Many of our readers ask us about how to write better content for SEO? Some ask whether they should focus on Yoast SEO green light or not?

许多读者问我们如何为SEO编写更好的内容? 有人问他们是否应该专注于Yoast SEO绿灯?

Well when it comes to SEO content optimization, we don’t focus on Yoast SEO’s score. Instead we use a different SEO writing assistant.

好吧,关于SEO内容优化,我们不关注Yoast SEO的得分。 相反,我们使用其他SEO写作助手。

This helps us optimize our content for SEO, so we can rank higher in search engines.


In this article, we will show you how to use the SEO Writing Assistant in WordPress to improve SEO and create better content on your website.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress中使用SEO Writing Assistant来改善SEO并在您的网站上创建更好的内容。

什么是SEO写作助手? (What is SEO Writing Assistant?)

SEO Writing Assistant is a content optimization tool created by SEMRush, one of the best SEO tools on the market.

SEO Writing Assistant是由市场上最好的SEO工具之一SEMRush创建的一种内容优化工具。

It allows you to check your content in real-time for SEO suggestions and improve the overall SEO score of your content.


Here is how it works.


  • Enter your focus keywords to generate content templates based on the top-10 results for that phrase输入焦点关键字以根据该词组的前10个结果生成内容模板
  • Instantly get semantically related keywords to include in your article立即获得与语义相关的关键字以包含在您的文章中
  • Improve your content with readability score based on rival results根据竞争对手的结果通过可读性得分改善您的内容
  • Optimize your article headline for SEO优化SEO的文章标题
  • Adjust article length based on average length of top results根据最佳结果的平均长度调整文章长度
  • Check for plagiarism without leaving your website在不离开您的网站的情况下检查窃
  • Check content tone to make it sound more natural and casual检查内容音调,使其听起来更自然,更随意

It is an extremely useful tool and can help you improve the SEO as well as writing style across your website.


If you manage a multi-author site, then it allows authors to follow the same SEO best practices across all content.

如果您管理一个多作者站点 ,则它允许作者在所有内容上遵循相同的SEO最佳实践。

Having said that, now let’s take a look at how to use the SEO Writing Assistant to improve SEO and get more search traffic to your website.

话虽如此,现在让我们看一下如何使用SEO Writing Assistant来改善SEO并获得更多到您网站的搜索量。

在WordPress中设置SEMRush的SEO Writing Assistant (Setting up SEMRush’s SEO Writing Assistant in WordPress)

First thing you need to do is visit the SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant website and click on ‘Create new template’ button.

您需要做的第一件事是访问SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant网站,然后单击“创建新模板”按钮。

You will be now asked to login or register for a free account.


SEMRush offers a basic free account with just 1 free content recommendation. You will need to sign up or upgrade for a paid SEMRush subscription to get all features (this is totally worth it).

SEMRush提供一个基本的免费帐户,仅推荐1个免费内容。 您需要注册或升级付费SEMRush订阅才能获得所有功能(这是完全值得的)。

Next, you’ll be asked to provide an email address and enter a password. After that, you will see a screen where you can enter the focus keywords to create an SEO template.

接下来,将要求您提供电子邮件地址并输入密码。 在那之后,您将看到一个屏幕,您可以在其中输入焦点关键字来创建SEO模板。

Your focus keyword is basically the keyword you’d like to rank #1 for with this particular blog post or page. Once you enter the focus keyword, SEMRush will generate your SEO content template. You can also do this right inside your WordPress dashboard.

您的重点关键字基本上就是您希望在此特定博客文章或页面中排名第一的关键字。 输入focus关键字后,SEMRush将生成您的SEO内容模板。 您也可以在WordPress信息中心内执行此操作。

You simply need to connect the SEO Writing Assistant tool to your WordPress site.

您只需要将SEO Writing Assistant工具连接到WordPress网站即可。

First, you’ll need to install and activate the SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant plugin on your WordPress site. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要在WordPress网站上安装并激活SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to edit an article that you want to optimize for SEO. On the post edit screen, scroll down and you’ll see the new SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant section below the content editor.

激活后,您需要编辑要针对SEO优化的文章。 在帖子编辑屏幕上,向下滚动,您将在内容编辑器下方看到新的SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant部分。

It will show you basic readability and SEO score. To get the full picture, you need to click on the login button and sign in to your SEMRush account.

它将显示基本的可读性和SEO分数。 要获取完整图片,您需要单击登录按钮并登录到您的SEMRush帐户。

Once signed in, you’ll be asked to give permission. Click on the ‘Approve’ button to continue.

登录后,将要求您授予权限。 点击“批准”按钮继续。

Now that you have connected the plugin to your SEMRush account, let’s generate SEO recommendations for our article.


If you had entered the focus keywords before, then you’ll see them listed as suggestions. Otherwise, click on the ‘Create new recommendations’ button to continue.

如果您之前输入过焦点关键字,那么您会看到它们被列为建议。 否则,请单击“创建新建议”按钮以继续。

Simply enter the focus keywords and click on the ‘Get recommendations’ button. Need help finding the right keywords? See our beginner’s guide on how to do keyword research for your WordPress site.

