








#include <iostream>#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\digui\external_file\linearlist.h"   // ABC文件
// #include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\digui\external_file\chain.h"
template<typename T>
struct chainNode    // 链表的节点定义
{// 数据成员 T element;chainNode<T>* next;// 定义结构体构造方法 chainNode() {};chainNode(T theElement){this->element = theElement;} chainNode(T theElement, chainNode<T>* next){this->element = theElement;this->next = next;}
*/template<typename T>
class circularList : public linearList<T>   // 有头的循环链表
{private:chainNode<T>* headerNode;int listSize;public:circularList(int capacity=10);   // 构造函数 circularList(const circularList& c_list);  // 拷贝构造函数~circularList();     // 析构函数//抽象数据类型ADTbool empty() const;int size() const;T& get(int index) const;int indexOf(T x) const;void erase(int index);void clear(); void insert(int index, T x);void output() const;
}; template<typename T>
circularList<T>::circularList(int capacity)
{if(capacity<1){cout << "List size invalid ";return;    // 函数结束 }headerNode = new chainNode<T>();  // 用到了chainNode的无参构造函数headerNode->next = headerNode; listSize = 0;
} template<typename T>
circularList<T>::circularList(const circularList<T>& c_list)    // 拷贝构造函数
{listSize = c_list.listSize;if(listSize == 0)    // 源链表为空       {headerNode = new chainNode<T>();headerNode->next = headerNode;return;}chainNode<T>* sourceNode = c_list.headerNode;sourceNode = sourceNode->next;   // 指向源循环链表的第一个元素headerNode = new chainNode<T>();chainNode<T>* targetNode = headerNode;targetNode->next = new chainNode<T>(sourceNode->element);   // target while(sourceNode != c_list.headerNode){sourceNode = sourceNode->next;targetNode->next = new chainNode<T>(sourceNode->element);targetNode = targetNode->next;}targetNode->next = headerNode;
any key to continue
template<typename T>   // 测试完璧
circularList<T>::~circularList()     // 析构函数
{chainNode<T>* sourceNode = headerNode->next;   // sourceNode指向链表的第一个元素 //sourceNode = sourceNode->next; while(sourceNode->next!=headerNode){headerNode->next = sourceNode->next;delete sourceNode;sourceNode = headerNode->next;      // sourceNode指向新的元素 //listSize--;}delete headerNode;     // 删除头节点 listSize = 0;}template<typename T>     // 测试完毕
bool circularList<T>::empty() const
{return listSize==0;
} template<typename T>   // 测试完毕
int circularList<T>::size() const
{return listSize;
}template<typename T>   // 测试完毕
T& circularList<T>::get(int index) const
{/*  if(index>listSize-1)     // 这里抛出异常最好 {cout << "The index is invalid" << endl;return;}*/chainNode<T>* sourceNode = headerNode;   // 指向链表第一个元素for(int i=0; i<=index; i++){sourceNode = sourceNode->next;}return sourceNode->element;
}template<typename T>    // 测试完毕
int circularList<T>::indexOf(T x) const    // 查找对应元素的下表
{chainNode<T>* sourceNode = headerNode->next;    // 指向链表第一个元素int cnt = 0;// bool found_flag = false;    // 标志位 while(sourceNode!=headerNode){if(sourceNode->element == x){ return cnt;}sourceNode = sourceNode->next;cnt++;}return -1;
}template<typename T>   // 测试完毕
void circularList<T>::insert(int index, T x)
{/*if(index<0 || index>listSize)    // 这里可以写return,但是应该统一为抛出异常; {return;}*/// 插入这里应该判断一些情况if(index == 0)   // 在链表首个位置插入元素{headerNode->next = new chainNode<T>(x, headerNode);  } else if(index == listSize)   // 在链表末尾插入元素{chainNode<T>* sourceNode = headerNode->next;while(sourceNode->next != headerNode){sourceNode = sourceNode->next;}// 此时sourceNOde指向最后一个元素sourceNode->next = new chainNode<T>(x, headerNode); /*for(int i=0; i<index; i++){sourceNode = sourceNode->next;}// sourceNodesourceNode = new chainNode<T>(x, headerNode);*/} else{chainNode<T>* sourceNode = headerNode;for(int i=0; i<index; i++){sourceNode = sourceNode->next;}// sourceNode指向第index-1个元素chainNode<T>* temp = sourceNode->next;sourceNode->next = new chainNode<T>(x, temp);    // 插入对应的元素 }listSize++;}template<typename T>   // 测试完毕
