.1 java 入门的经典书是那些.2 怎样开始学习java.3 java的开发工具是哪些?
(what is the best fundamental books for java easy leaner? how to study the java ? and how and what
the java tools would be in used should be the major main three questions for the java
beginner): To make the answers I make a research and record the main result as the
following with the date that I m learning,hopes it would usful for the one who has
the same selfstudy processing in java.
[9-01] .1 use "core java" to be my first major book for java leaning. Also the
writer's bogo has the sample code of his books. .2 The JDK5.0 would be my java
[9-21] The best IDE for Java. Refer from a java IDE select guider, it would be
Netbean or Eclipse.

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