
by Lukasz Lysakowski

卢卡斯·吕萨科夫斯基(Lukasz Lysakowski)

使其新颖:硅谷设计的历史 (Make It New: The History of Silicon Valley Design)

I recently read Barry M. Katz’s “Make it New” and am convinced that it’s a must-read for any digital product designer.

我最近读了巴里·M·卡茨(Barry M. Katz)的“ Make it New”,并坚信这是任何数字产品设计师必读的书。

“制作成新作品”可追溯设计在硅谷的作用。 (Make It New traces the role of design in Silicon Valley.)

It’s the story of how a group of outcast designers in Silicon Valley transformed the design field. It’s how they advocated and advanced design from decorating hardware cases to strategic leadership. It’s the history of how these designers defined new design fields within Hewlett-Packard, Ampex, Apple, and a new breed of product design consultancies.

这是硅谷一群流浪设计师如何改变设计领域的故事。 他们就是从提倡装饰硬件案例到战略领导力的倡导和高级设计。 这些设计师如何在Hewlett-Packard,Ampex,Apple和新的产品设计顾问中定义新设计领域的历史。

Silicon Valley designers became leaders of all new domains: interaction and (digital) product design. Fields ignored by traditional advertising and graphic design. As such, they were free to explore ergonomics of physical computers and interaction of virtual interfaces. Previous constraints and traditions did not apply. Instead, their creativity created the new field of interactive experiences by merging engineering with humanities.

硅谷设计师成为所有新领域的领导者:交互和(数字)产品设计。 传统广告和图形设计忽略的领域。 因此,他们可以自由探索物理计算机的人体工程学以及虚拟接口的交互作用。 以前的限制和传统不适用。 相反,他们的创造力通过将工程学与人文科学相融合,创造了互动体验的新领域。

Design in Silicon Valley was also defined by the freedom of designers to move between research institutes, corporations, and starting their own shops like frog, IDEO, and Lunar. This web of opportunities led to a fluid transfer of knowledge amongst the entire industry. New skills learned in one area were advanced in the next. Knowledge grew as designers jumped into new opportunities and collaborated. Disparate design experience intersected and created new interaction patterns and interfaces.

硅谷的设计也被设计师自由在研究机构,公司之间移动并开设自己的商店(例如frog,IDEO和Lunar)定义为自由。 这种机会网络导致整个行业之间知识的流畅传递。 在一个领域中学习到的新技能在下一个领域中得到了提高。 随着设计师进入新的机遇并进行协作,知识不断增长。 不同的设计经验相交并创建了新的交互模式和界面。

An important source of San Francisco Bay Area design innovation is West Coast Higher Education. The first wave of postwar designers attended the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles; a school focused on industrial design, illustration, photography, and advertising. It trained many returning post-war veterans that became the first generation of Silicon Valley designers. In the South Bay, a short distance from each other Stanford and San Jose State University added into the mix theoretical and technical designers. In the Oakland hills and the Dogpatch of San Francisco, the California College of Art added a new group of designers trained in interaction and business.

西海岸高等教育是旧金山湾区设计创新的重要来源。 战后第一批设计师进入了洛杉矶艺术中心设计学院。 一所专注于工业设计,插画,摄影和广告的学校。 它培训了许多返回的战后退伍军人,这些人成为了硅谷的第一代设计师。 在南湾,斯坦福大学和圣何塞州立大学之间相距不远,这增加了理论和技术设计师的组合。 在奥克兰山丘和旧金山的Dogpatch,加利福尼亚艺术学院增加了一批接受过交互和业务培训的设计师。

Design in Silicon Valley is much richer than just Steve Jobs and Moggridge. It includes people such as Carl Clement, who in 1951 was the first designer at HP. He redefined HP products by introducing standardization across all products. The final interface of hardware products was born from his introduction brainstorming and user research into the product process. Techniques that we now consider standard but in 1951 were revolutionary.

硅谷的设计比Steve Jobs和Moggridge更为丰富。 其中包括卡尔·克莱门特 ( Carl Clement)等人,他于1951年成为惠普的第一位设计师。 他通过引入所有产品的标准化来重新定义HP产品。 硬件产品的最终接口来自他的介绍集思广益和对产品过程的用户研究。 我们现在认为标准但在1951年却是革命性的技术。

Of course, military and government were key players in the growth of technological innovation in Silicon Valley. The federal government unintentionally helped as it sponsored the development of computing that in return required designers to make more humane. Make It New touches on the government’s role shaping the foundation of computing.

当然,军事和政府是硅谷技术创新发展的关键角色。 联邦政府无意中帮助了计算技术的发展,而这反过来又要求设计师提高人性化。 使其成为塑造计算机基础的政府角色。

The history of design in Silicon Valley is multithreaded and deeper than told in the popular press. Make It New is a great overview of the evolution of design in the Bay Area. The book ends not in the past but in the present as it touches on the role of AirBnB, Facebook, and startups in creating the next generation of Bay Area design innovation.

硅谷的设计历史是多线程的,比大众媒体所报道的要深刻。 “使它变得新颖”是对海湾地区设计演变的一个很好的概述。 这本书不是在过去而是在现在结束,因为它涉及到AirBnB,Facebook和初创公司在创建下一代湾区设计创新中的作用。

Make It New: The History of Silicon Valley Design By Barry M. Katz. MIT Press 2015. 280 pages.

使其新颖:硅谷设计的历史 作者:Barry M. Katz。 麻省理工学院出版社2015年。280页。

Make It NewThe role of design in the formation of the Silicon Valley ecosystem of innovation.mitpress.mit.edu

使其 创新设计在硅谷创新生态系统形成中的作用。 mitpress.mit.edu

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/make-it-new-the-history-of-silicon-valley-design-6f64aae78203/



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