
  1. 开源软件
  2. unreal engine 4
  3. 用户通过Python API 调用, server --client 的形式- REF:

let's start:

The API has been significantly changed in the latest versions starting at 0.9.0. We commonly refer to the new API as 0.9.X API as opposed to the previous 0.8.X API

Section 1  API 学习

官网下载软件包,解压, shit+右键,解压路径下打开shell窗口 .\CarlaUE4.exe 运行

通过鼠标+ AWSD 控制运行,


打开另一个shell, 运行官网

  • 创建(spawn) 场景元素,demo命令

python -n 80

With this script we are adding 80 vehicles to the world driving in "autopilot" mode. Back to the simulator window we should see these vehicles driving around the city. They will keep driving randomly until we stop the script. Let's leave them there for now

这个命令实现了添加80个车辆,随机的自主运动。 CTR+C 结束演示。 脚本有难度,Lesson2 后,查看API 

  • 修改天气

  • 天气自动变化
  • python
  • 手动控制车辆

  • python



Lesson2 :


创建Client 对象:

client = carla.Client('localhost', 2000)
client.set_timeout(10.0) # seconds


world = client.get_world()

actor (模拟器中的演员对象-比如汽车)

blueprints--actor对应的属性(比如颜色,车型 etc),在构造蓝图blueprints中设置。--所有的属性都包含在 一个库中。

blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library()

The library allows us to find specific blueprints by ID, filter them with wildcards, or just choosing one at random

# Find specific blueprint.
collision_sensor_bp = blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.collision')
# Chose a vehicle blueprint at random.
vehicle_bp = random.choice(blueprint_library.filter('*'))

Some of the attributes of the blueprints can be modified while some other are just read-only. For instance, we cannot modify the number of wheels of a vehicle but we can change its color

vehicles = blueprint_library.filter('vehicle.*')
bikes = [x for x in vehicles if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == 2]
for bike in bikes:bike.set_attribute('color', '255,0,0')

Modifiable attributes also come with a list of recommended values

for attr in blueprint:if attr.is_modifiable:blueprint.set_attribute(, random.choice(attr.recommended_values))


Once we have the blueprint set up, spawning an actor is pretty straightforward

transform = Transform(Location(x=230, y=195, z=40), Rotation(yaw=180))# 生成点坐标创建
actor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform) #这个时候会检查生成点坐标是否会发生碰撞。如果有碰撞,会报错


The spawn actor function comes in two flavours, spawn_actor and try_spawn_actor. The former will raise an exception if the actor could not be spawned, the later will return None instead. The most typical cause of failure is collision at spawn point, meaning the actor does not fit at the spot we chose; probably another vehicle is in that spot or we tried to spawn into a static object.

To ease the task of finding a spawn location, each map provides a list of recommended transforms


spawn_points = world.get_map().get_spawn_points() #返回所有的可用collision-free points.

We'll add more on the map object later in this tutorial.

Finally, the spawn functions have an optional argument that controls whether the actor is going to be attached to another actor. This is specially useful for sensors. In the next example, the camera remains rigidly attached to our vehicle during the rest of the simulation

camera = world.spawn_actor(camera_bp, relative_transform, attach_to=my_vehicle)# (附加参数,可以控制物体是否和其他的actor绑定)--适用于传感器

Note that in this case, the transform provided is treated relative to the parent actor.

讲了有点多,开始动手练习。直接在 calar解压路径下,创建练习code.(其他地方需要添加环境变量。要不然 下面会报缺少相关文件。

import carla

首先打开模拟器(server), 否则会报错

创建一个client. 创建actor, blueprints. 调用生成函数,在世界中生成。

代码在spyder中编译会报错。报“calra 没有 client这个属性!”---TB fix


暂时通过shell 命令行来执行。运行OK

参考官方example: ,尝试练习

import glob
import os
import sys
#import future
#import pygame
try:sys.path.append(glob.glob('../carla/dist/carla-*%d.%d-%s.egg' % (sys.version_info.major,sys.version_info.minor,'win-amd64' if == 'nt' else 'linux-x86_64'))[0])
except IndexError:passimport carla
import argparse
import logging
import randomclient=carla.Client('',2000)
print ('create client')
print ('crated VR world')

