, ability to allow users to submit coupons, advertising support to allow you to charge companies to post their coupons, custom email templates, dedicated store and category pages, subscription features, and basically everything you need to build a coupon site.


Once you have it installed, simply go to Coupons » Add New to add your first coupon.

安装后,只需转到“ 优惠券”»“添加新商品”即可添加您的第一个优惠券。

You would need to provide a title for your coupon along with other details in the post editor. Once you are done entering coupon information, simply click on the publish button.

您需要在优惠券编辑器中为优惠券提供标题以及其他详细信息。 输入优惠券信息后,只需单击“发布”按钮。

Clipper comes with multiple color choices, so you can make sure that your site looks the way you want. There are also some ready to use child themes for Clipper which you can buy from AppThemes website.

Clipper带有多种颜色选择,因此您可以确保网站看起来像您想要的样子。 您还可以从AppThemes网站上购买一些可用于Clipper的子主题。

You can also Clipper to accept coupons submitted by registered users. Once a coupon is submitted to the site, you can review and publish it.

您还可以Clipper接受注册用户提交的优惠券。 将优惠券提交到网站后,您可以对其进行审核和发布。

You can also create dedicated stores and category pages to showcase coupons from specific stores or categories.


Clipper has basic stats for the coupons, and how each one of them is performing on your site. Registered users who are submitting coupons can see how their coupons are performing on your site.

Clipper拥有有关优惠券的基本统计信息,以及每个优惠券在您网站上的效果。 提交优惠券的注册用户可以查看其优惠券在您网站上的表现。

Overall, Clipper coupon theme is the best solution for building a dedicated coupon site in WordPress for affiliate marketers.

总体而言, Clipper优惠券主题是在WordPress中为会员营销商构建专用优惠券网站的最佳解决方案。

将优惠券部分添加到现有的WordPress网站 (Adding a Coupons Section to an Existing WordPress Site)

If you have an established WordPress site, then you may not want to change your theme. In that case, you will need to use a WordPress coupon plugin to add a coupons section to your existing site that matches your design.

如果您已经建立了WordPress网站,则可能不想更改主题。 在这种情况下,您将需要使用WordPress优惠券插件在与您的设计相匹配的现有网站中添加优惠券部分。

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Coupon Creator plugin. Upon activation, simply go to Coupons » Add New to create your first coupon.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Coupon Creator插件。 激活后,只需转到Coupons»Add New创建您的第一个优惠券。

You can add coupon details, terms and condition, choose colors, and set an expiration date for your coupon. Once you are done, simply click the publish button to save your coupon.

您可以添加优惠券详细信息,条款和条件,选择颜色并设置优惠券的到期日期。 完成后,只需单击“发布”按钮即可保存优惠券。

Next, you can add the coupon into a post or page by using the Add Coupon button above the post editor.


You can also add coupons using the shortcodes. You can see all your coupons and their shortcodes listed on the coupons page in your admin area.

您还可以使用简码添加优惠券。 您可以在管理区域的“优惠券”页面上看到所有优惠券及其短代码。

If you want to create a dedicated coupons section on your site, then create a new WordPress page and click on the Add Coupon button.


This will bring up the shortcode generator where you need to select Coupon Loop in the dropdown. You can also select the coupon category and align option. Once you are done, click the Insert Coupon button and Publish the page.

这将调出短代码生成器,您需要在下拉菜单中选择Coupon Loop 。 您还可以选择优惠券类别和对齐选项。 完成后,单击“插入优惠券”按钮并发布页面。

That’s all, we hope that this article helped you create a WordPress coupon website. You may also want to take a look at how to add affiliate links in WordPress.

仅此而已,我们希望本文能帮助您创建WordPress优惠券网站。 您可能还想看看如何在WordPress中添加会员链接 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Google+.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Google+上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-easily-create-a-coupon-site-in-wordpress/



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