void circularList<T>::erase(int index)
{/*if(index<0 || index>listSize){cout << "The index is invalid" << endl;return 0;}*/if(index == 0)   // 删除链表的头节点{chainNode<T>* currentNode = headerNode->next;headerNode->next = currentNode->next;delete currentNode;} else if(index == listSize-1)    //  删除链表的尾节点{chainNode<T>* currentNode = headerNode;for(int i=0; i<index; i++){currentNode = currentNode->next;}//delete currentNode->next;chainNode<T>* deleteNode = currentNode->next;currentNode->next = headerNode;delete deleteNode;} else{chainNode<T>* sourceNode = headerNode;for(int i=0; i<index; i++){sourceNode = sourceNode->next;}// sourceNode指向链表的第index-1个元素chainNode<T>* deleteNode = sourceNode->next;   // 指向需要删除的元素 sourceNode->next = deleteNode->next;   delete deleteNode; }listSize--;
} template<typename T>    // 测试完毕
void circularList<T>::clear()    // 修改
{chainNode<T>* sourceNode = headerNode->next;while(sourceNode!=headerNode){headerNode->next = sourceNode->next;delete sourceNode;sourceNode = headerNode->next;} listSize = 0;} template<typename T>   // 测试完毕
void circularList<T>::output() const
{chainNode<T>* currentNode = headerNode;/*int cnt = 0;while(currentNode!=headerNode){cout << currentNode->element << " ";if((cnt+1)%10 == 0){cout << endl;}currentNode = currentNode->next;}cout << endl;*/    for(int i=0; i<listSize; i++){currentNode = currentNode->next;cout << currentNode->element << " ";if((i+1)%10 == 0){cout << endl;}}cout << endl;



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\digui\external_file\linearlist.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\digui\external_file\arraylist.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\digui\external_file\chain.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\digui\external_file\circularlist.h"    // 循环链表
using namespace std;// 实现友元函数int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{circularList<double> c1(10);for(int i=0; i<10; i++){c1.insert(i, i*2);}cout << "The list size is " << c1.size() << endl;c1.output();c1.insert(3, 4.4);c1.insert(5, 3.4);cout << "The list size is " << c1.size() << endl;c1.output();circularList<double> c2;c2 = c1;cout << "The list size is " << c2.size() << endl;c2.output();c2.erase(0);c2.erase(5);cout << "The list size is " << c2.size() << endl;c2.output();/*c1.insert(3, 4.4);c1.insert(0, 1.1);cout << "The list size is " << c1.size() << endl;c1.output();c1.erase(0);c1.erase(5);cout << "The list size is " << c1.size() << endl;c1.output();circularList<double> c2;c2 = c1;cout << "The list size is " << c2.size() << endl;c2.output();return 0;



1.在链表的末尾插入元素, push_back()


template<typename T>
void circularList<T>::push_back(T x)
{chainNode<T>* currentNode = headerNode->next;while(currentNode->next != headerNode){currentNode = currentNode->next;}currentNode->next = new chainNode<T>(x, headerNode);listSize++;
}template<typename T>
void circularList<T>::pop_back()
{chainNode<T>* currentNode = headerNode;for(int i=0; i<listSize-1; i++){currentNode = currentNode->next;}delete currentNode->next;currentNode->next = headerNode;listSize--;



如果每个元素节点既有一个指向后继的指针,又有一个指向前驱的指针,就会方便应用,这样的链表叫做双向链表,其中每个节点都有两个指针,next和previous 。定义一个双向链表,它有两个数据成员,firstNode和 lastNode,分别指向链表的首节点和尾节点。



template<typename T>
struct doubleChainNode    // 双向链表的节点定义
