

  • 1 Background and Motivation
  • 2 Advantages / Contributions
  • 3 Method
  • 4 Experiments
  • 5 Conclusion(own)

1 Background and Motivation

人体关键点存在的难点:a wide variety of poses, numerous degrees of freedom, and occlusions.


2 Advantages / Contributions

  • a novel body pose tracking solution
  • a lightweight body pose estimation neural network

3 Method


The tracker predicts

  • key-point coordinates
  • the presence of the person on the current frame
  • the refined region of interest for the current frame

When the tracker indicates that there is no human present, we re-run the detector network on the next frame.

注意,没有用人体检测器去检测人,而是采用了 face detector,先找 RoI,人脸,臀部中点,肩膀中点,臀部中点与肩膀中点的夹角,然后可以使其平行于竖直方向,来对齐

图片来源 简单几行代码玩转实时人体姿态追踪算法BlazePose


会预测出 33 个关键点


  1. Nose

  2. Left eye inner(眼睛内侧)

  3. Left eye

  4. Left eye outer(眼睛外侧)

  5. Right eye inner

  6. Right eye

  7. Right eye outer

  8. Left ear

  9. Right ear

  10. Mouth left

  11. Mouth right

  12. Left shoulder

  13. Right shoulder

  14. Left elbow

  15. Right elbow

  16. Left wrist

  17. Right wrist

  18. Left pinky #1 knuckle(小拇指)

  19. Right pinky #1 knuckle

  20. Left index #1 knuckle(食指)

  21. Right index #1 knuckle

  22. Left thumb #2 knuckle(拇指)

  23. Right thumb #2 knuckle

  24. Left hip

  25. Right hip

  26. Left knee

  27. Right knee

  28. Left ankle

  29. Right ankle

  30. Left heel(脚跟)

  31. Right heel

  32. Left foot index

  33. Right foot index



训练时两者都采用,共享了部分特征图,梯度没有共享(the gradients from the regression encoder are not propagated back to the heatmaptrained features),梯度不共享的好处:not only improve the heatmap predictions, but also substantially increase the coordinate regression accuracy


4 Experiments


  • AR Dataset
  • Yoga Dataset


10% scale and shift augmentations,有利于跟踪

simulate occlusions (random rectangles filled with various colors),每个关键点都有是否可见或者准确的概率

测试,在 COCO 17 个关键点上进行,结果如下

评价指标 the Percent of Correct Points with 20% tolerance (PCK@0.2) (where we assume the point to be detected correctly if the 2D Euclidean error is smaller than 20% of the corresponding person’s torso size


5 Conclusion(own)

Pose 是 3D 的

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