2.4 编写代码,以给定值x为基准将链表分割成两部分,所有小于x的结点排在大于或等于x的结点之前。



using namespace std;struct ListNode
{int val;ListNode *next;ListNode(int x):val(x),next(NULL) {}
};void createList(ListNode *&L)
{int arr[10]= {1,2,3,2,5,6,7,3,9,1};int i;ListNode *p=NULL;for(i=0; i<10; i++){ListNode *tmp=new ListNode(arr[i]);if(L==NULL){L=tmp;p=tmp;}else{p->next=tmp;p=tmp;}}
}void splitX(ListNode *L,int x)
{if(L==NULL)return;ListNode *pre=L;ListNode *p=L;ListNode *L1=NULL;ListNode *q=NULL;while(p){if(p->val<x){pre=p;p=p->next;}else{ListNode *tmp=p;p=tmp->next;pre->next=p;tmp->next=NULL;if(L1==NULL){L1=tmp;q=tmp;}else{q->next=tmp;q=tmp;}}}pre->next=L1;
}int main()
{ListNode *head=NULL;createList(head);ListNode *p=head;while(p){cout<<p->val<<" ";p=p->next;}cout<<endl;splitX(head,5);p=head;while(p){cout<<p->val<<" ";p=p->next;}cout<<endl;

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