teetotaler n. [TEE-TOH-tuh-ler]


: one who practice or advocates teetotalism: one whol abstains completely from alcoholic drinks
: 实施或提倡绝对禁酒主义的人:完全戒绝酒精饮品的人

Did You Know?

A person who abstains from alcohol might choose tea as his or her alternative beverage, but the word teetotaler has nothing to do with tea. More likely, the "tee" that begins the word teetotal is a reduplication of the letter "t" that begins total, emphasizing the one has pledged total abstinence. In the early 1800s, tee-total and tee-totally were used to intensifiy total and totally, much the way we now might say, "I'm tired with a capital T." "I am now ... wholly, solely, and teetotally absorbed in Wayne's business," wrote the folklorist Parson Weems in an 1807 letter. Teetotal and teetotaler first appeared with their current meaning in 1834, eight years after the formation of the American Temperance Society.

完全戒绝酒类的人可能选择茶品作为他/她的替代饮品,但是单字teetotaler却与茶(tea)没有半点关系。更加可能的是,单词开头的tee是total的首字母t的重复,用于强调人们发誓完全戒酒。在19世纪早期,tee-total and tee-totally被用于强调total和totally这两个单词,与我们现代常说的有些句子类似:“I am tired with a capital T.(这里大写的T用于强调tired) 我实在太累了”。在1807年,民俗学者Parson Weems在一封信中写道:我现在完全地全部地,同时绝对地被吸引到Wayne's business中了。Teetotalteetotalerd的现代意义最早出现在1834年,在American Temperance Societ(美国戒酒协会)成立8年后。

American Temperance Society:美国戒酒协会(temperance:节欲,禁酒,节制)


  • "... he is one of those fit older people who have redefined what 74 can look like. It probably helps that he is a teetotaler, a choice he made as a yound man, having been disturbed by the effect that alcohol had on members of his family."
    --- David KampVanity Fair, December 2017


  • "The names Rockefeller and Diego Rivera are forever interwined thanks to the Mexican artist's infamous mural at Rockefeller Center, which the family commissioned in 1932 and had demolished two years later - due in part to its depiction of the teetotlaer John D. Rockefeller Jr. sipping a martini."
    --- Adam Rathe, Town & Country, May 2018

    Rockefeller和Diego Rivera这两个名字会永远交织在一起,主要归因于墨西哥艺术家在洛克菲勒中心的声名狼藉的壁画,这些壁画在1932年被授权,但是两年后拆毁了 - 部分原因是由于对绝对禁酒者John D. Rockefeller Jr.酌饮马提尼酒的描绘。


Rockefeller Center: a large complex consisting of 19 commerical buildings covering 22 acres (89,000 sqr. meter) between 48th and 51st Streets, facing Fifth Avenue, in New Yrok City. It is commissioned by the Rockefeller family. https://www.rockefellercenter.com

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