1.FreeMarker   word模板转换flt(xml)文件直接数据写入生成doc

public class ExportQualityWordHandler {private Configuration configuration = null;public ExportQualityWordHandler() {        configuration = new Configuration();        configuration.setDefaultEncoding("utf-8");  configuration.setClassicCompatible(true);}  public String createDoc(List list){    //Doc 子文件路径记载List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();//输出文档路径        String savePath = Constants.FCKEDITOR_UPLOAD_FILE_DIR;if(savePath.endsWith("\\upfiles\\")){savePath = savePath.substring(0, savePath.lastIndexOf("\\upfiles\\"));}for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){Map map = (HashMap)list.get(i);String partsType = map.get("partsType").toString();String sfpName = map.get("sfpName").toString();if(sfpName.indexOf("/") > -1){sfpName.replaceAll("\\/", "-");}Template t=null;try {configuration.setClassForTemplateLoading(this.getClass(), "");t = configuration.getTemplate("xx计划 -xx模板.flt");//1.直接获取模板文件} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}//输出子文件名称String filePath = "/upfiles/SMI/x计划 -"+sfpName+".doc";File outFile = new File(savePath+filePath);System.out.println("File path:---------------" + savePath+filePath);//记录该输出子文件files.add(outFile);Writer out = null;try {out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile),"UTF-8"));} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();} catch (Exception e) {// TODO: handle exception} try {t.process(map, out);out.close();} catch (TemplateException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();     }}return "";}

2.jacob 对于更复杂的word将多个由Freemarker生成的doc再次合成

package  com.test;

import  java.sql.Connection; 
import  java.sql.DriverManager; 
import  java.sql.ResultSet; 
import  java.sql.Statement; 
import  java.util.ArrayList; 
import  java.util.List;

import  com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent; 
import  com.jacob.com.Dispatch; 
import  com.jacob.com.Variant;

public   class  MSWordManager { 
         // word文档 
         private  Dispatch doc;

// word运行程序对象 
         private  ActiveXComponent word;

// 所有word文档集合 
         private  Dispatch documents;

// 选定的范围或插入点 
         private  Dispatch selection;

private   boolean  saveOnExit =  true ;

/** *//** 
         * @param visible 为true表示word应用程序可见 
         public  MSWordManager( boolean  visible) { 
                 if  (word ==  null ) { 
                        word =  new  ActiveXComponent( "Word.Application" ); 
                        word.setProperty( "Visible" ,  new  Variant(visible)); 
                 if  (documents ==  null ) 
                        documents = word.getProperty( "Documents" ).toDispatch(); 

/** *//** 
         * 设置退出时参数 
         * @param saveOnExit boolean true-退出时保存文件,false-退出时不保存文件 
         public   void  setSaveOnExit( boolean  saveOnExit) { 
                 this .saveOnExit = saveOnExit; 

/** *//** 
         * 创建一个新的word文档 
         public   void  createNewDocument() { 
                doc = Dispatch.call(documents,  "Add" ).toDispatch(); 
                selection = Dispatch.get(word,  "Selection" ).toDispatch(); 

/** *//** 
         * 打开一个已存在的文档 
         * @param docPath 
         public   void  openDocument(String docPath) { 
                doc = Dispatch.call(documents,  "Open" , docPath).toDispatch(); 
                selection = Dispatch.get(word,  "Selection" ).toDispatch(); 

/** *//** 
         * 把选定的内容或插入点向上移动 
         * @param pos 移动的距离 
         public   void  moveUp( int  pos) { 
                 if  (selection ==  null ) 
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word,  "Selection" ).toDispatch(); 
                 for  ( int  i = 0; i &lt; pos; i++) 
                        Dispatch.call(selection,  "MoveUp" );