都放到一起! 如下code

#!/usr/bin/env python# Copyright (c) 2019 Computer Vision Center (CVC) at the Universitat Autonoma de
# Barcelona (UAB).
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see <>."""Spawn NPCs into the simulation"""import glob
import os
import sys
#import future
#import pygame
finally 函数体格式def 函数名():
try:sys.path.append(glob.glob('../carla/dist/carla-*%d.%d-%s.egg' % (sys.version_info.major,sys.version_info.minor,'win-amd64' if == 'nt' else 'linux-x86_64'))[0])
except IndexError:passimport carla
import argparse
import logging
import randomdef main():try:client=carla.Client('',2000) #默认地址print ('create client')client.set_timeout(2.0)world=client.get_world()print ('crated VR world')bp_library = world.get_blueprint_library()'''#获得blueprints 库-API 如下#carla.BlueprintLibrary#find(id)#filter(wildcard_pattern)#__getitem__(pos)#__len__()#__iter__()'''bps=bp_library.filter('vehicle.*')'''#获得了所有车的属性集合--matrix#进一步筛选'''bps = [x for x in bps if int(x.get_attribute('number_of_wheels')) == 4]'''获得所有的2轮车'''bps = [x for x in bps if not'isetta')]bps = [x for x in bps if not'carlacola')]'''获得可用生成点'''spoints=world.get_map().get_spawn_points()number_of_spawn_points = len(spoints)print (number_of_spawn_points)batch=[]actor_list=[]i=0while i <10 :spoint=random.choice(spoints)bp=random.choice(bps)  actorlist=world.spawn_actor(bp,spoint).set_autopilot(enabled=True)batch.append(actorlist)# set_autopilot-- 设置这些车辆自动行驶i =i +1'''记录生成的actor 对象,提供摧毁他们的途径,下面的代码有问题,报错。TypeError: No registered converter was able to produce a C++ r'''
####       for response in client.apply_batch_sync(batch):if response.error:logging.error(response.error)else:        actor_list.append(response.actor_id)    print('spawned %d vehicles, press Ctrl+C to exit.' % len(actor_list))
#        while True:world.wait_for_tick()
#    finally:
#    print('\ndestroying %d actors' % len(batch))client.apply_batch([carla.command.DestroyActor(x) for x in actor_list])####     if __name__ == '__main__':try:main()except KeyboardInterrupt:passfinally:print('\ndone.')

OK, 第一次尝试,成功创建了汽车对象,并设置他们自动有序形式。构成了一个虚拟的交通流。

总结一下API 调用过程:

Lession 3:

操作actor.--代码运行OK, 但是无法验证,在模拟器里面观察。 1.是坐标,不知道如何定义原点。2. 通过中断方式destory目标。


location = actor.get_location()
location.z += 10.0
vehicle.apply_control(carla.VehicleControl(throttle=1.0, steer=-1.0))#全部的属性API:
carla.VehicleControl(throttle = 0.0steer = 0.0brake = 0.0hand_brake = Falsereverse = Falsemanual_gear_shift = Falsegear = 0)
# 车辆的动力性特性--调整质量,力矩图,最大RPM
vehicle.apply_physics_control(carla.VehiclePhysicsControl(max_rpm = 5000.0,center_of_mass = carla.Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), torque_curve=[[0,400],[5000,400]]))
#API 结构体定义
carla.VehiclePhysicsControl(torque_curve,max_rpm,moi,damping_rate_full_throttle,damping_rate_zero_throttle_clutch_engaged,damping_rate_zero_throttle_clutch_disengaged,use_gear_autobox,gear_switch_time,clutch_strength,mass,drag_coefficient,center_of_mass,steering_curve, # 转向maximum steering for a specific forward speedwheels)
#轮胎的特性API 定义carla.WheelPhysicsControl(tire_friction,damping_rate,steer_angle,disable_steering)
#actor 自动驾驶
#获得车辆的bounding box
box = vehicle.bounding_box
print(box.location)         # Location relative to the vehicle.
print(box.extent)           # XYZ half-box extents in meters.


camera_bp = blueprint_library.find('')
#relative_transform 如何定义--应该是个R|t matrix.
camera = world.spawn_actor(camera_bp, relative_transform, attach_to=my_vehicle)#把传感器的数据存到本地
camera.listen(lambda image: image.save_to_disk('output/%06d.png' % image.frame_number))

TBC待专题里面 展开!!!????

其他对象-道路标志,交通灯 ,车道线 ,etc

Apart from vehicles and sensors, there are a few other actors in the world. The full list can be requested to the world with

actor_list = world.get_actors()

The actor list object returned has functions for finding, filtering, and iterating actors

# Find an actor by id.
actor = actor_list.find(id)
# Print the location of all the speed limit signs in the world.
for speed_sign in actor_list.filter('traffic.speed_limit.*'):print(speed_sign.get_location())

Among the actors you can find in this list are  --哪里可以找到详细的API 定义,所有属性etc.???

