by Sacha Greif

由Sacha Greif

JavaScript状态2018 (The State of JavaScript 2018)

我们对20,000多名JavaScript开发人员进行了调查。 这是他们告诉我们的。 (We surveyed over 20,000 JavaScript developers. Here’s what they told us.)

I’m writing these lines somewhere high above Russia because it turns out there’s people willing to fly me halfway across the world for a conference just so they can hear me talk about JavaScript trends.


If you ask me, that’s a pretty good measure of how popular the State of JavaScript survey has become, and by extension how fast the JavaScript ecosystem keeps growing.


This year again, we surveyed over 20,000 JavaScript developers to figure out what they’re using, what they’re happy with, and what they want to learn. And the result is a unique collection of stats and insights that will hopefully help you make your own way through the JavaScript ecosystem.

今年再次,我们对20,000多名JavaScript开发人员进行了调查,以弄清他们正在使用什么,他们对什么感到满意以及他们想学习什么。 结果是独特的统计信息和见解,将有望帮助您通过JavaScript生态系统走自己的路。

? 了解结果 (? Check out the results)

…or read on to learn more about the project.


今年有什么新消息 (What’s New This Year)

暗模式 (Dark Mode)

If you’ve seen the survey before, the first thing you’ll notice is probably the new, darker color scheme. We think it switches things up a bit, makes the charts pop more, and just looks pretty cool!

如果您之前看过调查,那么您会注意到的第一件事可能是新的,深色的配色方案。 我们认为它会稍微改变一下,使图表更加流行,而且看起来很酷!

个别页面 (Individual Pages)

In addition to grouping libraries in broad sections like front-end, back-end, and so on, we also decided to give each library its very own page. This makes it easier to ignore data that’s not relevant to you, while drilling deeper into tools that you do use.

除了将库分为前端,后端等宽泛部分外,我们还决定为每个库提供自己的页面。 这使您更容易忽略与您无关的数据,同时更深入地研究了您使用的工具。

历史数据 (Historical Data)

Because this is the third edition of the survey, we’re now able to show you historical data over the past two years! This is super helpful to see longer-term trends, and not just a frozen snapshot in time.

由于这是调查的第三版,因此我们现在可以向您显示过去两年的历史数据! 这对于查看长期趋势非常有用,而不仅仅是及时冻结快照。

喜欢不喜欢 (Likes & Dislikes)

We decided to feature fewer libraries this year, but in turn ask more follow-up questions about each of them. So not only did we ask you what you use, but also why you use it.

我们决定今年减少图书馆的数量,但反过来又询问有关每个图书馆的更多后续问题。 因此,我们不仅问您使用什么,还问您为什么使用它。

没有CSS (No CSS)

Sadly there will be no CSS section this year. CSS is such a vast topic it would almost merit a survey of its own, so rather than do things halfway we decided to focus on just JavaScript this time.

遗憾的是,今年将没有CSS部分 。 CSS是一个如此庞大的主题,几乎值得对它自己进行一次概述,因此这次我们决定只专注于JavaScript,而不是半途而废。

更多分享 (More Sharing)

We took the extra step of generating image previews for every chart in the survey to make it easier to share them on social media or by email.


主要趋势 (Main Trends)

We encourage you to check out the full results but maybe you’re in a hurry and only want the gist of it?


TL;DR: things didn’t change that much this year.

TL; DR:今年情况没有太大变化。

JavaScript“香料” (JavaScript “Flavors”)

We call “flavors” the various syntaxes and languages that can compile to JavaScript, such as TypeScript.


And speaking of TypeScript, it’s the clear leader in this category. In most places, over 40% of developers said they had used it and would happily use it again, and in some countries that ratio even went over 50%.

说到TypeScript, 它无疑是这一类别的领导者。 在大多数地方,超过40%的开发人员表示他们已经使用过并且会很高兴再次使用它,在某些国家/地区,该比例甚至超过了50%。

前端框架 (Front-End Frameworks)

Here’s a chart that plots how satisfied developers are with front-end libraries vs how many users they have:

这是一张图表,显示了开发人员对前端库的满意程度以及他们拥有多少用户 :

As you can see, only React has both a high satisfaction ratio and a large user base, although Vue is definitely getting there. Angular on the other hand does boast a large user base, but its users don’t seem too happy.

