fyi 在邮件里是什么意思

仅供参考:供您参考 (FYI: For Your Information)

FYI is an acronym of "For Your Information". It is a widespread internet slang used these days in text messaging, instant messaging, and chatting on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. At the same time, it is also used in sharing information with colleagues or friends through email or paper which is printed, which by specifying a situation to provide information to other individuals from the one who wants that information. The information made available for use by using FYI does not request for instant action, it is a piece of extra information to increment the most important message or information.

FYI是“供您参考”的缩写 。 这是如今在文本消息传递,即时消息传递以及在Facebook,WhatsApp和Twitter上聊天时使用的广泛的Internet lang语。 同时,它还用于通过打印的电子邮件或纸张与同事或朋友共享信息,这可以通过指定一种情况将信息提供给想要该信息的人。 通过FYI可供使用的信息不要求立即采取行动,它是增加最重要的消息或信息的一条额外信息。

Let's suppose some examples to understand this internet slang well,


Example 1:


    Person: Hi
Online distributor: Hello sir, how can I help you?
Person: Can you please tell me; is my product still in warranty period?
Online distributor: Sorry sir. FYI, your product is no more in warranty period.

Example 2:


    FYI, All leather doesn't just come from cows.

Generally, FYI is used in casual and business spoke informal conversations like on e-mail, instant messaging or through memo messages, etc. The use of FYI in discussion or chat conversation is considered casual or informal. If the use of FYI is not done appropriately, then it appears discourteous and egotistical. As a consequence, it is recommended to keep away from FYI in conversation.

通常, FYI用于休闲和商务用语的非正式对话,例如电子邮件,即时消息或通过备忘录消息等。在讨论或聊天对话中使用FYI被认为是休闲或非正式的。 如果FYI的使用不当,则显得不礼貌和自负。 因此,建议您在谈话中远离FYI

优点 (Advantages)

  • The undertaking of formal speech in any conversation or writing on any social media texting gets lesser.


  • The recognition of these internet slang words are well versed to the users so that it reduces the keystrokes.


  • The traditional synonym gets replaced by these slang words.


  • These internet slangs generate narrative meanings for the words which subsist.


  • These internet slangs uses the least number of characters required to put into words a message.

    这些Internet lang语使用最少的字符数来编写消息。

  • The use of proper punctuations, grammar, and capitalizations, etc can be avoided when using these internet slang words.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

Most of the disadvantages occur at those places where formal conversation followed such as in corporations, organizations, etc.


  • A large problem that occurs with instant messaging in the corporations or organizations is that they can simply lead to miscommunications.


  • These days, in case of texting and messaging the temptation to spend extra time with friends and colleagues, gets out of hand, when it interferes with common everyday routines.



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