This WLST script "" reads domain information from "VASDomainInfoV1.txt" and creates weblogic server domain template in the directory as mentioned in "VASDomainInfoV1.txt".


1)This python script reads the domain related information from "VASDomainInfoV1.txt" and creates the "Weblogic Domain" template(jar file) as mentioned in the "VASDomainInfoV1.txt".
2) Note this script assumes WL_HOME is set "c:\bea\wlserver_10.0" and location of default weblogic domain template is "C:\bea\wlserver_10.0\common\templates\domains\wls.jar"


1) set the classpath by executing "WL_HOME/server/bin/setWLSEnv.cmd" or "WL_HOME/server/bin/" for Unix.
2)Save the "VASDomainInfoV1.txt" file in any directory.
3)Modify the parameter values in "VASDomainInfoV1.txt" as per requirement. Please check out the sample info mentioned in the same file.
4)Change the directory location of "VASDomainInfoV1.txt" in line 72 of "" as per the location you saved in above step.
5)execute the script as below
    java weblogic.WLST


UserPassword::<Weblogic User Password>
AdminServerName::<Admin Server Name>
AdminServerListenAddress::<Admin Server IP Address>
AdminServerPort::<Admin Server Port>
TemplateDestinationDirectory::<Location where you want to store template>
TemplateName::<Domain Template Name>
Clusters::<Cluster Name 1>,<Cluster Name 2>
Machines::<Machine Name 1>,<Machine Name 2>
ManagedServers::"<Cluster Name1>,<Machine Name 1>,<Managed Server Name>,<ManagedServerIP:Port>;<Cluster Name1>,<Machine Name 1>,<Managed Server Name>,<ManagedServerIP:Port>"

#Sample DomainInfo File
#Please don't forget to mention double quotes for managed servers"

# Author : Vijay Bheemineni
# Creation Date :  11/27/2007
# This is an example of WLST offline domain template creation script. This example uses the Basic WebLogic
# Domain template to create a clustered domain using WLST offline configuration.
# All the values(  Example : password,admin server name etc) are mentioned in separate note pad file. This
# "python" script read values from the file and creates the weblogic resources. Below is the format of the
# file(VASDomainInfo.txt).
# Note : This script assumes "WL_HOME" is set to "c:\bea\wlserver_10.0" and location of default weblogic
# template is "C:\bea\wlserver_10.0\common\templates\domains\wls.jar"
# Please store the above lines in notepad file as "VASDomainInfo.txt" and domain template is created
# using values mentioned in this file.

#   Usage:
#        1) first set the path. This can be done by executing "WL_HOME\common\bin\setWLSEnv" script
#       2)
#  <Windows> = java weblogic.WLST
#         <Unix>    = java weblogic.WLST>

from java.util import HashMap
import os
import re

# defining Global Variables
templateLocation = ""

# Using map to store the variables
hm = HashMap()

# This function reads the values defined in the "VASDomainInfo.txt" and stores them in a map.
# In this program "VASDomainInfo.txt" is located in "C:\VASVijay\VASPersonalTechnical\VASWeblogic\VASWLST".
# Change the directory and file name as per your directory structure and choice.

def readParameters():

print "------------------Entering readParameters function-----------------"

try :
# read the "VASDomainInfo" file, this file consists of all the information required to create the template
   readFile = open(r'C:\VASVijay\VASPersonalTechnical\VASWeblogic\VASWLST\VASDomainInfo.txt','rb')
   doublecolon = re.compile(r'::')
   for line in readFile.readlines():
# This if condition helps to read only lines which contains the character "::", this if condition avoids the trap of reading empty lines.
    if not and :
# IOError exception is caught here
  except IOError :
   print "Not able to read the information in the VASDomainInfo file"
# We get IndexError when the logic reads empty lines or it reads lines which don't contain the character '::'
  except IndexError :
   print "Array Index Error"
  else :
   print "Sucesfully read domain info file"
  print "------------------Leaving readParameters function-----------------"
# This function reads fetches the values of resources defined in "VASDomainFile" from the map and assign them to global variables
# defined in the section above.

def assignParameters():

print "------------------Entering assignParameters function-----------------"
# defining global parameters
  global password
  password = hm.get("UserPassword")
  global adminName
  adminName = hm.get("AdminServerName")
  global adminListenAddress
  adminListenAddress = hm.get("AdminServerListenAddress")
  global adminPort
  adminPort = hm.get("AdminServerPort")
  global templateDestination
  templateDestination = hm.get("TemplateDestinationDirectory")
  global templateName
  templateName = hm.get("TemplateName")
  global clusters
  clusters = hm.get("Clusters")
  global machines
  machines = hm.get("Machines")
  global managedServers
  print "password :",password
  print "adminName :",adminName
  print "adminListenAddress :",adminListenAddress
  print "adminPort :",adminPort
  print "templateDestination :",templateDestination
  print "templateName :",templateName
  print "clusters :",clusters
  print "machines :",machines
  print "managedServers :",managedServers
  print "------------------Leaving readParameters function-----------------"
# This function read the basic domain template "wls.jar". This function assumes that WL_HOME parameter is set to "C:\bea\
# wlserver_10.0". Change the path as per location of WL_HOME.
def readBasicTemplate() :
 print "------------------Entering readBasicTemplate function-----------------"
# Reading the basic weblogic domain template
  print "Sucessfully read the basic template"
 except WLSTException:
  print " There is issue reading the basic template, please check the location"
 print "------------------Leaving readBasicTemplate function-----------------"
# This function changes the name of "AdminServer". By default name of the Admin Server in "wls.jar" is "AdminServer". If
# different admin server name is mentioned in "VASDomainInfo.txt" then this function will be called to change the Admin Server name

def needToChangeAdminServerName():
  print "------------------Entering needToChangeAdminServerName function-----------------"
# Changing the admin server name if its not "AdminServer".
  if not adminName == "AdminServer" :
   print "AdminServer name needs to be changed"
   print " New Admin Server Name : " + str(cmo.getName())

  print "------------------Leaving needToChangeAdminServerName function-----------------"
# This function reads the password mentioned for the default user "weblogic" in "VASDomainInfo.txt" and sets the password for the
# user "weblogic" as mentioned in the the file.

