

现在,让我们更好地了解bloom过滤器的算法。如前所述,它是一个m位的数组。而且我们需要k个哈希函数。为了确定一个元素是否存在,该元素(列中的数据)将传递给哈希函数。假设这里使用两个哈希函数计算的值存储一个元素“ avi”。当单词“ avi”传递给第一个哈希函数时,假设计算的值为4,第二个计算的值为5。这里4和5都用1填充,因此,现在的位数组如下所示:

最初,所有位都为0。一旦在bloom过滤器中存储了元素“ avi”,它将第4位和第5位设置为1。现在,存储单词“ percona”。该单词再次传递给两个哈希函数,并假定第一个哈希函数计算的值为5,第二个哈希函数计算的值为6。由于之前的bit位等于5的已经是设置为1,这里不需要再修改。因此bit位数组现在如下所示:








create index on ... using bloom(...) with (length=..., col1=..., col2=..., ...);


CREATE INDEX bloom_idx_table ON tablename USING bloom (id,dept_id,zipcode)
WITH (length=80, col1=2, col2=2, col3=4);

当我们指定长度= 80且col1 = 2,col2 = 2,col3 = 4时,理论上,每行都会创建一个长度为80位的位数组。由于col1设置为2位,因此col1(column1)内部的数据将传递给两个哈希函数。假设这两个哈希函数生成的值分别为20和40。由于长度指定为80位,因此第20位和第40位的位会设置为1。现在col3中的数据将传递到四个哈希函数,并且假设生成的值为2、4、9、10。因此,将80位中的4位(2、4、9、10)设置为1。



CREATE TABLE bar (id int, dept int, id2 int, id3 int, id4 int, id5 int,id6 int,id7 int,details text, zipcode int);INSERT INTO bar SELECT (random() * 1000000)::int, (random() * 1000000)::int,
(random() * 1000000)::int,(random() * 1000000)::int,(random() * 1000000)::int,(random() * 1000000)::int,
(random() * 1000000)::int,(random() * 1000000)::int,md5(g::text), floor(random()* (20000-9999 + 1) + 9999)
from generate_series(1,100*1e6) g;


hank=# CREATE INDEX idx_btree_bar ON bar (id, dept, id2,id3,id4,id5,id6,zipcode);
hank=# \di+ idx_btree_barList of relationsSchema |     Name      | Type  | Owner | Table |  Size   | Description
--------+---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-------------hank   | idx_btree_bar | index | hank  | bar   | 4743 MB |
(1 row)


hank=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from bar where id4 = 295294 and zipcode = 13266;    QUERY PLAN
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gather  (cost=1000.00..1860568.15 rows=1 width=69) (actual time=7044.680..7046.395 rows=0 loops=1)Workers Planned: 2Workers Launched: 2->  Parallel Seq Scan on bar  (cost=0.00..1859568.05 rows=1 width=69) (actual time=7041.002..7041.002 rows=0 loops=3)Filter: ((id4 = 295294) AND (zipcode = 13266))Rows Removed by Filter: 33333333Planning Time: 0.953 msExecution Time: 7046.426 ms
(8 rows)hank=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from bar where id5 = 281326 and id6 = 894198;    QUERY PLAN
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gather  (cost=1000.00..1860568.15 rows=1 width=69) (actual time=6593.022..6594.757 rows=0 loops=1)Workers Planned: 2Workers Launched: 2->  Parallel Seq Scan on bar  (cost=0.00..1859568.05 rows=1 width=69) (actual time=6589.518..6589.518 rows=0 loops=3)Filter: ((id5 = 281326) AND (id6 = 894198))Rows Removed by Filter: 33333333Planning Time: 0.107 msExecution Time: 6594.788 ms
(8 rows)


hank=# CREATE INDEX idx_bloom_bar ON bar USING bloom(id, dept, id2, id3, id4, id5, id6, zipcode)
WITH (length=64, col1=4, col2=4, col3=4, col4=4, col5=4, col6=4, col7=4, col8=4);
hank=# \di+ idx_bloom_barList of relationsSchema |     Name      | Type  | Owner | Table |  Size   | Description
--------+---------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+-------------hank   | idx_bloom_bar | index | hank  | bar   | 1342 MB |
(1 row)


