

I. radio questions:

1. binary is used in a computer because (D).

A. can reduce hardware costs, and B. systems with two states are stable

C. binary algorithm, simple D. the above three reasons

2., the electronic computer is mainly divided into (B) stages of development.

A. integrated circuit, B. electronic component, C. tube, D. transistor

3. the first electronic computer was born in (C) years.

A.1940 B.1945 C.1946 D.1950

4. the first electronic computer was born in (B).

A., Germany, B., USA, C., UK, D., China

5. the basic idea that a computer can operate automatically, accurately, and quickly according to people's intentions is (D).

A. uses very large scale integrated circuit, B. uses CPU as the central core component

C. uses operating systems, D. storage programs, and program control

6. the stored program and program principle of the computer is (C) put forward.

A. B. C. von Neumann Turing Boolean D. Einstein?

7. micro computer work environment requires room temperature is generally 15~35, room temperature is too low, easy to cause (A).

A. floppy read / write error B. static interference

C. components in the machine affected by metamorphism, D. heat dissipation, burning power

8. the computer word length depends on the width of the (B) bus.

A. control bus, B. data bus, C. address bus, D. communication bus

9. the following printers are referred to as impact printers (A).

A. dot matrix printer, B. thermal printer, C. laser printer, D. ink jet printer

10. the RAM in a storage system refers to (B).

A. programmable read only memory B. random access memory

C. read only memory D. dynamic random access memory

11. if you use the save order when you are working on your computer, the information will be stored in (A).

A. disk, B.RAM, C.ROM, D.CD-ROM

The 12. I/O interface shall be located (B).

Between the A. bus and the I/O device, between the B. host and the I/O device

Between the C. host and the bus, between the D.CPU and the memory

13. the following (B) group de


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