
  • Podcast
  • shanghai *v.* [shang-HYE]
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shanghai podcast

shanghai v. [shang-HYE]



1 a: to put abroad a ship by fore often with the help of liquor or a drug.
1 a:强行,通常使用酒类或者药物辅助,将其通过船只运往海外

b: to put by force or threat of force into or as if into a place of detention
   b: 通过武力,或者威胁使用武力,将其羁押或者类似于羁押

2: to put by trickery into an undesirable position


Did You Know?

In the 1800s, long sea voyages were very difficult and dangerous, so people were understandably hesitant to become sailors. But sea captains and shipping companies needed crews to sail their ships, so they gathered sailors any way they could — even if that meant resorting to kidnapping by physical force or with the help of liquor or drugs. The word shanghai comes from the name of the Chinese city of Shanghai. People started to use the city’s name for that unscrupulous way of obtaining sailors because the East was often a destination of ships that had kidnapped men onboard as crew.

在1800年代,长途海洋航行是非常困难危险的,所以人们都不情愿当水手。但是当时的船长们与航运公司却急需水手开船,于是他们不择手段的召集船员 — 甚至使用武力绑架或者酒精/药品麻醉目标人。shanghai这个词来自于中国的城市地名Shanghai(上海)。由于东方通常是绑架男人做水手的目的地,所以人们开始使用这个城市的名字来指代这种惨无人道的获取水手的行为。



  • Nate was shanghaied by his sister into helping her sell shirts at the lacrosse tournament after her friend bailed out.


注:lacrosse:长曲棍球; tournament:锦标赛;bailed out:保释,跳伞,往外舀水

  • “In time, the new novel, lurching around his psyche, dragged itself away and became real. How I loved to see him shanghaied like that, careening down the rum-soaked wharves of imagination…”
    Diane Ackerman, Hundred Names for Love: A memoir, 2011



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