Title: Core Java — Volume I Fundamentals
Edition: Eleventh Edition
Author: Cay S. Horstmann


  • Preface
    • To the Reader
    • A Tour of This Book
    • Convention
  • Chapter 1: An Introduction to Java
    • 1.1 Java as a Programming Platform
    • 1.2 The Java "White Paper" Buzzwords
    • 1.3 The Java Applets and the Internet
    • 1.4 A Short History of Java
    • 1.5 Common Misconceptions about Java


To the Reader

Java has features such as:

  • built-in security and safety features.
  • built-in support for network programming, database connectivity, and concurrency.

Target audience:

  • Serious programmers who want to put Java to work on real projects.
  • A programmer with solid background in a programming language other than java.


  • Let you fully understand Java library.

A Tour of This Book

Chapter 1: An overview of Java capabilities and a short history of Java
Chapter 2: Download and install the JDK
Chapter 3: Basic discussions of the Java language
Chapter 4 …


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Chapter 1: An Introduction to Java

1.1 Java as a Programming Platform

Java is not perfect, what makes it good is that it has many advantages in several aspects. Key features of Java include:

  • A simple enough syntax
  • High quality execution environment
  • A vast library

1.2 The Java “White Paper” Buzzwords

Java is cleaned up version of C++. And it was initially designed to be small: small in size of library, interpreter and etc, so as to support embedded devices.

The object-oriented features of Java are comparable to those of C++. One different aspect is that Java enables multiple inheritance through the concept of interface.

With extensive library coping with HTTP and FTP, Java programmes could access objects across the internet as if they are local files.

Java compilers detects many problems during compile time. It also eliminates the problem of memory corruption.

Being different from the original design idea, Java browser plug-ins no longer trust remote code.

Architectural Neutral
Virtual machines have the options of translating the most frequently used bytecode into machine code: a process called just-in-time compilation.

I think, “portable” here means Java programs can be compiled independently from the underlying operation system. While “architecture neutral” means compiled programs can run independently.

This is similar to python. In Java 9, with the help of jshel tool, we could now use rapid and exploratory programming in Java.

High Performance
With development, Java JIT compiler is becoming so good that it sometimes outperform traditional compiler. The auther used an example of “inlining” to illustrate this point.

Java support’s concurrency programming, though the initial motivation is different. Now, concurrency is important due to the slow-down progress of processors.

This is an important feature of Java where it allows code to be added to running program.

1.3 The Java Applets and the Internet

Java Applets are something like JavaScript?
Due to historical reasons, they are not popular nowadays.

1.4 A Short History of Java


Today, Java has the edge in server-side programming and in cross-platform client applications.

1.5 Common Misconceptions about Java

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