/** *//** 
         * 把选定的内容或者插入点向下移动 
         * @param pos 移动的距离 
         public   void  moveDown( int  pos) { 
                 if  (selection ==  null ) 
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word,  "Selection" ).toDispatch(); 
                 for  ( int  i = 0; i &lt; pos; i++) 
                        Dispatch.call(selection,  "MoveDown" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 把选定的内容或者插入点向左移动 
         * @param pos 移动的距离 
         public   void  moveLeft( int  pos) { 
                 if  (selection ==  null ) 
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word,  "Selection" ).toDispatch(); 
                 for  ( int  i = 0; i &lt; pos; i++) { 
                        Dispatch.call(selection,  "MoveLeft" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 把选定的内容或者插入点向右移动 
         * @param pos 移动的距离 
         public   void  moveRight( int  pos) { 
                 if  (selection ==  null ) 
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word,  "Selection" ).toDispatch(); 
                 for  ( int  i = 0; i &lt; pos; i++) 
                        Dispatch.call(selection,  "MoveRight" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 把插入点移动到文件首位置 
         public   void  moveStart() { 
                 if  (selection ==  null ) 
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word,  "Selection" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(selection,  "HomeKey" ,  new  Variant(6)); 
         public   void  moveEnd() { 
                 if  (selection ==  null ) 
                        selection = Dispatch.get(word,  "Selection" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(selection,  "EndKey" ,  new  Variant(6)); 

/** *//** 
         * 从选定内容或插入点开始查找文本 
         * @param toFindText 要查找的文本 
         * @return boolean true-查找到并选中该文本,false-未查找到文本 
         public   boolean  find(String toFindText) { 
                 if  (toFindText ==  null  || toFindText.equals("")) 
                         return   false ; 
                 // 从selection所在位置开始查询 
                Dispatch find = word.call(selection,  "Find" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 设置要查找的内容 
                Dispatch.put(find,  "Text" , toFindText); 
                 // 向前查找 
                Dispatch.put(find,  "Forward" ,  "True" ); 
                 // 设置格式 
                Dispatch.put(find,  "Format" ,  "True" ); 
                 // 大小写匹配 
                Dispatch.put(find,  "MatchCase" ,  "True" ); 
                 // 全字匹配 
                Dispatch.put(find,  "MatchWholeWord" ,  "True" ); 
                 // 查找并选中 
                 return  Dispatch.call(find,  "Execute" ).getBoolean(); 

/** *//** 
         * 把选定选定内容设定为替换文本 
         * @param toFindText 查找字符串 
         * @param newText 要替换的内容 
         * @return 
         public   boolean  replaceText(String toFindText, String newText) { 
                 if  (!find(toFindText)) 
                         return   false ; 
                Dispatch.put(selection,  "Text" , newText); 
                 return   true ; 

/** *//** 
         * 全局替换文本 
         * @param toFindText 查找字符串 
         * @param newText 要替换的内容 
         public   void  replaceAllText(String toFindText, String newText) { 
                 while  (find(toFindText)) { 
                        Dispatch.put(selection,  "Text" , newText); 
                        Dispatch.call(selection,  "MoveRight" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前插入点插入字符串 
         * @param newText 要插入的新字符串 
         public   void  insertText(String newText) { 
                Dispatch.put(selection,  "Text" , newText); 

/** *//** 
         * @param toFindText 要查找的字符串 
         * @param imagePath 图片路径 
         * @return 
         public   boolean  replaceImage(String toFindText, String imagePath) { 
                 if  (!find(toFindText)) 
                         return   false ; 
                Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection,  "InLineShapes" ).toDispatch(), 
                                 "AddPicture" , imagePath); 
                 return   true ; 

/** *//** 
         * 全局替换图片 
         * @param toFindText 查找字符串 
         * @param imagePath 图片路径 
         public   void  replaceAllImage(String toFindText, String imagePath) { 
                 while  (find(toFindText)) { 
                        Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection,  "InLineShapes" ).toDispatch(), 
                                         "AddPicture" , imagePath); 
                        Dispatch.call(selection,  "MoveRight" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前插入点插入图片 
         * @param imagePath 图片路径 
         public   void  insertImage(String imagePath) { 
                Dispatch.call(Dispatch.get(selection,  "InLineShapes" ).toDispatch(), 
                                 "AddPicture" , imagePath); 