hank=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from bar where id4 = 295294 and zipcode = 13266;    QUERY PLAN                                                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------Bitmap Heap Scan on bar  (cost=1687292.00..1687296.02 rows=1 width=69) (actual time=1703.668..1703.668 rows=0 loops=1)Recheck Cond: ((id4 = 295294) AND (zipcode = 13266))Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 2985661Heap Blocks: exact=58499 lossy=36109->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_bloom_bar  (cost=0.00..1687292.00 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=937.965..937.965 rows=98381loops=1)Index Cond: ((id4 = 295294) AND (zipcode = 13266))Planning Time: 0.152 msExecution Time: 1703.714 ms
(8 rows)hank=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE select * from bar where id5 = 281326 and id6 = 894198;  QUERY PLAN                                                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------Bitmap Heap Scan on bar  (cost=1687292.00..1687296.02 rows=1 width=69) (actual time=1608.545..1608.545 rows=0 loops=1)Recheck Cond: ((id5 = 281326) AND (id6 = 894198))Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 2983795Heap Blocks: exact=59211 lossy=36076->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_bloom_bar  (cost=0.00..1687292.00 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=534.797..534.797 rows=99218loops=1)Index Cond: ((id5 = 281326) AND (id6 = 894198))Planning Time: 0.147 msExecution Time: 1608.593 ms
(8 rows)




  1. 通过上面的测试中,我们已经看到Bloom索引的性能比btree索引更好。但是,实际上,如果我们在两列之上创建了一个btree索引,则使用btree索引的查询执行速度将比使用Bloom索引的查询执行得快得多。该索引不会替换btree索引,但是我们可以用单个Bloom索引替换大块索引。
  2. 就像哈希索引一样,bloom索引仅适用于相等运算符。
  3. bloom长度以及列的bit位设置,可以参考


hank=# \d flights_biTable "hank.flights_bi"Column       |           Type           | Collation | Nullable | Default
--------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------airport_code       | character(3)             |           |          | airport_coord      | point                    |           |          | airport_utc_offset | interval                 |           |          | flight_no          | character(6)             |           |          | flight_type        | text                     |           |          | scheduled_time     | timestamp with time zone |           |          | actual_time        | timestamp with time zone |           |          | aircraft_code      | character(3)             |           |          | seat_no            | character varying(4)     |           |          | fare_conditions    | character varying(10)    |           |          | passenger_id       | character varying(20)    |           |          | passenger_name     | text                     |           |          | create index flights_bi_bloom on flights_bi,创建索引会报错
using bloom(airport_code, airport_utc_offset, flight_no, flight_type, aircraft_code, seat_no, fare_conditions, passenger_id, passenger_name)
with (length=96, col1=7, col2=7, col3=7, col4=7, col5=7, col6=7, col7=7, col8=7, col9=7);
ERROR:  data type character has no default operator class for access method "bloom"
HINT:  You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator class for the data type.查看支持的操作类别
select opcname, opcintype::regtype
from pg_opclass
where opcmethod = (select oid from pg_am where amname = 'bloom')
order by opcintype::regtype::text;

为其他数据类型创建类似的类也很容易。 Bloom访问方法的运算符类必须只包含一个运算符-等式-包含一个辅助的哈希函数。查找任意类型所需的运算符和函数的最简单方法是查看系统目录中的“哈希”方法的运算符类:

select distinctopc.opcintype::regtype::text,amop.amopopr::regoperator,ampr.amprocfrom pg_am am, pg_opclass opc, pg_amop amop, pg_amproc amprwhere am.amname = 'hash'and opc.opcmethod = am.oidand amop.amopfamily = opc.opcfamilyand amop.amoplefttype = opc.opcintypeand amop.amoprighttype = opc.opcintypeand ampr.amprocfamily = opc.opcfamilyand ampr.amproclefttype = opc.opcintype
order by opc.opcintype::regtype::text;opcintype |       amopopr        |    amproc
-----------+----------------------+--------------abstime   | =(abstime,abstime)   | hashint4aclitem   | =(aclitem,aclitem)   | hash_aclitemanyarray  | =(anyarray,anyarray) | hash_arrayanyenum   | =(anyenum,anyenum)   | hashenumanyrange  | =(anyrange,anyrange) | hash_range...创建相应类型的操作类
DEFAULT FOR TYPE character USING bloom ASOPERATOR  1  =(character,character),FUNCTION  1  hashbpchar;CREATE OPERATOR CLASS interval_ops
DEFAULT FOR TYPE interval USING bloom ASOPERATOR  1  =(interval,interval),FUNCTION  1  interval_hash;



