


This section assumes you know what `GOPATH` is and how to set it. If you don't, please see http://golang.org/doc/code.html

In some systems, environment variables are not passed around as expected.
The result of which is that some commands e.g `go build` don't work
as the command cannot be found or `GOPATH` is not set. To get around this
the simplest thing to do is to set these variables in the settings file.
See the documentation for the `env` and/or `shell` setting, both documented in the default
settings file `Packages/User/GoSublime.sublime-settings`

MarGo: Missing required environment variables: GOROOT GOPATH See the `Quirks` section of USAGE.md fo相关推荐

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  7. k8s创建Deployment报错:missing required field “selector“ in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentSpec

    报错类型: [root@master ~]# kubectl create -f lzb-test.yaml error: error validating "lzb-test.yaml&q ...

  8. Missing required icon file.Thebundle does not con

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