
关于Bezier曲线的定义和生成程序,请参考https://blog.csdn.net/iwanderu/article/details/103604863, 本节内容会部分沿用上一节代码。


  • Bi-linear Patch
  • Ruled Patch
  • Coons Patch
  • Bi-cubic Patch
  • Hermite Patch
  • Coons Patch with tangents
  • Bezier Patch
  • B-Spline Patch
  • Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS)
  • Other types of surfaces

本次讨论的内容是通过pyplot实现coons patch的绘制。

我们想描述的曲面为S(u,v),它由四个边界曲线P0,P1,Q0,Q1包围而成,注意,u和v的正方向为向上和向右为正,这个细节十分重要,因为绘图的时候使用一系列的点,放在array数组中来对应计算的,如果顺序错了,绘制的曲线就是错的。Coons Patch的参数化表达式如下:

其中alpha和beta是blending function,他们能调节曲面的起伏和光滑程度。默认alpha = 1 - u(对应上图的alpha0), belta = 1 - v(对应上图的alpha1),u和v分别是两个方向的坐标,注意他们的取值范围是0-1之间的,包括0和1.编程实现的基础就是这个公式。


Based on your programming lab of curves, you are required in this lab to define and display Coons patches with different alpha(u) and belta(v) blending functions. You program should have the following functionalities.

(1) The user can define the four boundary curves of the Coons patch. The format of the curves is Bezier. For your convenience, you can assume that the number of control points of any Bezier curve is 6.

(2) You should allow the user to define different alpha(u) and belta(v). One suggestion is that you can define the alpha(u) (and belta(v)) as a Bezier curve with its two end control points on (0, 1) and (1, 0) respectively. For your convenience, you can fix the degree to 3 (i.e., 4 control points).

(3) Your program should be able to display the Coons patch by sampling the iso-curves and drawing their linear segments.

Note: when your program is examined, it will be viewed in the XY view; try to define 4 boundary curves that do not cross each other in the XY view.

大概意思就是说,题目要求通过4条Bezier曲线作为边界,他们由6个控制点确定位置和形状。Blending function,也就是alpha和beta,由3个控制点确定,函数形式和Bezier曲线表达式是一样的。



import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3DN = 100
step = 0.01
value_type = np.float64
alpha_u = np.array([],dtype=value_type) #shape (N,1)
beta_v = np.array([],dtype=value_type)
f = np.array([],dtype=value_type) #shape (-1,3) all the boundary points
surface = np.array([],dtype=value_type) #shape (-1,3) all the surface pointsmatplotlib.use("TkAgg")

N是采样点的数量,step是循环步长。f存放着四条边界线上的点,每条线存有N个点的数据。surface是Coons Patch曲面上的点的坐标,有N^2个。

3.2 Blending Function的实现

def buildBlendingFunction(control_point,u):#u is current step#control_point is a np.array,the shape should be (2,2)=>2 points, x-y(or called u-alpha) coordinates#return value is a scaler => alpha(u)P = np.array([0,1],dtype=value_type)P = np.append(P,control_point)P = np.append(P,[1,0])P = P.reshape((-1,2))#print('P\n',P)#global alphaalpha = np.array([],dtype=value_type) #shape should be (1,2)alpha = (1-u)**3 * P[0] + 3 * (1-u)**2 * u * P[1] + 3 * (1-u) * u**2 * P[2] + u**3 * P[3]#print("alpha\n",alpha)#print("alpha\n",alpha[0],alpha[1])#print(P[0],P[1])#plt.scatter(alpha[0],alpha[1],markersize=1)return alpha[0]

Blending function有4个控制点,是二维平面上的函数,第一个点和最后一个点的坐标是确定的,分别是(0,1)和(1,0),通过改变中间控制点的坐标来控制Blending function的形状,再从而控制Coons Patch曲面的起伏程度。