/** *//** 
         * 合并单元格 
         * @param tableIndex 
         * @param fstCellRowIdx 
         * @param fstCellColIdx 
         * @param secCellRowIdx 
         * @param secCellColIdx 
         public   void  mergeCell( int  tableIndex,  int  fstCellRowIdx,  int  fstCellColIdx, 
                         int  secCellRowIdx,  int  secCellColIdx) { 
                 // 所有表格 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                Dispatch fstCell = Dispatch.call(table,  "Cell" , 
                                 new  Variant(fstCellRowIdx),  new  Variant(fstCellColIdx)) 
                Dispatch secCell = Dispatch.call(table,  "Cell" , 
                                 new  Variant(secCellRowIdx),  new  Variant(secCellColIdx)) 
                Dispatch.call(fstCell,  "Merge" , secCell); 

/** *//** 
         * 在指定的单元格里填写数据 
         * @param tableIndex 
         * @param cellRowIdx 
         * @param cellColIdx 
         * @param txt 
         public   void  putTxtToCell( int  tableIndex,  int  cellRowIdx,  int  cellColIdx, 
                        String txt) { 
                 // 所有表格 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(table,  "Cell" ,  new  Variant(cellRowIdx), 
                                 new  Variant(cellColIdx)).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cell,  "Select" ); 
                Dispatch.put(selection,  "Text" , txt); 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前文档拷贝数据 
         * @param pos 
         public   void  copy(String toCopyText) { 
                 if  ( this .find(toCopyText)) { 
                        Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection,  "Range" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch.call(textRange,  "Copy" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前文档粘帖剪贴板数据 
         * @param pos 
         public   void  paste(String pos) { 
                 if  ( this .find(pos)) { 
                        Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection,  "Range" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch.call(textRange,  "Paste" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝表格 
         * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 
         * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的表格在word文档中所处的位置 
         public   void  copyTable(String pos, int  tableIndex) { 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(table,  "Range" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(range,  "Copy" ); 
                 if  ( this .find(pos)) { 
                        Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection,  "Range" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch.call(textRange,  "Paste" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前文档末尾拷贝来自另一个文档中的段落 
         * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 
         * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的段落在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始) 
         public   void  copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, 
                         int  paragraphIndex) { 
                Dispatch wordContent = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Content" ).toDispatch();  // 取得当前文档的内容 
                Dispatch.call(wordContent,  "InsertAfter" ,  "$selection$" ); // 插入特殊符定位插入点 
                copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(anotherDocPath, paragraphIndex, 
                                 "$selection$" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的段落 
         * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 
         * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的段落在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始) 
         * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 
         public   void  copyParagraphFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath, 
                         int  paragraphIndex, String pos) { 
                Dispatch doc2 =  null ; 
                 try  { 
                        doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents,  "Open" , anotherDocPath) 
                        Dispatch paragraphs = Dispatch.get(doc2,  "Paragraphs" ).toDispatch();

Dispatch paragraph = Dispatch.call(paragraphs,  "Item" , 
                                         new  Variant(paragraphIndex)).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(paragraph,  "Range" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch.call(range,  "Copy" ); 
                         if  ( this .find(pos)) { 
                                Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection,  "Range" ) 
                                Dispatch.call(textRange,  "Paste" ); 
                }  catch  (Exception e) { 
                }  finally  { 
                         if  (doc2 !=  null ) { 
                                Dispatch.call(doc2,  "Close" ,  new  Variant(saveOnExit)); 
                                doc2 =  null ; 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的表格 
         * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 
         * @param tableIndex 被拷贝的表格在另一格文档中的序号(从1开始) 
         * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 
         public   void  copyTableFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath,  int  tableIndex, 
                        String pos) { 
                Dispatch doc2 =  null ; 
                 try  { 
                        doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents,  "Open" , anotherDocPath) 
                        Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc2,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" , 
                                         new  Variant(tableIndex)).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(table,  "Range" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch.call(range,  "Copy" ); 
                         if  ( this .find(pos)) { 
                                Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection,  "Range" ) 
                                Dispatch.call(textRange,  "Paste" ); 
                }  catch  (Exception e) { 
                }  finally  { 
                         if  (doc2 !=  null ) { 
                                Dispatch.call(doc2,  "Close" ,  new  Variant(saveOnExit)); 
                                doc2 =  null ; 