{T element;   // 数据域doubleChainNode<T>* previous;   // 指向前去的指针doubleChainNode<T>* next;       // 指向后继的指针// 构造函数 doubleChainNode()   {} doubleChainNode(T theElement){this->element = theElement;}doubleChainNode(T theElement, doubleChainNode<T>* thePrevious, doubleChainNode<T>* theNext){this->element = theElement;this->previous = thePrevious;this->next = theNext;}


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\linearlist.h"   // ABC文件
#include <stddef.h>template<typename T>
struct doubleChainNode    // 双向链表的节点定义
{T element;   // 数据域doubleChainNode<T>* previous;   // 指向前去的指针doubleChainNode<T>* next;       // 指向后继的指针// 构造函数 doubleChainNode()   {} doubleChainNode(T theElement){this->element = theElement;}doubleChainNode(T theElement, doubleChainNode<T>* thePrevious, doubleChainNode<T>* theNext){this->element = theElement;this->previous = thePrevious;this->next = theNext;}
};// 定义模板类
template<typename T>
class doubleChain : public linearList<T>
{private:doubleChainNode<T>* firstNode;   // 指向链表的首节点 doubleChainNode<T>* lastNode;    // 指向链表的尾节点 int listSize;public:doubleChain(int capacity=10);  doubleChain(const doubleChain& d_chain);~doubleChain();   // 析构函数// ADT abstract data typebool empty() const;int size() const;T& get(int index) const;int indexOf(T x) const;void erase(int index);void clear(); void insert(int index, T x);void push_back(T x);    // 在末尾插入元素 void pop_back();        // 在末尾删除元素 void output() const; };template<typename T>
doubleChain<T>::doubleChain(int capacity)
{if(capacity<1){cout << "The capacity is invalid" << endl;return;}firstNode = NULL;lastNode = NULL;listSize = 0;
}template<typename T>
doubleChain<T>::doubleChain(const doubleChain<T>& d_chain)
{listSize = d_chain.listSize;if(listSize==0)     // 复制空链表 {firstNode = NULL;lastNode = NULL;}else     // 非空链表 {doubleChainNode<T>* sourceNode = d_chain.firstNode;firstNode = new doubleChainNode<T>(sourceNode->element, NULL, NULL);doubleChainNode<T>* targetNode = firstNode; while(sourceNode != NULL){sourceNode = sourceNode->next;   // sourcexuNode向后移动 targetNode->next = new doubleChainNode<T>(sourceNode->element, targetNode, NULL);targetNode = targetNode->next;lastNode = targetNode;}//lastNode = targetNode;   }
} template<typename T>
doubleChain<T>::~doubleChain()    // 析构函数
{doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;while(currentNode != NULL){firstNode = currentNode->next;delete currentNode;currentNode = firstNode;} //delete currentNode;//listSize = 0;
}template<typename T>
bool doubleChain<T>::empty() const
{return listSize==0;
}template<typename T>
int doubleChain<T>::size() const
{return listSize;
}template<typename T>
T& doubleChain<T>::get(int index) const
{// 判断index的合法性// 双向链表的索引 if(index<listSize/2)   // 从前向后找 {doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;int cnt=0;while(currentNode != NULL){if(cnt == index){return currentNode->element;}currentNode = currentNode->next;cnt++; }} else                  // 从后向前找 {doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = lastNode;int cnt = 0;while(currentNode != NULL){if(cnt == listSize-index-1){return currentNode->element;}currentNode = currentNode->previous;cnt++;}}
}template<typename T>
int doubleChain<T>::indexOf(T x) const
{doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;int cnt = 0;while(currentNode != NULL)   // 从头找到尾,包含最后一个元素 {if(currentNode->element == x){return cnt;}currentNode = currentNode->next;cnt++;}return -1;
} template<typename T>
void doubleChain<T>::insert(int index, T x)