3.3 边界Bezier曲线的获取


# get 4 boundary bazier curves
def getCurve(closedOrOpen,pointsNumber,point,point_index,u):C = []n = pointsNumber - 1 # n is fewer in numbers than the total control points number. According to definition.point_show = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)for i in range(n+1):point_show = np.append(point_show,point[point_index + i])  if (closedOrOpen == 0): # if it is closed, means the oth and nth control points are the same.n += 1point_show = np.append(point_show,point[point_index])elif (closedOrOpen == 1):passpoint_show = point_show.reshape((-1,3))


  if ((n+1) % 2 == 0):for i in range((n+1) / 2):up = 1down = 1j = nwhile (j > i):up *= jj = j - 1j = n - iwhile (j > 0):down *= jj = j - 1C.append(up / down)elif ((n+1) % 2 == 1):for i in range(n / 2):up = 1down = 1j = nwhile (j > i):up *= jj = j - 1j = n - iwhile (j > 0):down *= jj = j - 1C.append(up / down)up = 1down = 1j = nwhile (j > n/2):up *= jj = j - 1j = n/2while (j > 0):down *= jj = j - 1C.append(up / down)if (n%2 == 1):for i in range(int((n+1)/2)):C.append(C[int(n/2-i)])if (n%2 == 0):for i in range(int((n+1)/2)):C.append(C[int(n/2-i-1)])global ffx = 0fy = 0 #not this place!!fz = 0for i in range(n+1):fx += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][0]fy += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][1]fz += C[i] * u**i * (1-u)**(n-i) * point_show[i][2]list = []list.append(fx)list.append(fy) list.append(fz)array_list = np.array([list],dtype=np.float64) f = np.append(f,array_list)#f = f.reshape((-1,3))



第一步,输入Blending function控制点的坐标。里面的数值是可以用户自定义的。

#1.control point for blending function alpha(u) and beta(v)
control_point1 = np.array([1.1,0.2,0.4,-0.5],dtype=value_type)
control_point1 = control_point1.reshape((2,2))
control_point2 = np.array([1.1,0.2,0.4,-0.5],dtype=value_type)
control_point2 = control_point1.reshape((2,2))


#2.control point for boundary curves(they should share 4 edge points!)
#according to the definition in the class, Q1 is curve1,Q0 is curve3,P1 is curve2,P0 is curve4
point_curve1 = np.array([-10,10,10,-6,7,9,-2,7,5,2,8,9,6,11,11,10,10,10],dtype=value_type)
point_curve1 = point_curve1.reshape((-1,3))
#point_curve2 = np.array([10,10,10,13,6,0,7,2,5,9,-2,3,6,6,13,10,-10,10],dtype=value_type)
point_curve2 = np.array([10,-10,10,6,6,13,9,-2,3,7,2,5,13,6,0,10,10,10],dtype=value_type)
point_curve2 = point_curve2.reshape((-1,3))
#point_curve3 = np.array([10,-10,10,6,-7,9,2,-7,5,-2,-8,9,-6,-11,11,-10,-10,10],dtype=value_type)
point_curve3 = np.array([-10,-10,10,-6,-11,11,-2,-8,9,2,-7,5,6,-7,9,10,-10,10],dtype=value_type)
point_curve3 = point_curve3.reshape((-1,3))
point_curve4 = np.array([-10,-10,10,-13,3,0,-7,-2,-5,-9,2,3,-6,6,9,-10,10,10],dtype=value_type)
point_curve4 = point_curve4.reshape((-1,3))
#remember,you can choose your own points here,and when you put the points, do not put them randomly but with certain order.
#they should share 4 commom edge points

第三步,获取Blending Function

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')u = 0
for i in range(N):
#3. get blending functionalpha_u_item = np.array([buildBlendingFunction(control_point1,u)],dtype=value_type)#print(alpha_u_item)alpha_u = np.append(alpha_u,alpha_u_item)beta_v_item = np.array([buildBlendingFunction(control_point2,u)],dtype=value_type)beta_v = np.append(beta_v,beta_v_item)


