jquery 停止动画

We can use jQuery stop() function to stop the currently running animation on the matched elements.

我们可以使用jQuery stop()函数在匹配的元素上停止当前正在运行的动画。

jQuery stop() (jQuery stop())

There are two variants of jQuery stop() function.

jQuery stop()函数有两种变体。

  1. stop(boolean clearQueue, boolean jumpToEnd): Default value of both the argument is false. We can pass clearQueue as true to stop the queued animation. We can pass jumpToEnd as true to complete the current animation immediately.stop(boolean clearQueue,boolean jumpToEnd):两个参数的默认值为false。 我们可以将clearQueue传递为true来停止排队的动画 。 我们可以将jumpToEnd作为true传递,以立即完成当前动画。
  2. stop(String queue, boolean clearQueue, boolean jumpToEnd): Here we can pass the name of the queue to stop the animation, other two arguments are same as above.stop(String queue,boolean clearQueue,boolean jumpToEnd):在这里我们可以传递队列的名称来停止动画,其他两个参数与上面相同。

jQuery停止动画 (jQuery stop animation)

Here is a simple example for jQuery stop animation.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> jQueryClear Queued Function</title>
<script src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function(){$("#startbtn").click(function(){$("div").animate({height:200}, 2000 );});$("#stopbtn").click(function(){$("div").stop();});
<body><button id="startbtn">Start</button>
<button id="stopbtn">Stop</button><div style="background:green;height:90px;width:90px;">

Notice that I am not passing any parameter with stop() function call, it’s because there is only one animation and I want it to stop as soon as stop button is clicked.


jQuery停止动画队列 (jQuery stop animation queue)

Here is an example where animation queue is cleared and current running animation is also stopped when stop button is clicked.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> jQueryClear Queued Function</title>
<script src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function(){$("#startbtn").click(function(){$("div").animate({height:200}, 2000 );$("div").slideUp(2000 );$("div").slideDown(2000 );$("div").animate({width:300},1500);$("div").animate({height:100},1500);$("div").animate({width:100},1500);});$("#stopbtn").click(function(){// $("div").clearQueue();$("div").stop(true, false);});
<body><button id="startbtn">Start</button>
<button id="stopbtn">Stop</button><div style="background:green;height:90px;width:90px;">

Below image shows the above program in action.


That’s all for jQuery stop() function and jQuery stop animation example.

这就是jQuery stop()函数和jQuery stop动画示例的全部内容。

Reference: API Doc

参考: API文档

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/4647/jquery-stop-animation

jquery 停止动画

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