怎样阅读原版英语文章1:Brush your teeth(1)


不一定。读“什么”(What to read)不重要,“怎么”读(How to read)才重要。

1) 读(What):



She walked into the bathroom. She took the cap off the tube of toothpaste. She squeezed some toothpaste onto her toothbrush. She turned on the cold water. She brushed her upper teeth and spit out some toothpaste. She brushed her lower teeth and spit out some more toothpaste. She rinsed out her toothbrush. She put the toothbrush back into the toothbrush holder2. She put some water into a cup and rinsed out her mouth. She spit out the water and walked out of the bathroom.

2) 怎么读(How)?


1. She walked into the bathroom.

When we walk into the bathroom,we go into/we get into/we enter the bathroom.

我们不需要任何中文翻译的“介入”,不需要中文“翻译”,只需要英语“翻译”,walk into你“读懂”了没?


2.A bathroom is a room for taking a shower/for taking a bath,and for using the toilet.

3.She took the cap off the tube of toothpaste.

When we take the cap off something, we remove the cap off something.We release the cap of something

4.She took the cap off the tube of toothpaste.

4a.The cap here is the cover of the toothpaste,the seal of the toothpaste.

We can say:The toothpaste has a cap.

4b.A cap is different from a hat.But both a cap and a hat are a covering for our head.

A cap has no brim around it,but it sometimes has a visor on it,like a baseball cap.

A hat usually has a brim around it,a wide brim or a narrow brim,like a straw hat.

5.She took the cap off the tube of toothpaste.

When we use a toothpaste,or a tube of toothpaste,we must first of all take off its cap.And after we use it,we put back the cap

6.She squeezed some toothpaste onto her toothbrush.

Okay.Got you.When we get some toothpaste onto our toothbrush,we say:We squeeze some toothpaste onto our toothbrush.We press some toothpaste onto our toothbrush.

7.She turned on the cold water.

When she turned on the cold water,she got some tap cold water from the tap.

We call the water from our bathroom,from our kitchen tap water,different from bottled water.

(未完待续 To be continued)



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