  • Traffic lights with a state property to check the light's current state.
  • Speed limit signs with the speed codified in their type_id.
  • The Spectator actor that can be used to move the view of the simulator window.


  • carla.WeatherParameters

get_weather() 获取

set_weather(weather_parameters) 设置

Static presets 定义好的天气。
















  1. 获得生成点
  2. 获得路标!-to be test!
import carla
#import random
client=carla.Client('',2000) #默认地址
print ('create client')
print ('crated VR world')map=world.get_map()
print ('map name--',
print (' map first avaliable spawn points--',sps[0])


real power of this map API comes apparent when we introduce waypoints. We can tell the map to give us a waypoint on the road closest to our vehicle

waypoint = map.get_waypoint(vehicle.get_location())

This waypoint's transform is located on a drivable lane, and it's oriented according to the road direction at that point.

Waypoints also have function to query the "next" waypoints; this method returns a list of waypoints at a certain distance that can be accessed from this waypoint following the traffic rules. In other words, if a vehicle is placed in this waypoint, give me the list of posible locations that this vehicle can drive to--让车辆跟随路标前进!TBT. Let's see a practical example

# Retrieve the closest waypoint.
waypoint = map.get_waypoint(vehicle.get_location())# Disable physics, in this example we're just teleporting the vehicle.
vehicle.set_simulate_physics(False)while True:# Find next waypoint 2 meters ahead.waypoint = random.choice( Teleport the vehicle.vehicle.set_transform(waypoint.transform)

The map object also provides methods for generating in bulk waypoints all over the map at an approximated distance between them

waypoint_list = map.generate_waypoints(2.0)

For routing purposes, it is also possible to retrieve a topology graph of the roads

waypoint_tuple_list = map.get_topology()

this method returns a list of pairs (tuples) of waypoints, for each pair, the first element connects with the second one. Only the minimal set of waypoints to define the topology are generated by this method, only a waypoint for each lane for each road segment in the map.

Finally, to allow access to the whole road information, the map object can be converted to OpenDrive format, and saved to disk as such.

记录和回放--传感器数据 生成销毁的事件。 actor的多维度状态

2.world里面actor 的属性,比如交通灯。etc

数据记录地点:根目录  下  CarlaUE4/Saved.  --数据空间占用:a simulation with about 150 actors (50 traffic lights, 100 vehicles) for 1h of recording takes around 200 Mb in size

client.start_recorder("recording01.log")#to stop- 其它的API ,参数定义,使用时再深入
client.replay_file("recording01.log", start, duration, camera)
client.set_replayer_time_factor(2.0) #快进,快退


Sample PY scripts to use with the recording / replaying system
There are some scripts you could this will start recording, and optionally you can spawn several actors and define how much time you want to record.
-f: filename of write
-n: vehicles to spawn (optional, 10 by default)
-t: duration of the recording (optional) this will start a replay of a file. We can define the starting time, duration and also an actor to follow.
-f: filename of write
-s: starting time (optional, by default from start)
-d: duration (optional, by default all)
-c: actor to follow (id) (optional) this will show all the collisions hapenned while recording (currently only involved by hero actors).
-f: filename of write
-t: two letters definning the types of the actors involved, for example: -t aa
h = Hero
v = Vehicle
w = Walker
t = Traffic light
o = Other
a = Any this will show all the actors that are blocked (stopped) in the recorder. We can define the time and distance to be considered as blocked.
-f: filename of write
-t: minimum seconds stopped to be considered as blocked (optional)
-d: minimum distance to be considered stopped (optional)

API 的基本学习暂告一段路。

Section 2--仿真配置

  • CARLA 支持固定fps和可变fps.  推荐使用固定,更快。 fps >=10fps!
$ ./ -benchmark -fps=10window:
.\CarlaUE4.exe -benchmark -fps=10
  • 更换地图:+其它参数 test OK
./ /Game/Carla/Maps/Town01
rem Windows
.\CarlaUE4.exe /Game/Carla/Maps/Town05
  • 同步工作模式:

Always run the simulator at fixed time-step when using the synchronous mode.