只需输入焦点关键字,然后单击“获取建议”按钮。 需要寻找正确关键字的帮助吗? 请参阅我们的初学者指南, 了解如何为您的WordPress网站进行关键字研究 。

SEMRush will now check the top 10 results for the given keywords to generate a list of semantically related keywords to include in your content.


Keywords already included in your article will appear with a green background. You can go ahead and start adding missing keywords in your existing content where applicable or expanding your content to add new sections when necessary.

您文章中已包含的关键字将以绿色背景显示。 您可以继续在适当的地方开始在现有内容中添加缺少的关键字,或者在必要时扩展内容以添加新的部分。

As you write, the tool will also adjust the readability and article length scores to match the average scores of top results.


Checking Tone of Voice using SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant

使用SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant检查语音音调

All SEO experts and marketers advise using a casual tone for all your articles. Search engines consider this conversational tone to be more engaging and useful for most audiences.

所有SEO专家和营销人员建议您在所有文章中使用随意的语调。 搜索引擎认为这种对话语调对大多数受众而言更具吸引力和有用。

Now the problem is that sometimes it becomes harder to maintain a casual tone throughout the article.


SEO Writing Assistant comes with a Tone of Voice checker. This AI-powered tool checks your content’s tone and give it a score randing from formal to casual. Most articles fall somewhere in between, so don’t worry if it says your article has a neutral tone.

SEO Writing Assistant带有语音提示器。 这款由AI驱动的工具可以检查您内容的色调,并为您提供从正式到休闲得分的分数。 大多数文章介于两者之间,因此如果您的文章语气中立,请不要担心。

Checking for Internal Links


Links play a crucial role in SEO and the SEO Writing Assistant helps you keep track of links inside your article.

链接在SEO中起着至关重要的作用,而SEO Writing Assistant可以帮助您跟踪文章中的链接。

It will remind you if your article does not have an optimal number of internal links. It will also check for external links and links to your homepage.

如果您的文章没有最佳数量的内部链接,它将提醒您。 它还将检查外部链接和指向您首页的链接。

This tool comes in handy if you have other authors working on articles. Editors can quickly see if the article includes internal links to other posts on your website.

如果您有其他作者在撰写文章,则此工具会派上用场。 编辑者可以快速查看该文章是否包含指向您网站上其他帖子的内部链接。

使用SEO Writing Assistant检查WordPress中的抄袭 (Checking Plagiarism in WordPress with SEO Writing Assistant)

If you are hiring writers to contribute articles on your blog, then you’ll need to make sure that the articles they are submitting are original content.


Normally, editors and website owners use plagiarism checkers like Grammarly or Google to see if an article is original. SEO Writing Assistant makes this easier with a built-in Plagiarism checker tool.

通常,编辑者和网站所有者会使用语法检查器(例如Grammarly或Google)来检查文章是否为原创。 SEO Writing Assistant通过内置的抄袭检查器工具使此操作更加容易。

The downside is that even with the paid plans, you can only perform a limited number of checks. If you need more, then you can buy additional checks from your subscription page on SEMRush dashboard.

缺点是,即使使用付费计划,您也只能执行有限数量的支票。 如果您需要更多,则可以从SEMRush仪表板上的订阅页面购买其他支票。

为您的文章获得完美的SEO分数 (Getting a Perfect SEO Score for Your Article)

As you implement suggestions provided by the SEO Writing Assistant tool, your overall score will improve as well.

当您实施SEO Writing Assistant工具提供的建议时,您的总体得分也会提高。

The overall score bar takes into account all the parameters and suggestions shown by the plugin. You need to make sure that this bar turns green for a better SEO rankings.

总体评分栏考虑了插件显示的所有参数和建议。 您需要确保此栏变为绿色,以获得更好的SEO排名。

Sometimes the plugin may suggest LSI keywords that may not fit in your content. You can safely ignore them instead of stuffing them into your article.

有时,插件可能会建议您的内容不适合的LSI关键字。 您可以放心地忽略它们,而不必将其塞入文章中。

Remember that while these SEO tools provide recommendations, you know your audience better than these tools . Keep your users in mind and make sure that they find your content useful and engaging.

请记住,尽管这些SEO工具提供了建议,但您比这些工具更了解您的受众。 请牢记您的用户,并确保他们发现您的内容有用并引人入胜。

在WordPress中跟踪您的SEO性能 (Tracking Your SEO Performance in WordPress)

Once you have started using SEO Writing Assistant for a while, you may want to track how it is affecting your website’s positions in search.

一旦开始使用SEO Writing Assistant一段时间,您可能想要跟踪它如何影响您的网站在搜索中的位置。

We have detailed guide on how to track your website’s keyword rankings with SEMRush and other tools.


You may also want to keep an eye on your top content using Google Analytics. The best way to do this is by using MonsterInsights. It brings your Google Analytics reports in WordPress and displays them in a human-readable format.

您可能还希望使用Google Analytics(分析)关注您的热门内容。 最好的方法是使用MonsterInsights 。 它将您的Google Analytics(分析)报告带入WordPress,并以易于阅读的格式显示。

We hope this article helped you learn how to use SEO Writing Assistant in WordPress to improve SEO. You may also want to see our complete WordPress SEO guide with step by step instructions for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中使用SEO Writing Assistant来改善SEO。 您可能还想查看我们完整的WordPress SEO指南,其中包括针对初学者的分步说明。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。



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