#4.get boundary curves, all the boundary points will array in f repeatedly.  getCurve(1,6,point_curve1,0,u)getCurve(1,6,point_curve2,0,u)getCurve(1,6,point_curve3,0,u)getCurve(1,6,point_curve4,0,u)u += step#plt.plot(alpha[0],alpha[1],markersize=1)f = f.reshape((-1,3))
# in f, f[0] is from curve 1,f[1] is from curve 2,f[2] is from curve 3,f[3] is from curve 4 and so on, and cycle for 1000 rounds!


#5.show the boundary
plt.plot(f[:,0],f[:,1],f[:,2],'b.',markersize=1,label='open bazier curve')
plt.plot(point_curve1[:,0],point_curve1[:,1],point_curve1[:,2],'r.',markersize=8, label='control point1')
plt.plot(point_curve2[:,0],point_curve2[:,1],point_curve2[:,2],'r.',markersize=8, label='control point2')
plt.plot(point_curve3[:,0],point_curve3[:,1],point_curve3[:,2],'r.',markersize=8, label='control point3')
plt.plot(point_curve4[:,0],point_curve4[:,1],point_curve4[:,2],'r.',markersize=8, label='control point4')
plt.plot(point_curve4[:,0],point_curve4[:,1],point_curve4[:,2],'-',markersize=1)#6.show the surface
surface_item = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
Q00 = point_curve3[0]
Q01 = point_curve3[-1]
Q10 = point_curve1[0]
Q11 = point_curve1[-1]
for u in range(N):for v in range(N):surface_item = alpha_u[u]*f[4*v+3]+(1-alpha_u[u])*f[4*v+1] + beta_v[v]*f[4*u+2]+(1-beta_v[v])*f[4*u] - (beta_v[v]*(alpha_u[u]*Q00+(1-alpha_u[u])*Q01)+(1-beta_v[v])*(alpha_u[u]*Q10+(1-alpha_u[u])*Q11))#surface_item = u*f[4*v]+(1-u)*f[4*v+2] + v*f[4*v+1]+(1-v)*f[4*v+3] - (v*(u*Q00+(1-u)*Q01)+(1-v)*(u*f[4*v+1]+(1-u)*Q11))#plt.plot(surface_item[0],surface_item[1],surface_item[2],'y.',markersize=1)surface = np.append(surface,surface_item)


#7.show the selected part of the coon face
u1 = input("please input the begin of u(0~u2):") * N
u2 = input("please input the end of u(u1~1):") * N
v1 = input("please input the begin of v(0~v2):") * N
v2 = input("please input the end of v(v1~1):") * N
surface_selected = np.array([],dtype=np.float64)
for u in range(N):for v in range(N):if (u>=u1 and u<=u2 and v>=v1 and v<=v2):surface_item = alpha_u[u]*f[4*v+3]+(1-alpha_u[u])*f[4*v+1] + beta_v[v]*f[4*u+2]+(1-beta_v[v])*f[4*u] - (beta_v[v]*(alpha_u[u]*Q00+(1-alpha_u[u])*Q01)+(1-beta_v[v])*(alpha_u[u]*Q10+(1-alpha_u[u])*Q11))surface_selected = np.append(surface_selected,surface_item)

最后,注意数据格式是可以被pyplot所接受的。把plt.plot(surface[:,0],surface[:,1],surface[:,2],‘y.’,markersize=1, label=‘surface’)中的’y.‘改为’-'可以显示连续的曲面。

surface = surface.reshape((-1,3))
surface_selected = surface_selected.reshape((-1,3))
plt.plot(surface[:,0],surface[:,1],surface[:,2],'y.',markersize=1, label='surface')



K. TANG, Fundamental Theories and Algorithms of CAD/CAE/CAM

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