



Index Row Column Value
0 原数组行数 原数组列数 特殊数据的个数
1 特殊数据1所在行数 特殊数据1所在列数 特殊数据1的值

此例子为通过稀松数组记录棋盘上的每个格子的当前子色。(未下子:0; 黑子:1;白子:2)。此例子还包含IO相关知识。


  1. 创建棋盘数组chessArr,并且对其进行初始化。
  2. 根据chessArr创建稀松数组sparseArr并打印。
  3. 将sparseArr存储到文件map.data中。
  4. 从map.data读取数据并根据之创建新的稀松数组。
  5. 利用新创建的稀松数组,对其进行转化,得到新的棋盘数组并打印。


  • Attributes and main
package com.zzay.sparsearray;import java.io.*;/*** CONTENTS:* (1) Initialize the chess array.* (2) Create a sparse array according to the chess array.* (3) Save the sparse array into the dest file "map.data".* (4) Read the sparse array from the source file "map.data".* (5) Convert the read sparse array into a new chess array.*  * @author Zzay* @version 2021/01/14*/
public class SparseArray {public final static int ROW_SIZE = 11;public final static int COLUMN_SIZE = 11;public final static int NONE = 0;public final static int BLACK = 1;public final static int WHITE = 2;public final static String fileName = "map.data";public final static File destFile = new File(fileName);public final static File srcFile = new File(fileName);// The array representing the chessboard.private static int[][] chessArr = new int[ROW_SIZE][COLUMN_SIZE];// The sparse array to be formed.private static int[][] sparseArr;public static void main(String[] args) {initialize();createSparseArr();saveSparseArr();convertSparseArr(readSparseArr());}
  • Methods
    /*** The initialization of the chessArr.*/private static void initialize() {// Assign initial value for some elements.chessArr[1][2] = BLACK;chessArr[2][3] = WHITE;chessArr[3][4] = BLACK;chessArr[4][5] = WHITE;}/*** Create the sparse array of the chessArr, and print it.*/private static void createSparseArr() {// The total number of the effective element in the chessArr.int sum = 0;// Loop the chessArr and figure out the sum of practical elements.for (int[] rowArr : chessArr) {for (int data : rowArr) {if (data != NONE) {sum++;}}}// Create the sparseArr with the sum.// The three columns represent row, column and value respectively.sparseArr = new int[sum + 1][3];sparseArr[0][0] = ROW_SIZE;sparseArr[0][1] = COLUMN_SIZE;sparseArr[0][2] = sum;// Assign those elements' value into the sparseArr.// [ Tips: enhanced for loop cannot be used here,//  since the row and column index need to be known].int count = 0;for (int i = 0; i < chessArr.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < chessArr.length; j++) {if (chessArr[i][j] != NONE) {count++;sparseArr[count][0] = i;sparseArr[count][1] = j;sparseArr[count][2] = chessArr[i][j];}}}// Print the sparseArr.for (int[] rowArr : sparseArr) {for (int data : rowArr) {System.out.printf("%d\t", data);}System.out.println();}System.out.println();}/*** Save the sparse array into file "map.data".*/private static void saveSparseArr() {FileWriter fw;BufferedWriter bw = null;try {fw = new FileWriter(destFile);bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);for (int[] rowArr : sparseArr) {for (int data : rowArr) {bw.write(data + " ");}bw.write("\r\n");bw.flush();}} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {try {if (bw != null) {bw.close();}} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}/*** Read the sparse array from file "map.data".*/private static int[][] readSparseArr() {int[][] sparseArr = new int[0][];boolean firstRowSet = false;FileReader fr;BufferedReader br = null;try {fr = new FileReader(srcFile);br = new BufferedReader(fr);int count = 0;String data;// Assign values to the following rows.while ((data = br.readLine()) != null) {String[] splitedData = data.split(" ");int rowNum = Integer.parseInt(splitedData[0]);int colNum = Integer.parseInt(splitedData[1]);int value = Integer.parseInt(splitedData[2]);// Initialize the first row of the sparse array.if (!firstRowSet) {sparseArr = new int[value + 1][3];firstRowSet = true;}sparseArr[count][0] = rowNum;sparseArr[count][1] = colNum;sparseArr[count][2] = value;count++;}} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {try {if (br != null) {br.close();}} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}return sparseArr;}/*** Convert the sparse array into a new chessArr.*/private static void convertSparseArr(int[][] readSparseArr) {// Get the original double-dimension array from the sparseArr.int rowNum = readSparseArr[0][0];int colNum = readSparseArr[0][1];int eleNum = readSparseArr[0][2];int[][] newArr = new int[rowNum][colNum];for (int i = 1; i <= eleNum; i++) { // Or "i < sparseArr.length"int row = readSparseArr[i][0];int col = readSparseArr[i][1];int value = readSparseArr[i][2];newArr[row][col] = value;}// Print the newArr.for (int[] rowArr : newArr) {for (int data : rowArr) {System.out.printf("%d\t", data);}System.out.println();}System.out.println();}

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