
senescence n. [sih-NESS-unss]


1: the state of being old: the process of becoming old

2: the growth phase in a plant or plant part (such as a leaf) from full maturity to death

Did You Know?

Senescence can be tracked back to Latin senex, meaning "old." Can you guess which other English words come from senexSenile might (correctly) come to mind, as well as senior. But another one might suprise you: senate. This word for a legislative assembly dates back to ancient Rome, where the Senatus was originally a council of elders composed of the heads of patrician families. There is also the much rarer senectitude, which, like senescence, refers to the state of being old (specifically, to the final stage of the normal life span).

词源/词根演化:senex(old,老)+ -escence (process or state of being,处于...过程中或状态)--> senescence

senescence可以回溯到拉丁语senex(老)。你还能想到一些其他的来自于senex的英文单词么?对,Senile(年老的)可能浮现在你的脑海中,或许还有senior(年长的)。但是还有一个可能会令你吃惊,senate也来自于senex,这个表示legislative assembely(下院)的单词可以追溯到古罗马时代,在那时senatus表示一些来自于贵族家族中的年长的首脑组成的理事委员会。还有一个更罕见的单词senectitude(晚年),与senescence一样,指代处于衰老的状态(尤其指,普通生命过程的最后阶段)

注:senile:年老的,衰老的,年老所致的;patrician:adj. 贵族的,显贵的,n. 贵族;senectitude:晚年


1: "The results revealed that some trees have shorter or longer sleep period than 12 hours and others show slow continuous movement in one direction probably because of disease or senescence."
--- ScienceDaily, 20 Apr. 2018


2: "Until we're all brain patterns on computers, there are still forces that do not bend to our wants, including senescence and death. (You'll talk like this, too, when you hit 40.)" 
--- John Hodgman, The New York Times, 21 Dec. 2108


注:bend to:屈服于;want:n. 需求,贫穷,缺乏

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