def setUserPassword():
 print "------------------Entering setUserPassword function-----------------"
# Setting up of new password for the default user "weblogic".
 try :
   print "password :",password
 except WLSTException :
   print " Exception raise while setting the password for the user"

 print "------------------Leaving setUserPassword function-----------------"

#  This function sets properties of the Admin Server such as "Admin Server Listen Port" and "Admin Server Listen Address.
def adminServerConfiguration():
 print "------------------Entering adminServerConfiguration function-----------------"
 try :
  global adminServerPath
  adminServerPath = adminServerPath + adminName
  print "adminName :",adminName
# Setting the admin server properties such as listen address and listen port
  print "adminListenAddress :",adminListenAddress
  print "adminPort :",adminPort
 except WLSTException :
   print "Exception caught while settings the properties of the Admin Server"
 print "------------------Leaving adminServerConfiguration function-----------------"

# This function checks if template "jar" file already exists in the directory as mentioned in the variable "TemplateDestinationDirectory" 
#  in the "VASDomainInfo.txt", if yes returns "Yes" else return "No"

def validateTemplatePath(fname):
 print "------------------Entering validateTemplatePath function-----------------"
# if already teamplate exists with the same name in the directory mentioned this function return "yes" and asks for user input. 
 if os.path.exists(fname) :
 print "------------------Leaving validateTemplatePath function-----------------"
 return  FileExists

# This function creates the clusters as mentioned in "VASDomainInfo.txt.

def createclusters() :
 print "------------------Entering createClusters function-----------------"
 for cluster in clusters.split(','):
# creating clusters
  print "Cluster : " , cluster
 print "Cluster had been created sucessfully"
 print "------------------Leaving createClusters function-----------------"
# This function creates the machines as mentioned in "VASDomainInfo.txt.

def createmachines() :
 print "------------------Entering createMachines function-----------------"
 for machine in machines.split(','):
# creating Machines
  print "Machine : ", machine
 print "Machines have been created sucessfully"
 print "------------------Leaving createMachines function-----------------"

# This function creates managed servers and assigns them to respective clusters and machines as mentioned in "VASDomainInfo.txt".
# This function also set properties of the managed servers such as "Managed Server IP"and "Managed Server  Port" as mentioned in
# "VASDomainInfo.txt".

def createmanagedServers():

print "------------------Entering createManagedServers function-----------------"
# Appending the managed server information to the list
 for managedServer in managedServers.split(';') :

for managedServer in managedServersList:
  print "Cluster Name : ", clusterName
  print "Machine Name : ", machineName
  print "Managed Server Name : ", managedServerName
  print "Managed Server IP : ", managedServerIP
  print "Managed Server Port : ", managedServerPort
# creating managed server
# assigning the managed server to the cluster
  assign('Server', managedServerName,'Cluster',clusterName)
# assiging the managed server to the machine
  ManagedServerLocation="/Server/" + managedServerName
# setting the properties of the managed server

set('ListenPort', int(managedServerPort))
  set('ListenAddress', managedServerIP)
  print "------------------Leaving createManagedServer function-----------------"
# This function first checks if the template exists in the directory mentioned in "VASDomainInfo.txt", if it exists it asks you 
#  whether you want to over write template file, if answered "Yes" then it overwrites the template file else it asks you to change the
# template name. Finally it closes the template.
def writeBasicDomainTemplate():
  print "------------------Entering writeBasicDomainTemplate function-----------------"
  try :
   global templateLocation
# storing the template location in "templateLocation" variable
   templateLocation = str(templateDestination) + str(templateName) + ".jar"
   print " Template Location : " + templateLocation

# This while loop prompts user to new template name if template already exists in the directory and user doesn't want to override the old template
   while 1:
    FileExists = validateTemplatePath(templateLocation)
    if FileExists == "Yes" :
     print "File : ", templateLocation,"already exists !"
     UserInput = raw_input('Do you want to overwrite the above file? enter "Yes" or "No" : ')
# Ignoring the case of what ever user enters, now user can enter "Yes","YEs","YES","No","NO","no"
     keyword = re.compile(UserInput,re.I)
     if"yes") :
      print "Overwriting the existing domain template ...."
     else :
      newTemplate = raw_input("Please enter the new template name : ")
      templateLocation = templateDestination + newTemplate + '.jar'
    else :
# Writing the template     
# Closing the template
  except WLSTException :
   print " Exception caught in writeBasicDomainTemplate function"
  print "------------------Leaving writeBasicDomainTemplate function-----------------"
# This function just displays the properties of the objects which we have created.
def displayProperties():
  print "------------------Entering displayProperties function-----------------"
# reading the template
  print "AdminServerPath : ",adminServerPath
# displaying few of the properties
  print " Admin Server Name : " + cmo.getName()
  print " Admin Server Listen Address : " + cmo.getListenAddress()
  print " Admin Server Listen Port : " + str(cmo.getListenPort())
  print " Template Location : " + templateLocation
  print "------------------Leaving displayProperties function-----------------"
# main function which calls other functions

if __name__=="main":


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