如您所见,尽管Vue肯定会实现目标,但只有React具有很高的满意度和庞大的用户群。 另一方面,Angular确实拥有庞大的用户群,但它的用户似乎不太满意。

资料层 (Data Layer)

The data layer groups all the technologies used to transmit and manage data. And while Redux is dominant in terms of raw numbers, we think the trend favors GraphQL and adjacent technologies such as Apollo:

数据层将用于传输和管理数据的所有技术分组。 虽然Redux在原始数据方面占主导地位,但我们认为趋势倾向于GraphQL和诸如Apollo之类的相邻技术:

Of course, in theory you can use Redux and GraphQL together, but in practice that combination might end up being replaced by a GraphQL-specific tool like Apollo’s built-in state management.


To find out what’s going on with testing, back-end frameworks, and much more, read the full results!

要了解测试,后端框架等方面的情况,请阅读全部结果 !

堆栈 (The Stack)

It might seem weird to talk about a tech stack for what is, at its core, a simple static site. But this is JavaScript we’re talking about after all! So you know things are never going to be that simple!

谈论一个技术堆栈,其核心是一个简单的静态站点,这似乎很奇怪。 但这毕竟是我们正在谈论JavaScript! 因此,您知道事情永远不会那么简单!

  • We collected the data using Typeform. We built our own command-line tool to generate surveys from YAML outlines through their API, which was a huge help for iterating quickly.

    我们使用Typeform收集了数据。 我们构建了自己的命令行工具,可通过其API从YAML轮廓生成调查,这对于快速进行迭代提供了巨大的帮助。

  • We then treated and normalized the data using Elasticsearch.


  • We plugged the resulting JSON files into Gatsby to generate the site. We used a combination of Gatsby’s GraphQL data-querying features and plain old imports to load the data.

    我们将生成的JSON文件插入Gatsby中以生成站点。 我们结合了Gatsby的GraphQL数据查询功能和普通的import来加载数据。

  • Finally, we generated all the charts using the amazing Nivo.js data visualization library for React.

    最后,我们使用了惊人的Nivo.js React数据可视化库生成了所有图表。

If you’re curious, the entire project is available on GitHub for learning purposes.


关于团队 (About The Team)

In case you’re curious who’s behind the survey:


萨莎·格里夫 ( Sacha Greif) (我!) (Sacha Greif (me!))

I created the survey in 2016 to answer my own questions about the best technologies to learn. Two years later I’m still learning, and also trying to reinvest all that freshly acquired knowledge into my very own JavaScript framework, Vulcan.js.

我在2016年创建了该调查,以回答有关最佳学习技术的问题。 两年后,我仍在学习,并且还尝试将所有新获得的知识重新投资到我自己JavaScript框架Vulcan.js中 。

拉斐尔·贝尼特(Raphael Benitte) (Raphael Benitte)

Raphael is the creator of Nivo, and an all-around data visualization expert, and front-end bad-ass. He also takes care of all data analysis tasks for the survey.

Raphael是Nivo的创造者, 他是全方位的数据可视化专家和前端坏蛋。 他还负责调查的所有数据分析任务。

迈克尔·兰博(Michael Rambeau) (Michael Rambeau)

Michael is the creator of BestOfJS, an aggregator of data and trends about the JavaScript ecosystem. He’s the perfect person to ask when you need data about some obscure JavaScript library!

Michael是BestOfJS的创建者, BestOfJS是JavaScript生态系统的数据和趋势的聚合者。 当您需要一些晦涩JavaScript库数据时,他是一个完美的人!

下一步是什么 (What’s Next)

Launching this year’s site was the result of over two months of hard work collecting, analyzing, and presenting data. But there’s still a lot more we could do.

今年的网站启动是经过两个多月的辛勤工作,收集,分析和呈现数据的结果。 但是,我们还有很多事情可以做。

For example, we would love to make the results site available in more languages. This will require a little re-engineering on our part, as a lot of strings are currently hardcoded, but it should be possible.

例如,我们希望提供更多语言版本的结果网站。 由于许多字符串当前都已进行硬编码,因此我们需要进行一些重新设计,但应该可以。

If you’d like to help translate the site in your language, please check out this GitHub thread.

如果您想以您的语言翻译该网站,请查看GitHub线程 。

And with all the work we’ve put in, we’re starting to think it might be a good idea to reuse our setup for other surveys. How about the State of…Turbo Pascal? Well, maybe not. But do let us know in the comments if you have any suggestions!

在进行了所有工作之后,我们开始认为将我们的设置重新用于其他调查可能是个好主意。 …帕斯卡尔涡轮状态如何? 好吧,也许不是。 但是,如果您有任何建议,请在评论中让我们知道!



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