
从表中可知,本文算法在计算速度上接近标准模糊C 均值聚类算法,优于水平集方法。因此,与水平集方法相比,本文算法有着更好的分割性能和实时性。

4结 论


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(in Chinese with English abstract)

Litchi image segmentation algorithm based on sparse field level set

Mao Liang, Xue Yueju※, Kong deyun, Liu Guoying, Huang Ke, Lu Qifu, Wang Kai

(College of Engineering South China Agricultural University, Key Lab of Key Technology on Agricultural Machine and Equipment Ministry

of Education, Guangzhou 510642, China)

Abstract: In order to provide picking robot with complete contour of litchi, hue component of HSV color space was selected, and the rotation of hue was used as the feature for image segmentation. Then, fuzzy clustering algorithm was utilized to obtain the appropriate initial evolution curve contour automatically, the sparse field level set method was adopted to extract the target region precisely, and the segmentation regions were labeled. The label image could restore the original image of the segmented regions. Finally, the results show that the proposed algorithm can not only overcome the impact of random noise interference, but also maintain the integrity of the segmentation area, and the correct segmentation rate is up to 84.1%.

Key words: algorithms,image segmentation, fuzzy clustering, litchi, sparse field, level set


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