create index flights_bi_bloom on flights_bi
using bloom(airport_code, airport_utc_offset, flight_no, flight_type, aircraft_code, seat_no, fare_conditions, passenger_id, passenger_name)
with (length=96, col1=7, col2=7, col3=7, col4=7, col5=7, col6=7, col7=7, col8=7, col9=7);


demo=# explain(costs off,analyze)
demo-# select * from flights_bi where passenger_name='MIROSLAV SIDOROV';QUERY PLAN
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time=538.068..547.563 rows=2 loops=1)Recheck Cond: (passenger_name = 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV'::text)Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 38505Heap Blocks: exact=21615->  Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time=494.661..494.661 rows=38507 loops=1)Index Cond: (passenger_name = 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV'::text)Planning Time: 1.836 msExecution Time: 547.865 ms
(8 rows)demo=# explain(costs off,analyze)
demo-# select * from flights_bi where passenger_name='MARFA SOLOVEVA';QUERY PLAN
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time=2427.699..2440.877 rows=2 loops=1)Recheck Cond: (passenger_name = 'MARFA SOLOVEVA'::text)Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 3944432Heap Blocks: exact=45113 lossy=67335->  Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time=647.666..647.667 rows=212177 loops=1)Index Cond: (passenger_name = 'MARFA SOLOVEVA'::text)Planning Time: 0.122 msExecution Time: 2441.853 ms
(8 rows)demo=# explain(costs off,analyze) select * from flights_bi where passenger_id='5864 006033';QUERY PLAN
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time=3972.010..4455.119 rows=2 loops=1)Recheck Cond: ((passenger_id)::text = '5864 006033'::text)Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 9611533Heap Blocks: exact=49039 lossy=165728->  Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time=679.561..679.562 rows=425937 loops=1)Index Cond: ((passenger_id)::text = '5864 006033'::text)Planning Time: 0.149 msExecution Time: 4457.026 ms
(8 rows)demo=# explain(costs off,analyze)
demo-# select * from flights_bi where passenger_id='2461 559238';QUERY PLAN
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time=429.633..430.485 rows=2 loops=1)Recheck Cond: ((passenger_id)::text = '2461 559238'::text)Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 30644Heap Blocks: exact=27407->  Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time=376.100..376.100 rows=30646 loops=1)Index Cond: ((passenger_id)::text = '2461 559238'::text)Planning Time: 0.116 msExecution Time: 430.524 ms
(8 rows)demo=# explain(costs off,analyze)
demo-# select * from flights_bi
demo-# where passenger_name='MIROSLAV SIDOROV'
demo-#   and passenger_id='5864 006033';QUERY PLAN
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time=499.568..499.683 rows=2 loops=1)Recheck Cond: (((passenger_id)::text = '5864 006033'::text) AND (passenger_name = 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV'::text))Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 357Heap Blocks: exact=354->  Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time=498.976..498.976 rows=359 loops=1)Index Cond: (((passenger_id)::text = '5864 006033'::text) AND (passenger_name = 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV'::text))Planning Time: 0.147 msExecution Time: 499.721 ms
(8 rows)

可以看到同一字段不同的值,效率是不同的,可以看到Rows Removed by Index Recheck越多的,查询会越慢。

  1. 这两种类型在使用区域上有点类似,适合大表,数据量多,需要通过不同的字段进行查询,但是搜索精度不高。
  2. BRIN索引更紧凑(例如,在我们的示例中,最大可达几十兆字节),并且可以支持按范围进行搜索,并且与文件中数据的物理排序有关,因此存在很大的局限性。bloom索引更大(数百兆字节),没有限制,可以使用合适的哈希函数。


 amname |     name      | pg_indexam_has_property
--------+---------------+-------------------------bloom  | can_order     | fbloom  | can_unique    | fbloom  | can_multi_col | tbloom  | can_exclude   | f


     name      | pg_index_has_property
---------------+-----------------------clusterable   | findex_scan    | fbitmap_scan   | tbackward_scan | f
        name        | pg_index_column_has_property
--------------------+------------------------------asc                | fdesc               | fnulls_first        | fnulls_last         | forderable          | fdistance_orderable | freturnable         | fsearch_array       | fsearch_nulls       | f


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