
  • 全文颜色说明
  • 18. 避免一连串结构松散的句子
  • 19. 用相似的形式表达并列的意思
  • 20.把相关的词放在一起,避免歧义
  • 21. 概述时,自始至终始终用同一种时态.
  • 22. 把一个句子中强调的词放在句尾



18. 避免一连串结构松散的句子


The third concert of the subscription series was given last evening, and a large audience was in attendance. Mr. Edward Appleton was the soloist, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra furnished the instrumental music. The former showed himself to be an artist of the first rank, while the latter proved itself fully deserving of its high reputation. The interest aroused by the series has been very gratifying to the Committee, and it is planned to give a similar series annually hereafter. The fourth concert will be given on Tuesday, May 10, when an equally attractive program will be presented.


I believe in aristocracy, though — if that is the right word, and if a democrat may use it. Not an aristocracy of power, based upon rank and influence, but an aristocracy of the sensitive, the considerate and the plucky. Its members are to be found in all nations and classes, and all through the ages, and there is a secret understanding between them when they meet. They represent the true human tradition, the one permanent victory of our queer race over cruelty and chaos. Thousands of them perish in obscurity, a few are great names. They are sensitive for others as well as for themselves, they are considerate without being fussy, their pluck is not swankiness but the power to endure, and they can take a joke.*

19. 用相似的形式表达并列的意思

平行结构,要求在内容和功能上相似的表达形式外表相似.形式上的相似能够使读者比较容易的辨认出内容和功能的相似. 很多作者错误的认为他应该经常不断的变换表达形式,因此常常违背平行结构的规则.

Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed.
Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method.


the French, the Italians, the Spanish, and the Portuguese
in spring, summer, or winter (in spring, in summer, or in winter)


His speech was marked by disagreement and scorn for his opponent’s position. (错误,介词缺失)
His speech was marked by disagreement with and scorn for his opponent’s position.

both,and; not,but; not only, but also; either, or; first, second, third等后面应该是相同的语法结构.

It was both a long ceremony and very tedious.(错误, 一个是名词,一个是形容词)
The ceremony was both long and tedious.

A time not for words but action.(错误, 一个是介词短语,一个是名词)
A time not for words but for action.(不是说而是干的时候)

Either you must grant his request or incur his ill will.(错误,一个是独立句子,一个缺主语)
You must either grant his request or incur his ill will.

My objections are, first, the injustice of the measure; second, that it is unconstitutional.(错误)
My objections are, first, that the measure is unjust; second, that it is unconstitutional.



He noticed a large stain in the rug that was right in the center.(歧义,污点在地毯中间,还是地毯在房子中间)
He noticed a large stain right in the center of the rug.

You can call your mother in London and tell her all about George’s taking you out to dinner for just two dollars.(歧义:60美分花在什么地方)
For just two dollars you can call your mother in London and tell her all about George’s taking you out to dinner.(For短语是修饰call动词的,所以应该和直接动词位置更近)

New York’s first commercial human-sperm bank opened Friday with semen samples from eighteen men frozen in a stainless steel tank.(歧义)
New York’s first commercial human- sperm bank opened Friday when semen samples were taken from eighteen men. The samples were then frozen and stored in a stainless steel tank.

先行词是一个词组,后面加一个关系词的从句,在很多时候很容易引起歧义.此时可以通过插入插入语 或 同位语 的方式来将关系从句修饰的词进行明确.

A proposal to amend the Sherman Act, which has been variously judged
A proposal, which has been variously judged, to amend the Sherman Act…(插入语限定修饰物,降低歧义)
The grandson of William Henry Harrison, who
William Henry Harrison’s grandson, Benjamin Harrison, who(同位语限定修饰人,降低歧义)

多个修饰词修饰同一个词, 则应该将他们作恰当的排列,以免产生错误的修饰关系.

She only found two mistakes.
She found only two mistakes.

Major R. E. Joyce will give a lecture on Tuesday evening in Bailey Hall, to which the public is invited on “My Experiences in Mesopotamia” at 8:00 P.M.(3个修饰词都是修饰lecture的,所以位置应该离lecture近点)
On Tuesday evening at eight, Major R. E. Joyce will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on “My Experiences in Mesopotamia.” The public is invited.

21. 概述时,自始至终始终用同一种时态.



直接引语”是指在文中直接引用自己或者别人的原话. 而“间接引语”是用自己的话转述别人的意思。


22. 把一个句子中强调的词放在句尾


Humanity has hardly advanced in fortitude since that time, though it has advanced in many other ways.
Since that time, humanity has advanced in many ways, but it has hardly advanced in fortitude.

With these hopes and in this belief I would urge you, laying aside all hindrance, thrusting away all private aims, to devote yourself unswervingly and unflinchingly to the vigorous and successful prosecution of this war.


Deceit or treachery she could never forgive.



笔记1 笔记2 笔记3 笔记4

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