J - Serval and Essay


Serval is a new student in Japari Kindergarten.

There is an English course in the kindergarten. The teacher sets some writing tasks for students to improve their writing skills. Therefore, Serval has to complete an essay, in English.

You might know that in an essay, the author has to convince readers of several arguments by showing them evidence.

Serval have collected nn available arguments numbered from 111 to nnn that can be written in his essay. For the iii-th argument, Serval can conclude that ii-th argument is true when the arguments numbered aaai,1{i,1}i,1 , aaai,2{i,2}i,2 ,…,, … ,,…, aaai,ki{i,k_i}i,ki​ are all true. Specially, the iii-th argument cannot be proven true by making conclusion when ki=0.k_i = 0.ki​=0. It is guaranteed that ai,ja_{i,j}ai,j​ ≠i\neq i=i for all iii (1≤i≤n)(1\leq i\leq n)(1≤i≤n) , and ai,j≠ai,ka_{i,j}\neq a_{i,k}ai,j​=ai,k​ when j≠k.j\neq k.j=k.

At the beginning of his essay, Serval will set exactly one argument from all the arguments as the argument basis, which is regarded as true. Starting with the argument basis, Serval will claim that some other arguments are true by making conclusions to complete his essay. It can be shown that for the iii-th argument with ki=0k_i = 0ki​=0, it can be true if and only if it is the argument basis.

Serval wants to maximize the number of true arguments in the essay, so he needs to set the argument basis optimally. However, as a kindergarten student, he cannot even find out the number of true arguments he can obtain.

Could you help him find out the answer?


Each test contains multiple test cases.

The first line contains an integer TTT (1≤T≤105)(1 \leq T \leq 10^5 )(1≤T≤105) — the number of test cases.

For each test case:

The first line contains a single integer nnn (1≤n≤2×105)(1 \leq n \leq 2×10^5 )(1≤n≤2×105)— the number of the available arguments.

For the iii-th line in the following nnn lines, there is an integer kik_iki​ (0≤ki<n)(0\le k_{i} <n)(0≤ki​<n) followed by kik_iki​ integers aaai,1{i,1}i,1 , aaai,2{i,2}i,2 ,…,, … ,,…, aaai,ki{i,k_i}i,ki​ (1≤ai,j≤n,ai,j≠i)(1\le a_{i,j}\le n,a_{i,j}\neq i)(1≤ai,j​≤n,ai,j​=i) — the arguments required to make the conclusion for the iii-th argument. It is guaranteed that ai,j≠ia_{i,j}\neq iai,j​=i for all iii (1≤i≤n)(1\leq i\leq n)(1≤i≤n), and ai,j≠ai,ka_{i,j}\neq a_{i,k}ai,j​=ai,k​ when j≠kj\neq kj=k.

It is guaranteed that the sum of nnn in all the test cases does not exceed 2×1052×10^52×105 and the sum of kik_iki​ in all the test cases does not exceed 5×1055×10^55×105.


For the iii-th test case, print a line containing “Case # iii : xxx” (without quotes), where iii is the number of the test case starting from 111 and xxx is the answer to the test case, which is the maximum number of true arguments when setting the argument basis optimally.


1 1
2 1 2
2 2 3
1 3
1 1
1 2
1 5
4 1 2 3 4
2 1 4
1 2
1 3
2 3 4
1 1
2 5 6


Case #1: 4
Case #2: 3
Case #3: 4


For the first sample, Serval can set the 111-st argument as the argument basis to obtain 444 true arguments in the essay. The following process shows how Serval makes conclusions in his essay.

⋅ Set the 111-st argument as the argument basis, which is regarded as true.
⋅ Conclude that 222-nd argument is true because 111-st argument is true.
⋅ Conclude that 333-rd argument is true because both 111-st and 222-nd arguments are true.
⋅ Conclude that 444-th argument is true because both 222-nd and 333-rd arguments are true.


给定一张有向无环图,有 nnn 个点均为白色,开局可以选定一个点将其染成黑色,若一个点的前置节点均为黑色,那么这个点也可以染成黑色。求最多能染成黑点的个数。


对于入度为 111 的节点,与其选这个节点不如选她的父节点,因为将其父节点染黑后她的前置节点全为黑色,这个节点也能染黑。于是可以将这两个节点合并,子节点原本的出边也要合并到父节点上。考虑到这两点可能存在的公共边需要减少存在公共出边的节点的入度。若减少入度之后的子节点的入度变为了 111 则又可以重复上述的合并操作。
最终会得到若干个连通块,答案便是 sizesizesize 最大的连通块的 sizesizesize。
维护连通块以及连通块的 sizesizesize 用并查集即可。
对于合并操作需要合并两个集合的边,在最坏情况下需要合并 n−1n-1n−1 次,若是将两个集合的边都遍历一遍去判断重边复杂度会达到 O(m2)O(m^2)O(m2) 显然是不允许的。此时合并操作便可以用启发式合并去做,启发式合并对于两个集合合并的操作,每次将 sizesizesize 小的集合合并到sizesizesize 更大的集合中去。易证 启发式合并的时间复杂度为 O(nlogn)O(nlogn)O(nlogn) 对于每个元素所处的集合的每次合并都会使得集合的大小至少乘以2,故一个集合最多被合并 log2nlog_2nlog2​n 次。故我们将每个集合的出边存到一个 setsetset 中,每次将 sizesizesize 小的集合的边插入到 sizesizesize 大的集合的 setsetset 中即可。而且 setsetset 会自动去重,这样复杂度乘上 setsetset 的 logloglog 可以做到 O(mlog2m)O(mlog^2m)O(mlog2m) 。


using namespace std;
#define __T int csT;scanf("%d",&csT);while(csT--)
#define endl '\n'
const int mod=998244353;
const double PI= acos(-1);
const double eps=1e-6;
const int N=2e5+7;int n,k,v,ans;
int fa[N],sz[N];
set<int> to[N],fr[N];int find(int x)
{if(fa[x]==x)return x;return fa[x]=find(fa[x]);
void merge(int x,int y)
{x=find(x);y=find(y);if(x==y)return;//若两个集合已经合并就returnif(to[x].size()>to[y].size())swap(x,y);//默认x为小的集合fa[x]=y;sz[y]+=sz[x];vector<pair<int,int>> vc;for(set<int>::iterator it=to[x].begin();it!=to[x].end();++it){to[y].insert(*it);//将x的出边加到y的出边fr[*it].erase(x);//删除原本x出边指向点的入边fr[*it].insert(y);//加上x出边指向点y的入边if(fr[*it].size()==1){vc.push_back({*it,y});}}for(int i=0;i<vc.size();++i){merge(vc[i].first,vc[i].second);}
}int cs;
int main()
{cs=0;__T{scanf("%d",&n);for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){fa[i]=i;sz[i]=1;to[i].clear();fr[i].clear();}for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){scanf("%d",&k);for(int j=1;j<=k;++j){scanf("%d",&v);to[v].insert(i);fr[i].insert(v);}}//对于每个点用set存入边和出边for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){if(fr[i].size()==1)//入边为1意味着可以合并{merge(i,*fr[i].begin());}}ans=0;for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ans=max(ans,sz[i]);}printf("Case #%d: %d\n",++cs,ans);}return 0;

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