I.27: For stable library ABI, consider the Pimpl idiom(考虑使用指向实现的指针技术获得稳定的ABI)


Because private data members participate in class layout and private member functions participate in overload resolution, changes to those implementation details require recompilation of all users of a class that uses them. A non-polymorphic interface class holding a pointer to implementation (Pimpl) can isolate the users of a class from changes in its implementation at the cost of an indirection.




interface (widget.h)

class widget {    class impl;    std::unique_ptr<impl> pimpl;public:    void draw(); // public API that will be forwarded to the implementation    widget(int); // defined in the implementation file    ~widget();   // defined in the implementation file, where impl is a complete type    widget(widget&&) = default;    widget(const widget&) = delete;    widget& operator=(widget&&); // defined in the implementation file    widget& operator=(const widget&) = delete;};

implementation (widget.cpp)

class widget::impl {    int n; // private datapublic:    void draw(const widget& w) { /* ... */ }    impl(int n) : n(n) {}};void widget::draw() { pimpl->draw(*this); }widget::widget(int n) : pimpl{std::make_unique<impl>(n)} {}widget::~widget() = default;widget& widget::operator=(widget&&) = default;


See GOTW #100 and cppreference for the trade-offs and additional implementation details associated with this idiom.

关于这个用法平衡考虑和另外的实现细节可以参考GOTW #100和cpprefernce网站。





(Not enforceable) It is difficult to reliably identify where an interface forms part of an ABI.





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