Streaming full 3D games over a high-speed web connection is a fast growing trend. And with ridiculous amounts of infrastructure and remote computing power, Google is well equipped to join it.

通过高速网络连接流式传输完整的3D游戏是一种快速增长的趋势。 凭借可笑的基础设施和远程计算能力,Google完全有能力加入其中。

That’s the gist behind Project Stream, the web giant’s latest foray into the consumer market. Google will stream Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, the latest entry in Ubisoft’s long-running stab-em-up series, to Chrome browsers on desktops and laptops. Aside from a small client program, you won’t need the usual gigabytes of local storage or beefy PC hardware to play: it’s all running on Google’s remote systems. The beta test of the service will begin this Friday, October 5th, and it’ll be playable on Windows, macOS, and ChromeOS.

这就是Project Stream的背后要旨, Project Stream是该巨头进军消费市场的最新举措。 Google会将流媒体《刺客信条:奥德赛》提供给台式机和笔记本电脑上的Chrome浏览器,这是育碧长期运行的刺杀游戏系列的最新作品。 除了小型客户端程序外,您不需要播放通常的千兆字节的本地存储或强大的PC硬件:它们都运行在Google的远程系统上。 该服务的beta测试将于10月5日(星期五)开始,并且可以在Windows,macOS和ChromeOS上播放。

Assassin’s Creed is one of the biggest game franchises around, and its newest entry takes full advantage of the hardware in the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and the latest gaming PCs. Google is probably going to be using server farms running standard gaming PC hardware with some virtualization tech thrown in to manage thousands of concurrent players, the same way NVIDIA does with its GameStream service. Like similar offerings from NVIDIA and Sony, you’ll need a fast and reliable internet connection in order to play: Google is recommending 25mbps minimum.

刺客信条( Assassin's Creed)是周围最大的游戏特许经营权之一,其最新产品充分利用了Xbox One,PlayStation 4和最新游戏PC的硬件。 Google可能将使用运行标准游戏PC硬件的服务器场以及一些虚拟化技术来管理成千上万的并发玩家,这与NVIDIA使用其GameStream服务的方式相同。 与NVIDIA和Sony的类似产品一样,您需要快速而可靠的互联网连接才能播放:Google建议最低速度为25mbps。

Unfortunately there are limited spots available for the initial beta, and Google is only using the one game for the testing period (at least at the moment). But players who get in will be able to check out the game—a $60 retail value—for free. If you want in, head to this Google site to sign up for the waiting list. You need to be located in the United States and at least 17 years old in order to qualify.

不幸的是,最初的Beta版只能使用一款游戏,并且Google在测试期间(至少目前)仅使用一种游戏。 但是进入游戏的玩家将能够免费检阅游戏(零售价为60美元)。 如果您愿意,请访问此Google网站以注册等待列表。 您必须位于美国且年满17岁才能符合资格。

Google’s long-term plans are hard to pin down, but if they’re ready for a public beta test, it’s safe to assume they’re interested in expanding Project Stream into a full consumer product. It’ll be interesting to see how that would compete with fledgling game streaming services already in operation, and if Google could cultivate the wide array of developer and publisher agreements needed to make it a success.

Google的长期计划很难确定,但是如果他们准备进行公开Beta测试,可以肯定地说他们有兴趣将Project Stream扩展为完整的消费者产品。 有趣的是,这将如何与已经开始运营的新兴游戏流媒体服务竞争,以及Google是否可以培养出取得成功所需的广泛的开发者和发行商协议。


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