在linux中安装WAS 6.1发现提示没有浏览器[root@localhost WASV61_ND_LINX64]# export BROWER=/usr/bin/firefox [root@localhost WASV61_ND_LINX64]# ./launchpad.sh ++ cat /usr/WAS/WASV61_ND_LINX64/launchpad/content//en/noBrowser.htmlNo supported Web browser wa...显示全部

在linux中安装WAS 6.1


[root@localhost WASV61_ND_LINX64]# export BROWER=/usr/bin/firefox

[root@localhost WASV61_ND_LINX64]# ./launchpad.sh

++ cat /usr/WAS/WASV61_ND_LINX64/launchpad/content//en/noBrowser.html

No supported Web browser was detected

An error occurred while starting the launchpad.

No supported Web browser was detected.


The launchpad is a HTML based utility that can assist with the planning and

installation of the products contained in your WebSphere Application Server package.

The launchpad contains:

o Overviews of the products contained in your WebSphere Application Server package

o Recommended installation diagrams

o Links to the product installation wizards and product documentation

Because the launchpad is a HTML based utility, it requires a Web browser to run.

The launchpad supports the following browsers:

o Mozilla

o Firefox

o Internet Explorer (Microsoft Windows platforms only)

The launchpad is not necessary for installing any of the products.

You can install any of the products by running the install or setup command

from the product directory located on the product CD or DVD.

The installation diagrams are available in the readme documents located

on the product CD or DVD, and in the online information center.




[root@localhost launchpad]# firefox -version

Mozilla Firefox 10.0.5

[root@localhost launchpad]#


[root@localhost launchpad]# more Firefox.sh


# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

# 5648-F10 (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2005, 2006

# All Rights Reserved

# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure

# restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

[ "$TMPDIR" ] || TMPDIR=/tmp

case "$0" in

/*) fullpath=$0;;

*) fullpath=`pwd`/$0;;


installsourcepath=`echo "$fullpath" | sed "s,/./,/,g; s,/[^/][^/]*/../,/,g; s,//,/

,g; s,/[^/]*$,,"`

# fixup symlink if possible

[ -f /bin/pwd ] && installsourcepath=`cd $installsourcepath 2>/dev/null && /bin/pwd`


mkdir $TMPDIR >/dev/null 2>&1


case "$BROWSER" in

!) BROWSER="";;

"") PATH="$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/firefox:/usr/firefox:/usr/bin:/

usr/firefox/sfw/lib/firefox"; export BROWSER=firefox;;


LaunchPadBrowser=$BROWSER; export LaunchPadBrowser


if [ -n "$LaunchPadBrowser" ]; then

case "`($LaunchPadBrowser -version) 2>/dev/null`" in

*Firefox [1-9][0-9].0.*) LaunchPadBrowser="";;//这里是后来增加的两行

*Firefox/ [1-9][0-9].0.*) LaunchPadBrowser="";;//这里是后来增加的两行

*Firefox 0.*) LaunchPadBrowser="";;

*Firefox/0.*) LaunchPadBrowser="";;

*Firefox*) :;;

*rv:1.[7-9]*) :;;

*rv:[2-9].*) :;;

*rv:*) LaunchPadBrowser="";;

Mozilla* 1.[7-9]*) :;;

Mozilla* [2-9].[0-9]*) :;;

*) LaunchPadBrowser="";;





[root@localhost launchpad]# rpm -qa | grep compat




[root@localhost launchpad]#



[root@localhost launchpad]# cat /proc/version

Linux version 2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64 ([email]mockbuild@c6b9.bsys.dev.centos.org[/email]) (gcc version 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Jun 22 12:19:21 UTC 2012

[root@localhost launchpad]#


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