/** *//** 
         * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的图片 
         * @param anotherDocPath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 
         * @param shapeIndex 被拷贝的图片在另一格文档中的位置 
         * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 
         public   void  copyImageFromAnotherDoc(String anotherDocPath,  int  shapeIndex, 
                        String pos) { 
                Dispatch doc2 =  null ; 
                 try  { 
                        doc2 = Dispatch.call(documents,  "Open" , anotherDocPath) 
                        Dispatch shapes = Dispatch.get(doc2,  "InLineShapes" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch shape = Dispatch.call(shapes,  "Item" , 
                                         new  Variant(shapeIndex)).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch imageRange = Dispatch.get(shape,  "Range" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch.call(imageRange,  "Copy" ); 
                         if  ( this .find(pos)) { 
                                Dispatch textRange = Dispatch.get(selection,  "Range" ) 
                                Dispatch.call(textRange,  "Paste" ); 
                }  catch  (Exception e) { 
                }  finally  { 
                         if  (doc2 !=  null ) { 
                                Dispatch.call(doc2,  "Close" ,  new  Variant(saveOnExit)); 
                                doc2 =  null ; 

/** *//** 
         * 创建表格 
         * @param pos    位置 
         * @param cols 列数 
         * @param rows 行数 
         public   void  createTable( int  numCols,  int  numRows){ //(String pos, int numCols, int numRows) { 
//                if (!find(pos)) { 
                        Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(selection,  "Range" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch newTable = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Add" , range, 
                                         new  Variant(numRows),  new  Variant(numCols)).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch.call(selection,  "MoveRight" ); 
//                } 

/** *//** 
         * 在指定行前面增加行 
         * @param tableIndex word文件中的第N张表(从1开始) 
         * @param rowIndex 指定行的序号(从1开始) 
         public   void  addTableRow( int  tableIndex,  int  rowIndex) { 
                 // 所有表格 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                 // 表格的所有行 
                Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table,  "Rows" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch row = Dispatch.call(rows,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(rowIndex)) 
                Dispatch.call(rows,  "Add" ,  new  Variant(row)); 

/** *//** 
         * 在第1行前增加一行 
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) 
         public   void  addFirstTableRow( int  tableIndex) { 
                 // 所有表格 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                 // 表格的所有行 
                Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table,  "Rows" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch row = Dispatch.get(rows,  "First" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(rows,  "Add" ,  new  Variant(row)); 

/** *//** 
         * 在最后1行前增加一行 
         * @param tableIndex 
         *                        word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) 
         public   void  addLastTableRow( int  tableIndex) { 
                 // 所有表格 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                 // 表格的所有行 
                Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table,  "Rows" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch row = Dispatch.get(rows,  "Last" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(rows,  "Add" ,  new  Variant(row)); 