{if(index==0)   // 在链表的头部插入元素{if(listSize==0){//doubleChainNode<T>* tempNode = firstNode->next;firstNode = new doubleChainNode<T>(x, NULL, NULL);  // 第一个节点 lastNode = firstNode; }else{firstNode = new doubleChainNode<T>(x, NULL, firstNode);}} else if(index == listSize) // 最后一个位置 {//oubleChainNode<T>* tempNode = lastNode->previous;//lastNode = new doubleChainNode<T>(x, lastNode, NULL);lastNode->next = new doubleChainNode<T>(x, lastNode, NULL);lastNode = lastNode->next;    }else{doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;for(int i=0; i<index; i++){currentNode = currentNode->next;}// currentNode指向第index个节点doubleChainNode<T>* former = currentNode->previous;former->next = new doubleChainNode<T>(x, former, currentNode); }listSize++;
}template<typename T>
void doubleChain<T>::erase(int index)     // 测试通过
{// 检查index的合法性if(index == 0)   // 删除首个元素 {doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;firstNode = firstNode->next;firstNode->previous = NULL;delete currentNode; } else if(index==listSize-1){doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = lastNode;lastNode = lastNode->previous;lastNode->next = NULL;delete currentNode;}else{if(index<=listSize/2)     // 从左至右查找 {doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;// int cnt=0;for(int i=0; i<index; i++){currentNode = currentNode->next;}// currentNode指向第index个节点doubleChainNode<T>* former = currentNode->previous;doubleChainNode<T>* latter = currentNode->next;former->next = latter;latter->previous = former;delete currentNode; } else{doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = lastNode;// int cnt=0;for(int i=0; i<listSize-index-1; i++){currentNode = currentNode->previous;}// currentNode指向第index个节点doubleChainNode<T>* former = currentNode->previous;doubleChainNode<T>* latter = currentNode->next;former->next = latter;latter->previous = former;delete currentNode;  }}listSize--;
} template<typename T>
void doubleChain<T>::clear()   // 清除链表所有元素
{doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;while(currentNode != NULL){firstNode = currentNode->next;delete currentNode;currentNode = firstNode;}listSize = 0;firstNode = NULL;lastNode = NULL;
}template<typename T>
void doubleChain<T>::push_back(T x)   // 链表的右端插入一个元素
{if(listSize==0)   // 空链表 {firstNode = new doubleChainNode<T>(x, NULL, NULL);lastNode = firstNode;listSize++;}else       // 非空链表 {lastNode->next = new doubleChainNode<T>(x, lastNode, NULL);lastNode = lastNode->next;listSize++;}
} template<typename T>
void doubleChain<T>::pop_back()    // 删除链表最右端的元素
{if(listSize==1)    // 链表中仅有一个元素   {delete firstNode;firstNode = NULL;lastNode = NULL;listSize = 0;} else               // 大于一个元素 {doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = lastNode;lastNode = lastNode->previous;lastNode->next = NULL;delete currentNode;listSize--;}
}template<typename T>
void doubleChain<T>::output() const   // 输出函数
{doubleChainNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode;for(int i=0; i<listSize; i++){cout << currentNode->element << "  ";if((i+1)%10==0){//cout << endl;}currentNode = currentNode->next;}cout << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\linearlist.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\arraylist.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\chain.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\circularlist.h"    // 循环链表
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\doublechain.h"     // 双向链表 using namespace std;// 实现友元函数int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{doubleChain<double> d_chain1;// 测试insert函数:cout << "--------------Insert test----------" << endl;for(int i=0; i<10; i++){d_chain1.insert(i, i+1);} d_chain1.output();d_chain1.insert(2, 1.1); d_chain1.output(); d_chain1.insert(7, 2.7);d_chain1.output(); cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;cout << "--------------erase test----------" << endl;cout << "The list size is " << d_chain1.size() << endl; d_chain1.erase(4);d_chain1.output();cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;cout << "---------------index test----------------" << endl;double find_m = 3;cout << "The index of " << find_m << " is " << d_chain1.indexOf(find_m) << endl;double find_n = 8;cout << "The index of " << find_n << " is " << d_chain1.indexOf(find_n) << endl;int index_test = 3;cout << "The index " << index_test << " is " << d_chain1.get(index_test) << endl;index_test = 5;cout << "The index " << index_test << " is " << d_chain1.get(index_test) << endl;cout << "-------------push_pop_back---------------------" << endl;d_chain1.push_back(5.20);d_chain1.output();d_chain1.pop_back();d_chain1.output();cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;cout << "Clearing the list....." << endl;d_chain1.clear();cout << "The list is empty? " << d_chain1.empty() << endl;cout << "------Push_back and pop_back an element----------" << endl;d_chain1.push_back(5.20);d_chain1.output();d_chain1.pop_back();d_chain1.output();return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\linearlist.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\arraylist.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\chain.h"
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\circularlist.h"    // 循环链表
#include "E:\back_up\code\c_plus_code\chain\external_file\doublechain.h"     // 双向链表 using namespace std;// 实现友元函数int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{doubleChain<double> d_chain1;// 测试insert函数:cout << "--------------Insert test----------" << endl;for(int i=0; i<10; i++){d_chain1.insert(i, i+1);} d_chain1.output();cout << "---------------Copy constructor test---------------"<< endl; doubleChain<double> d_chain2;d_chain2 = d_chain1;d_chain2.output();cout << "--------------Insert test----------" << endl;d_chain2.insert(2, 1.1); d_chain2.output(); d_chain2.insert(7, 2.7);d_chain2.output(); cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;cout << "--------------erase test----------" << endl;cout << "The list size is " << d_chain2.size() << endl; d_chain2.erase(4);d_chain2.output();cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl;cout << "---------------index test----------------" << endl;double find_m = 3;cout << "The index of " << find_m << " is " << d_chain2.indexOf(find_m) << endl;double find_n = 8;cout << "The index of " << find_n << " is " << d_chain2.indexOf(find_n) << endl;int index_test = 3;cout << "The index " << index_test << " is " << d_chain2.get(index_test) << endl;index_test = 8;cout << "The index " << index_test << " is " << d_chain2.get(index_test) << endl;cout << "-------------push_pop_back---------------------" << endl;d_chain2.push_back(5.20);d_chain2.output();d_chain2.pop_back();d_chain2.output();cout << "Clearing the list...." << endl;d_chain2.clear();cout << "The list is empty? " << d_chain2.empty() << endl;return 0;



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  5. A股收盘:深证区块链50指数跌1.75%,*ST群兴、亚联发展涨停
  6. flag - 待浏览学习网站
  7. 自定义类加载器的父类为什么是AppClassLoader?
  8. java tomcat热部署_intellij idea tomcat热部署配置教程
  9. 天池大数据竞赛——UI特征统计
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  11. Python探路-多重继承
  12. 一些网址备忘 (在线剪辑音频、在线工具箱、全网音乐下载)
  13. 有向图的拓扑排序算法JAVA实现。
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  1. Sentinel流控规则_流控等待_分布式系统集群限流_线程数隔离_削峰填谷_流量控制_速率控制_服务熔断_服务降级---微服务升级_SpringCloud Alibaba工作笔记0037
  2. Netty工作笔记0043---单Reactor多线程模式
  3. 架构设计工作笔记003---中台概念_业务中台_数据中台_技术中台
  4. 关于git clone 下载apex 过程中,缺少libssl.so.1.0.0的问题
  5. 彩色图+车牌颜色测试结果分析
  6. 杭电4502吉哥系列故事——临时工计划
  7. 根据控件ID得到句柄
  8. 编程之美——数字哑谜
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  10. 随想录(lua源码学习)