# Example: Synchronizing a camera with synchronous mode.settings = world.get_settings()
settings.synchronous_mode = True
world.apply_settings(settings)camera = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform)
image_queue = queue.Queue()
camera.listen(image_queue.put)while True:world.tick()timestamp = world.wait_for_tick()image = image_queue.get()

Other command-line options

  • -carla-port=N Listen for client connections at port N, streaming port is set to N+1.
  • -quality-level={Low,Epic} Change graphics quality level, "Low" mode runs significantly faster.
  • -no-rendering Disable rendering.
  • Full list of UE4 command-line arguments.

camera & sensors


# Find the blueprint of the sensor.
blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find('')
# Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view.
blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_x', '1920')
blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_y', '1080')
blueprint.set_attribute('fov', '110')
# Set the time in seconds between sensor captures
blueprint.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '1.0')
# Provide the position of the sensor relative to the vehicle.
transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=0.8, z=1.7))
# Tell the world to spawn the sensor, don't forget to attach it to your vehicle actor.
sensor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=my_vehicle)
# Subscribe to the sensor stream by providing a callback function, this function is
# called each time a new image is generated by the sensor.
sensor.listen(lambda data: do_something(data))


Sensor data attribute Type Description
frame_number int Frame number when the measurement took place
timestamp double Timestamp of the measurement in simulation seconds since the beginning of the epispode
transform carla.Transform Transform in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement


  • sensor.lidar.ray_cast
  • sensor.other.collision
  • sensor.other.lane_invasion
  • sensor.other.obstacle




  • is_listening
  • listen(callback_function)
  • stop()


  • frame_number
  • timestamp
  • transform


  • width
  • height
  • fov
  • raw_data
  • convert(color_converter)
  • save_to_disk(path, color_converter=None)
  • __len__()
  • __iter__()
  • __getitem__(pos)
  • __setitem__(pos, color)


  • horizontal_angle
  • channels
  • raw_data
  • get_point_count(channel)
  • save_to_disk(path)
  • __len__()
  • __iter__()
  • __getitem__(pos)
  • __setitem__(pos, location)


  • actor
  • other_actor
  • normal_impulse


  • actor
  • crossed_lane_markings


  • latitude
  • longitude
  • altitude


  • actor
  • other_actor
  • distance
  • carla.LaneType

  • NONE
  • Driving
  • Stop
  • Shoulder
  • Biking
  • Sidewalk
  • Border
  • Restricted
  • Parking
  • Bidirectional
  • Median
  • Special1
  • Special2
  • Special3
  • RoadWorks
  • Tram
  • Rail
  • Entry
  • Exit
  • OffRamp
  • OnRamp
  • Any
  • carla.LaneChange

  • NONE
  • Right
  • Left
  • Both
  • carla.LaneMarkingColor

  • Standard = White
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Red
  • White
  • Yellow
  • Other
  • carla.LaneMarkingType

  • NONE
  • Other
  • Broken
  • Solid
  • SolidSolid
  • SolidBroken
  • BrokenSolid
  • BrokenBroken
  • BottsDots
  • Grass
  • Curb
  • carla.LaneMarking

  • type -> carla.LaneMarking
  • color -> carla.RoadMarkColor
  • lane_change -> carla.LaneChange
  • width


Is it possible to dump images from the CARLA simulator view?

Yes, this is an Unreal Engine feature. You can dump the images of the spectator camera (simulator view) by running CARLA with $ ./ -benchmark -fps=30 -dumpmovie Images are saved to "CarlaUE4/Saved/Screenshots/LinuxNoEditor".

How to make a new map with RoadRunner? (特别繁琐。不方便!!)

Automatically generate a map from RoadRunner


Importing and exporting maps for distribution builds


Where can I learn more about Unreal Engine? TBC!!

A basic introduction to C++ programming with UE4 can be found at Unreal's C++ Programming Tutorials. Then, if you want to dive into UE4 C++ development there are few paying options online. The Unreal C++ Course at Udemy it's pretty complete and there are usually offers that make it very affordable.

Are there any examples in CARLA to see how Unreal programming works?

You can find an example of how C++ classes work in UE4 in ASceneCaptureToDiskCamera (and its parent class ASceneCaptureCamera). This class creates an actor that can be dropped into the scene. In the editor, type "Scene Capture To Disk" in the Modes tab, and drag and drop the actor into the scene. Now searching for its detail tab you can find all the UPROPERTY members reflected. This shows the basic mechanism to use C++ classes in Unreal Editor.

For a more advanced example on how to extend C++ classes with blueprints, you can take a look at the "VehicleSpawner" blueprint. It derives from the C++ class AVehicleSpawnerBase. The C++ class decides where and when it spawns a vehicle, then calls the function SpawnVehicle(), which is implemented in the blueprint. The blueprint then decides model and color of the vehicle being spawned. Note that the blueprint can call back C++ functions, for instance for getting the random engine. This way there is a back-and-forth communication between C++ code and blueprints.

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