Math Instructions / 运算指令

Let's now look at using some basic math functions on our data. Many times in our applications we must execute some type of mathematical formula on our data. It's a rare occurrence when our data is actually exactly what we needed.


As an example, let's say we are manufacturing widgets. We don't want to display the total number we've made today, but rather we want to display how many more we need to make today to meet our quota. Lets say our quota for today is 1000 pieces. We'll say X is our current production. Therefore, we can figure that 1000-X=widgets left to make. To implement this formula we obviously need some math capability.


In general, PLCs almost always include these math functions:

一般来说,PLC通常包括以下这些数学运算功能:Addition- The capability to add one piece of data to another. It is commonly called ADD.

加法 - 将一段数据与另一段数据相加的功能,它通常被称为ADD。

Subtraction- The capability to subtract one piece of data from another. It is commonly called SUB.

减法 - 从一个数据中减去另一个数据的能力,它通常被称为SUB。

Multiplication- The capability to multiply one piece of data by another. It is commonly called MUL.

乘法 - 将一段数据乘以另一段数据的能力,它通常被称为MUL。

Division- The capability to divide one piece of data from another. It is commonly called DIV.

除法- 将一个数据与另一个数据进行相除的能力,它通常被称为DIV。

As we saw with the MOV instruction there are generally two common methods used by the majority of plc makers. The first method includes a single instruction that asks us for a few key pieces of information. This method typically requires:

正如我们在MOV指令中讲到的,大多数PLC制造商通常使用两种常用的方法。第一个方法包含一条指令,它要求我们提供一些关键信息。这种方法通常需要:Source A - This is the address of the first piece of data we will use in our formula. In other words it's the location in memory of where the first "number" is that we use in the formula.

源A - 这是我们将在我们的公式中使用的第一数据块的地址。换句话说,它是我们在公式中使用的第一个“数字”在内存中的位置。

Source B- This is the address of the second piece of data we will use in our formula. In other words it's the location in memory of where the second "number" is that we use in the formula. -NOTE: typically we can only work with 2 pieces of data at a time. In other words we can't work directly with a formula like 1+2+3. We would have to break it up into pieces. Like 1+2=X then X+3= our result.

源B - 这是我们将在公式中使用的第二数据块的地址。换句话说,它是我们在公式中使用的第二个“数字”在内存中的位置。注意:通常我们一次只能处理2个数据。换句话说,我们不能直接用1+2+3这样的公式,我们得把它拆成碎片,比如1+2=X,然后X+3=结果。

Destination- This is the address where the result of our formula will be put. For example, if 1+2=3, (I hope it still does!), the 3 would automatically be put into this destination memory location.

结果 - 这是我们的计算公式的结果将被存放的地址。例如,如果1+2=3,3将自动放入这个目标内存位置。ADD symbol / ADD指令符号

The instructions above typically have a symbol that looks like that shown above. Of course, the word ADD would be replaced by SUB, MUL, DIV, etc. In this symbol, The source A is DM100, the source B is DM101 and the destination is DM102. Therefore, the formula is simply whatever value is in DM100 + whatever value is in DM101. The result is automatically stored into DM102.

上面的指令通常有一个类似于上面所示的符号。当然,ADD这个指令会被替换为SUB、MUL、DIV等。在这个符号中,源A的地址是DM100,源B的地址是DM101,计算结果的地址是DM102。因此,公式就是DM100中的任何值+ DM101中的任何值,计算结果自动存储到DM102中。

Shown above is how to use math functions on a ladder diagram. Please note that once again we are using a one-shot instruction. As we've seen before, this is because if we didn't use it we would execute the formula on every scan. Odds are good that we'd only want to execute the function one time when input 0000 becomes true. If we had previously put the number 100 into DM100 and 200 into DM101, the number 300 would be stored in DM102.(i.e. 100+200=300, right??)

上图显示的是如何在梯形图上使用数学运算函数。请注意,我们再次使用上升沿指令DIFU。正如我们之前看到的,这是因为如果我们不使用它,程序每次扫描时都会执行一次这个公式。当输入0000为“真”(True)时,我们只希望执行一次这个运算函数,这种功能是很常用的。如果我们预先将数字100放入地址DM100,将数字200放入地址DM101,那么数字300将被存储在地址DM102中。(100+200=300,对吧?)ADD symbol (dual method) / ADD指令符(用于双指令方式)

The dual instruction method would use a symbol similar to that shown above. In this method, we give this symbol only the Source B location. The Source A location is given by the LDA instruction. The Destination would be included in the STA instruction.


Shown above is a ladder diagram showing what we mean.


The results are the same as the single instruction method shown above.


In the example above, data memory 102 (DM102) initially holds the constant (number) 0000. Each time the operator pushes button 0000 the difu instruction will turn on (become true) FOR ONE SCAN. When this happens we load the value(number) in DM100(100) and add it to the value(number) in DM101(200). The result, 300 in this example (100+200=300) is then stored in DM102(300).

在上面的示例中,数据内存102 (DM102)最初保存的常量(数字)是0。每次操作员按下0000按钮,DIFU指令就会打开(变为“真”)一个扫描周期,当发生这种情况时,我们加载DM100中的值(数字)100并将其与DM101中的值(数字)200相加。其结果,本例中的300(100+200=300)存储到DM102中去。

What would happen if we had a result that was greater than the value that could be stored in a memory location?


Typically the memory locations are 16-bit locations. (more about number types in a later chapter) In plain words this means that if the number is greater than 65535 (2^16=65536) it is too big to fit. Then we get what's called an overflow. Typically the plc turns on an internal relay that tells us an overflow has happened. Depending on the plc, we would have different data in the destination location. (DM102 from example) Most PLCs put the remainder here.


Some use 32-bit math which solves the problem. (except for really big numbers!) If we're doing division, for example, and we divide by zero (illegal) the overflow bit typically turns on as well. Suffice it to say, check the overflow bit in your ladder and if its true, plan appropriately.


Many PLCs also include other math capabilities. Some of these functions could include:

许多PLC还包括其他一些数学运算功能。其中一些功能可能包括:Square roots / 平方根


Absolute value / 绝对值

Sine / 正弦

Cosine / 余弦

Tangent / 正切

Natural logarithm / 自然对数

Base 10 logarithm / 以10为底的对数

X^Y (X to the power of Y) / X的Y次方

Arcsine (tan, cos) / 反正弦

and more....check with the manufacturer to be sure. / 还有其他的请查询用户手册

Some PLCs can use floating point math as well. Floating point math is simply using decimal points. In other words, we could say that 10 divided by 3 is 3.333333 (floating point). Or we could say that 10 divided by 3 is 3 with a remainder of 1(long division). Many micro/mini PLCs don't include floating point math. Most larger systems typically do.


Understand the theory and we can always learn how our manufacturer of choice does it.


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