/** *//** 
         * 增加一行 
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) 
         public   void  addRow( int  tableIndex) { 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                 // 表格的所有行 
                Dispatch rows = Dispatch.get(table,  "Rows" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(rows,  "Add" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 增加一列 
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) 
         public   void  addCol( int  tableIndex) { 
                 // 所有表格 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                 // 表格的所有行 
                Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table,  "Columns" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cols,  "Add" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cols,  "AutoFit" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在指定列前面增加表格的列 
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) 
         * @param colIndex    指定列的序号 (从1开始) 
         public   void  addTableCol( int  tableIndex,  int  colIndex) { 
                 // 所有表格 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                 // 表格的所有行 
                Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table,  "Columns" ).toDispatch(); 
                System.out.println(Dispatch.get(cols,  "Count" )); 
                Dispatch col = Dispatch.call(cols,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(colIndex)) 
                 // Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols, "First").toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cols,  "Add" , col).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cols,  "AutoFit" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在第1列前增加一列 
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) 
         public   void  addFirstTableCol( int  tableIndex) { 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                 // 表格的所有行 
                Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table,  "Columns" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols,  "First" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cols,  "Add" , col).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cols,  "AutoFit" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 在最后一列前增加一列 
         * @param tableIndex word文档中的第N张表(从1开始) 
         public   void  addLastTableCol( int  tableIndex) { 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 // 要填充的表格 
                Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(tableIndex)) 
                 // 表格的所有行 
                Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table,  "Columns" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch col = Dispatch.get(cols,  "Last" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cols,  "Add" , col).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.call(cols,  "AutoFit" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 自动调整表格 
         public   void  autoFitTable() { 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 int  count = Dispatch.get(tables,  "Count" ).toInt(); 
                 for  ( int  i = 0; i &lt; count; i++) { 
                        Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(i + 1)) 
                        Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(table,  "Columns" ).toDispatch(); 
                        Dispatch.call(cols,  "AutoFit" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 调用word里的宏以调整表格的宽度,其中宏保存在document下 
         public   void  callWordMacro() { 
                Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(doc,  "Tables" ).toDispatch(); 
                 int  count = Dispatch.get(tables,  "Count" ).toInt(); 
                Variant vMacroName =  new  Variant( "Normal.NewMacros.tableFit" ); 
                Variant vParam =  new  Variant( "param1" ); 
                Variant para[] =  new  Variant[] { vMacroName }; 
                 for  ( int  i = 0; i &lt; para.length; i++) { 
                        Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables,  "Item" ,  new  Variant(i + 1)) 
                        Dispatch.call(table,  "Select" ); 
                        Dispatch.call(word,  "Run" ,  "tableFitContent" ); 

/** *//** 
         * 设置当前选定内容的字体 
         * @param boldSize 
         * @param italicSize 
         * @param underLineSize 下划线 
         * @param colorSize 字体颜色 
         * @param size 字体大小 
         * @param name 字体名称 
         public   void  setFont( boolean  bold,  boolean  italic,  boolean  underLine, 
                        String colorSize, String size, String name) { 
                Dispatch font = Dispatch.get(selection,  "Font" ).toDispatch(); 
                Dispatch.put(font,  "Name" ,  new  Variant(name)); 
                Dispatch.put(font,  "Bold" ,  new  Variant(bold)); 
                Dispatch.put(font,  "Italic" ,  new  Variant(italic)); 
                Dispatch.put(font,  "Underline" ,  new  Variant(underLine)); 
                Dispatch.put(font,  "Color" , colorSize); 
                Dispatch.put(font,  "Size" , size); 

/** *//** 
         * 文件保存或另存为 
         * @param savePath 保存或另存为路径 
         public   void  save(String savePath) { 
                                (Dispatch) Dispatch.call(word,  "WordBasic" ).getDispatch(), 
                                 "FileSaveAs" , savePath); 

/** *//** 
         * 关闭当前word文档 
         public   void  closeDocument() { 
                 if  (doc !=  null ) { 
                        Dispatch.call(doc,  "Save" ); 
                        Dispatch.call(doc,  "Close" ,  new  Variant(saveOnExit)); 
                        doc =  null ; 

/** *//** 
         * 关闭全部应用 
         public   void  close() { 
                 if  (word !=  null ) { 
                        Dispatch.call(word,  "Quit" ); 
                        word =  null ; 
                selection =  null ; 
                documents =  null ; 

/** *//** 
         * 打印当前word文档 
         public   void  printFile() { 
                 if  (doc !=  null ) { 
                        Dispatch.call(doc,  "PrintOut" ); 

public   static   void  main(String args[]) throws  Exception {

MSWordManager msWordManager =  new  MSWordManager( true ); 

msWordManager.insertText( "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ); 




