
为什么您应该重新考虑软件开发 (Why you should rethink software development)

Today, software is everywhere. Modern society depends on it. It’s inside watches, medical devices, phones, TVs, elevators, cars, and even “computers” (as if those other things don’t compute.)

如今,软件无处不在。 现代社会依赖于此。 它位于手表,医疗设备,电话,电视,电梯,汽车甚至“计算机”内部(就像其他东西无法计算一样)。

As a consultant, I’ve helped companies develop software for the past 14 years, and coded quite a bit of software myself.

作为顾问 ,我在过去的14年中一直帮助公司开发软件,并且自己编写了很多软件。

I co-authored an international standard and worked with adopters to implement it. I wrote software that controlled the behavior of a satellite communication system. I developed tools for a team that created a model of the European Extremely Large Telescope. I was involved with software for automotive companies, healthcare systems, banks, insurance, telecommunications, aviation and more.

我与人合着了国际标准 ,并与采用者一起实施。 我写了控制卫星通信系统行为的软件。 我为一个团队开发了工具,该团队创建了欧洲超大型望远镜的模型。 我参与了汽车公司,医疗保健系统,银行,保险,电信,航空等领域的软件开发。

In some of these companies, software development worked well. Teams delivered software in high quality. Stakeholders were happy. The companies grew their customer base, and ultimately their profit.

在其中一些公司中,软件开发效果很好。 团队提供了高质量的软件。 利益相关者很高兴。 这些公司扩大了客户群,最终增加了利润。

But other companies struggled.


I saw departments fighting each other over whose requirements to include in a release.


I saw developers who could not keep up with the amount of feature creep and change requests. Some of them lost any sense of purpose in what they were building.

我看到开发人员无法跟上功能的不断变化和变更请求的数量。 他们中的一些人在建造房屋时失去了目标感。

I watched as communication broke down between developers and the non-technical business stakeholders who managed them.


And after a few years, I recognized a pattern.


Whenever people asked me what was going wrong, I just started telling them: nobody wants to use software.

每当有人问我出了什么问题时,我就开始告诉他们: 没有人愿意使用软件。

At first, they looked at me like I was crazy. Software is everywhere. It’s what powers modern civilization! But after I explained myself, many of these same people would slowly nod in somber agreement.

一开始,他们看着我就像我疯了一样。 软件无处不在。 这就是现代文明的力量! 但是,在我向自己解释之后,许多同样的人会慢慢地以含糊的同意地点头。

If you are like me, you do at least some of your shopping online.


Do you want to register for one more e-commerce website?


Do you enjoy adding products to your shopping cart, one by one?


Do you want to double-check whether the credit card number you entered is correct?


Do you want to confirm your purchase several times?


I sure don’t.


But still, I shop online. Why?

但是我还是在网上购物。 为什么?

达到理想的结果 (Reaching the desired outcome)

What I want is a desired outcome: I want to own a new washing machine or read a new book. Every interaction between me and the software is a step between me and that outcome.

我想要的是一个理想的结果 :我想拥有一台新洗衣机或读一本新书。 我与软件之间的每一次互动都是我与结果之间的一步。

Recognizing this has had a huge impact on the way I develop software.


Many companies measure developer productivity by lines of code or by velocity, which roughly means: completed features per time, adjusted by feature size.

许多公司通过代码行速度来衡量开发人员的生产力大致 表示:每次完成的功能,由功能大小调整。

Some people think selling features is like selling oranges. The more features you provide to customers, the higher the profit.

有人认为卖功能就像卖橘子。 您提供给客户的功能越多,利润就越高。

But I’m here to tell you that it isn’t.


Adding more features may make it easier or harder for your user to reach their desired outcome. It may actually stand in the way. There are other, more useful metrics than velocity.

添加更多功能可能使您的用户更容易或更难达到所需的结果。 它实际上可能会妨碍您。 还有其他比速度更有用的指标。

When you enter a new market, make sure that your software fulfills some customer need. Cherish your customers and get frequent feedback. Don’t turn your software in a bloated, feature-rich mess that nobody wants to use.

当您进入新市场时,请确保您的软件能够满足某些客户需求。 珍惜您的客户并获得频繁的反馈。 不要把软件变成in肿,功能丰富的混乱局面,没人想使用。

If you already have a solid position in a market, clear the way. Make a user’s journey to their desired outcome as short and pleasant as possible. Because the end of that journey is the first moment value is created for your company.

如果您已经在市场上占有一席之地,请清除道路。 使用户的旅程尽可能短而愉快。 因为旅程的终点​​是为公司创造价值的第一刻。

If you can get users to complete their journeys to the desired outcome with less steps, good. Develop less, because software development is an investment.

如果您可以使用户以更少的步骤完成他们的旅程,以获得理想的结果,那很好。 减少开发,因为软件开发是一项投资。

亚马逊的Kindle如何缩短旅程 (How Amazon’s Kindle shortens the journey)

Amazon started out selling books online. You went there to buy a book, which they’d ship to your door.

亚马逊开始在网上销售书籍。 您去那里买了一本书,他们将它们运到您家。

Then they pioneered 1-Click payment, so you could skip entering your payment details and clicking through a shopping cart funnel each time you wanted to buy something. This shortened the user journey.

然后,他们开创了1-Click付款的先河,因此您可以在每次要购买商品时跳过输入付款明细并单击购物车漏斗的过程。 这缩短了用户旅程。

Later, they introduced the Kindle. This further shortened the user journey. Find a book, view its details, confirm the purchase. After a short download, you’ve got the book. No more waiting for shipping.

后来,他们推出了Kindle。 这进一步缩短了用户旅程。 查找一本书,查看其详细信息,确认购买。 短暂下载后,您已经掌握了这本书。 无需等待运送。

Ultimately, all of this leads to the same outcome as in the early days of Amazon: you can read a book.


It’s just that now the journey taken to get there is a whole lot shorter.


Developing as many features as possible is not enough to be successful. Fortunately, I am not the only one who thinks that.

开发尽可能多的功能不足以成功。 幸运的是,我并不是唯一一个这么认为的人。

Gojko Adzic created Impact Mapping, a technique for deriving software features from business goals. He asked the developer community to “Make impacts, not software.”

Gojko Adzic创建了Impact Mapping ,这是一种从业务目标中获取软件功能的技术。 他要求开发人员社区“ 产生影响,而不是软件 。”

David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails, believes that you can always do less.

Ruby on Rails的创建者David Heinemeier Hansson认为您总可以做得更少 。

As much sense as this makes to the developers I explain this to, in my experience, only a minority of companies have put this philosophy of shortening user journeys into practice.


So don’t get me wrong: I love software. I’m fascinated by it. I started developing software in the early 90s, and I’m still into it.

所以请不要误会我:我喜欢软件。 我被它迷住了。 我于90年代初开始开发软件, 现在仍然投入其中 。

Software is useful. But not on its own. Software is just a means to an end.

软件有用的。 但不是靠它自己。 软件只是达到目的的一种手段。

Please keep that in mind.





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