最新 2.0 版本:

usage: mfa train [-h] [--config_path CONFIG_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_MODEL_PATH][-s SPEAKER_CHARACTERS] [-a AUDIO_DIRECTORY][--phone_set {AUTO,IPA,ARPA,PINYIN}][--output_format {short_textgrid,long_textgrid,json}][--include_original_text] [--train_g2p][-t TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY] [--disable_mp] [-j NUM_JOBS] [-v][-q] [--clean] [--overwrite] [--debug][--disable_textgrid_cleanup]corpus_directory dictionary_path output_paths[output_paths ...]

mfa train corpus_directory dictionary_path output_directory

其他参数比较正常,temp_directorynum_jobs 两项参数建议进行设置,num_jobs 参数在训练语料较大的情况下,多核机器可以很好的进行倍数加速,而temp_directory也可以防止home内存不够,导致异常。


mfa align /data/xxxx/prepared_for_mfa/ /data/xxxx/lexicon.txt english /data/xxxx/output/ -t /data/xxxx/temp_files/ -j 20 --clean

Full path to the directory to align

Full path to pronunciation dictionary, or saved dictionary name (you can use mfa model download dictionary to get MFA dictionaries)

Full path to pre-trained acoustic model, or saved model name (you can use mfa model download acoustic to get pretrained MFA models)

Full path to output directory, will be created if it doesn’t exist

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

–config_path <config_path>
Path to config file to use for alignment

-s <speaker_characters>, --speaker_characters <speaker_characters>
Number of characters of file names to use for determining speaker, default is to use directory names

-a <audio_directory>, --audio_directory <audio_directory>
Audio directory root to use for finding audio files

–reference_directory <reference_directory>
Directory containing gold standard alignments to evaluate

–custom_mapping_path <custom_mapping_path>
YAML file for mapping phones across phone sets in evaluations

-t <temporary_directory>, --temp_directory <temporary_directory>, --temporary_directory <temporary_directory>
Temporary directory root to store MFA created files, default is /home/docs/Documents/MFA

Disable any multiprocessing during alignment (not recommended), default is False

-j <num_jobs>, --num_jobs <num_jobs>
Number of data splits (and cores to use if multiprocessing is enabled), defaults is 3

-v, --verbose
Output debug messages, default is False

Remove files from previous runs, default is False

Overwrite output files when they exist, default is False

Run extra steps for debugging issues, default is False

Disable extra clean up steps on TextGrid output, default is False

–config_path 添加 config.yaml 文件

beam: 10
retry_beam: 40features:type: "mfcc"use_energy: falseuse_pitch: trueframe_shift: 10training:- monophone:subset: 10000num_iterations: 50max_gaussians: 2000boost_silence: 1.25- triphone:subset: 20000num_iterations: 50num_leaves: 2000max_gaussians: 10000cluster_threshold: -1boost_silence: 1.25power: 0.25- lda:subset: 20000num_leaves: 4000max_gaussians: 15000num_iterations: 40- sat:subset: 50000num_leaves: 4200max_gaussians: 40000power: 0.2silence_weight: 0.2fmllr_update_type: "full"- pronunciation_probabilities:subset: 50000silence_probabilities: true- sat:subset: 150000num_leaves: 5000max_gaussians: 100000power: 0.2silence_weight: 0.20fmllr_update_type: "full"- pronunciation_probabilities:subset: 150000silence_probabilities: trueoptional: true # Skipped if the corpus is smaller than the subset- sat:subset: 0quick: true # Performs fewer fMLLR estimationnum_iterations: 20num_leaves: 7000max_gaussians: 150000power: 0.2silence_weight: 0.2fmllr_update_type: "full"optional: true # Skipped if the corpus is smaller than the previous subset

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