* @Title: DocumentWordHandler.java
* @Package cn.com.c**h.business.s**ip.common
* @Description: TODO()
* @author TravisTang
* @eMail t**@***.com.cn
* @date Nov 20, 2013 7:53:03 PM
* @version V1.0
*/package cn.com.c**sh.business.s**ip.common;import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Map;import cn.com.ch***s*.portal.Constants;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.Template;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;/*** @ClassName: DocumentWordHandler* @Description: TODO(//2014.01.03 废弃的XML替换方案,不删除作为参考和后续可能使用的方案)* @author TravisTang* @date Nov 20, 2013 7:53:03 PM**/public class DocumentWordHandler {private Configuration configuration = null;     private String templateName = "XX计划 -总装模板.xml";private String ZZHeadName = "总装头部.txt";private String ZZOffalName = "总装尾部.txt";private String ZZReplaceName = "总装替换.txt";private static final freemarker.template.Configuration fmConfig=new freemarker.template.Configuration();static {fmConfig.setDefaultEncoding("GBK");}public String createDoc(Map map){       //要填入模本的数据文件        getData(map);  //获取组装完毕的文件的路径File file = jointXML();Template t=null;   try {
//          configuration.setClassForTemplateLoading(this.getClass(), "");  //1.直接获取模板文件configuration.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(file);//3.生成File获取模板t = configuration.getTemplate("prepareDate.xml");//3.
//          t = configuration.getTemplate(prepareNmae);//1.直接获取模板文件
//          t = createTemplateByContent(newTemplate);//2.根据重写加载器获取变量模板   由于文件字节过大,摒弃,备用} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}//输出文档路径及名称        String filePath = "/upfiles/SXP/X计划 -总装导出.doc";
//      String filePath = "/upfiles/SXP/Qua1_"+
//          (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date())).replaceAll(":","-")+".doc";String savePath = Constants.FCKEDITOR_UPLOAD_FILE_DIR;if(savePath.endsWith("\\upfiles\\")){savePath = savePath.substring(0, savePath.lastIndexOf("\\upfiles\\"));}File outFile = new File(savePath+filePath);System.out.println("File path:---------------" + savePath+filePath);Writer out = null;try {out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile),"UTF-8"));} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();} catch (Exception e) {// TODO: handle exception} try {t.process(map, out);out.close();} catch (TemplateException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();     }return savePath+filePath;}/*** @Title: jointXML * @Description: TODO(组装XML)* @author TravisTang* @date Dec 18, 2013 9:31:03 PM*/public File jointXML(){String filePath = "/upfiles/SXP/prepareDate.xml";String savePath = Constants.FCKEDITOR_UPLOAD_FILE_DIR;if(savePath.endsWith("\\upfiles\\")){savePath = savePath.substring(0, savePath.lastIndexOf("\\upfiles\\"));}//创建XMLFile file = null;try {file = createXmlFile(savePath+filePath);} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}/******   文件读写开始   ******/System.out.println("【Start to write All XML】");long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();//读取XML头部并写入文件readXML(ZZHeadName,file);//获取已替换的XML中部Long tx1 = System.currentTimeMillis();String XMLContent = EditXML(ZZReplaceName);//给予一分钟读写时间再开始下一段读写for(int i=tx1.intValue();i<tx1.intValue()+60;i++){}//将中部写入XMLreadXML(ZZReplaceName,file);writeDoc(file, XMLContent);//读取XML尾部并写入文件readXML(ZZOffalName,file);long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();System.out.println("【End to write All XML, time:" + (t2 - t1) + "(ms)】");/******   文件读写完毕   ******/return file;}/*** @Title: EditXML * @Description: TODO(根据数据编辑XML替换部分)* @author TravisTang* @date Dec 18, 2013 6:42:47 PM*/public String EditXML(String replaceName){BufferedReader br = null;try {br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(replaceName),"UTF-8"));} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {// TODO: handle exceptione.printStackTrace();}StringBuilder sbu = new StringBuilder();String line;try {while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {sbu.append(line);}} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();} String afterReplace = sbu.toString().replace("${No}", "${No1}").replace("${executableUnit}", "${executableUnit1}").replace("${operationDesc}", "${operationDesc1}").replace("${fileNo}", "${fileNo1}").replace("${fileVersion}", "${fileVersion1}").replace("${operationContent}", "${operationContent1}").replace("${qualityGradeAndDate}", "${qualityGradeAndDate1}").replace("${controlPoint1}", "${controlPoint11}").replace("${controlPoint2}", "${controlPoint21}").replace("${controlPoint3}", "${controlPoint31}").replace("${remark}", "${remark1}");return afterReplace;}/*** @Title: readXML * @Description: TODO(Read XML for generate Doc.)* @author TravisTang* @date Dec 18, 2013 4:49:52 PM*/public void readXML(String fileName,File file){System.out.println("【Start to readXML】");long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();BufferedReader br = null;try {br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName),"UTF-8"));} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {// TODO: handle exceptione.printStackTrace();}StringBuilder sbu = new StringBuilder();String line;OutputStream out = null;try {out = new FileOutputStream(file);try {while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {//按行读取文件并写入XMLout.write(line.getBytes("UTF-8"));}} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}} catch (Exception ex) {//ex.printStackTrace();} finally {if (out != null) {try {out.close();} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}}}long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();System.out.println("【End to readXML, time:" + (t2 - t1) + "(ms)】");}/*** 将内容写入文件 * @param file* @param str*/private void writeDoc(File file, String str) {System.out.println("【Start to writeDoc】");long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();OutputStream out = null;try {out = new FileOutputStream(file);out.write(str.getBytes("UTF-8"));} catch (Exception ex) {//ex.printStackTrace();} finally {if (out != null) {try {out.close();} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}}}long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();System.out.println("【End to writeDoc, time:" + (t2 - t1) + "(ms)】");}/***  创建文件* @param path* @return* @throws IOException*/private File createXmlFile(String path) throws IOException {File file = new File(path);if (!file.exists()) {file.createNewFile();}return file;}/**     * 注意dataMap里存放的数据Key值要与模板中的参数相对应     * @param dataMap     */    private void getData(Map dataMap){dataMap.put("sfpName", "a18"); dataMap.put("quNum", "a1");        dataMap.put("workorderNo", "a2");        dataMap.put("deviceName", "a3");        dataMap.put("tagNum", "a4");        dataMap.put("qualityClass", "a5");        dataMap.put("version", "a6");        dataMap.put("No", "a7");        dataMap.put("executableUnit", "a8");        dataMap.put("operationDesc", "a9"); dataMap.put("fileNo", "a10"); dataMap.put("fileVersion", "a11"); dataMap.put("operationContent", "a12"); dataMap.put("qualityGradeAndDate", "a13"); dataMap.put("controlPoint1", "a14"); dataMap.put("controlPoint2", "a15"); dataMap.put("controlPoint3", "a16"); dataMap.put("remark", "a17"); dataMap.put("No1", "a71");        dataMap.put("executableUnit1", "a81");        dataMap.put("operationDesc1", "a91"); dataMap.put("fileNo1", "a101"); dataMap.put("fileVersion1", "a111"); dataMap.put("operationContent1", "a121"); dataMap.put("qualityGradeAndDate1", "a131"); dataMap.put("controlPoint11", "a141"); dataMap.put("controlPoint21", "a151"); dataMap.put("controlPoint31", "a161"); dataMap.put("remark1", "a171"); }public static Template createTemplateByContent(String content) throws IOException { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setTemplateLoader(new StringFreemarkerTemplateLoader(content)); configuration.setDefaultEncoding("UTF-8"); return configuration.getTemplate("");  } }

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