
Are you looking to add a community section on your WordPress site? Forums and discussion boards are a great way to boost user engagement and build a community around your site.

您是否要在WordPress网站上添加社区部分? 论坛和讨论区是提高用户参与度并在您的站点周围建立社区的好方法。

In this article, we’ve hand-picked the best WordPress forum plugins that you can use to build a community around your website or business.


Aside from the basic forum feature, we also made sure to find solutions that have advanced functionalities like question & answer board, custom social network feature, and more so you can build a community of your dreams.


为什么要在WordPress网站上创建论坛? (Why Create a Forum on Your WordPress Site?)

Online forums are an effective community-building tool where your website visitors can participate by posting questions, sharing solutions, new ideas, etc.


Your forum could be a Q&A (question-and-answer) platform, discussion board, knowledge sharing space, or a problem-solving support zone.


There are multiple advantages of adding a forum to your website.


First, your WordPress forum software will help users engage and participate on your website. When they participate, they’re more likely to come back, buy your products, and recommend them to their friends and family.

首先,您的WordPress论坛软件将帮助用户参与和参与您的网站。 当他们参加时,他们更有可能回来,购买您的产品并推荐给他们的朋友和家人。

Second, it’s one of the most common and effective ways to provide support to your customers. When your customers have a technical or generic support question, they can hop into the forum and check to see if the issue is already posted. If it’s a new problem, then they can post and get their problem solved.

其次,这是向客户提供支持的最常见,最有效的方法之一。 当您的客户遇到技术或一般支持问题时,他们可以跳入论坛并检查问题是否已经发布。 如果这是一个新问题,那么他们可以发布并解决问题。

Lastly, it gives some SEO value to your website when a unique issue is discussed and the thread becomes popular. In many instances, forum threads outrank other types of content in search results. Sometimes, the user-generated content makes more sense than formal posts on your blog.

最后,当讨论一个独特的问题并且该话题变得很流行时,它为您的网站提供了一些SEO值。 在许多情况下,论坛主题在搜索结果中的排名高于其他类型的内容。 有时, 用户生成的内容比博客上的正式帖子更有意义。

That being said, here’re the best plugins to add a forum to your WordPress website.


Note: You will need to have a WordPress website to use these plugins. If you want to start a new website, then you will need a domain and web hosting.

注意:您需要拥有一个WordPress网站才能使用这些插件。 如果要启动一个新网站,则需要一个域和虚拟主机。

We recommend using Bluehost because they’re an official WordPress hosting provider, and they’re offering our users a free domain name and 60% off web hosting.

我们建议使用Bluehost,因为它们是官方的WordPress托管提供商 ,并且为我们的用户提供免费域名和60%的虚拟主机优惠。

1. bbPress (1. bbPress)

When it comes to integrating a forum into WordPress, bbPress is hands-down the best plugin for the job. It is a sister project of WordPress.org, which means that it’s built the WordPress way and uses the existing WordPress core to power your forum.

当谈到将论坛集成到WordPress时,bbPress是最适合这项工作的插件。 这是WordPress.org的姊妹项目,这意味着它以WordPress方式构建,并使用现有的WordPress核心为您的论坛提供动力。

bbPress is easy to set up, easy to moderate and maintain, fast, and clean. Anyone can easily create a forum in WordPress using this plugin. If you need detailed instructions, we have a tutorial on how to set up bbPress in WordPress.

bbPress易于设置,易于调节和维护,快速且清洁。 任何人都可以使用此插件在WordPress中轻松创建论坛。 如果您需要详细说明,我们提供了有关如何在WordPress中设置bbPress的教程。



  • Built for WordPress, bbPress utilizes the same WordPress core and follows the same coding standards as WordPress.bbPress专为WordPress构建,利用了相同的WordPress核心,并遵循与WordPress相同的编码标准。
  • It integrates with any WordPress theme without painful modifications. There are also some excellent WordPress themes for bbPress that you can use.
  • 它可以与任何WordPress主题集成,而无需进行繁琐的修改。 您还可以使用bbPress的一些出色WordPress主题 。
  • More than 200 bbPress extensions available to do just about anything you want.超过200个bbPress扩展可用于几乎任何您想要的操作。
  • Since it doesn’t have a lot of bloat, bbPress is fast and lightweight.由于没有太多膨胀,bbPress既快速又轻巧。
  • You can easily create multisite forums and maintain them from one dashboard.您可以轻松创建多站点论坛并通过一个仪表板对其进行维护。
  • It’s a free open source software, so you can use it unlimited for free.这是一个免费的开源软件,因此您可以无限制地免费使用它。



  • Not as feature-rich as full-fledged forum CMS like phpBB, Vanilla Forums.功能不如phpBB,Vanilla Forums等功能完善的论坛CMS。
  • The core plugin has only the basic features, so you need to install additional extensions for more power.核心插件仅具有基本功能,因此您需要安装其他扩展以获取更多功能。

2. BuddyPress (2. BuddyPress)

BuddyPress allows you to build your own social network within WordPress. Just like bbPress, BuddyPress is also an official WordPress plugin. It follows the same coding practices and standards as WordPress.

BuddyPress允许您在WordPress中建立自己的社交网络 。 与bbPress一样,BuddyPress也是官方的WordPress插件。 它遵循与WordPress相同的编码惯例和标准。

With BuddyPress, you can create a full-fledged online community with user profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and networking options.


Similar to Facebook, it allows your users to add friends, send private messages, create groups, and get notifications.


Best of all, you can use BuddyPress and bbPress together and create a feature-rich online forum.




  • Easily integrates with any WordPress theme and plugin.轻松与任何WordPress主题和插件集成。
  • Hundreds of third party BuddyPress plugins and extensions to extend the functionality.数百个第三方BuddyPress插件和扩展程序,用于扩展功能。
  • Lets you easily create a complete social network with activity streams, user profiles, social connections, groups, etc.让您轻松创建具有活动流,用户个人资料,社交关系,组等的完整社交网络。
  • It’s free and open source. Download BuddyPress for free and use it on unlimited sites, and also get regular updates.它是免费和开源的。 免费下载BuddyPress,并在不受限制的网站上使用它,并定期获取更新。



  • The core plugin lacks advanced features that you may need to build a full-fledged online community. To extend its power, you’ll need to depend on third-party plugins.该核心插件缺少高级功能,您可能需要建立一个完整的在线社区。 要扩展其功能,您需要依赖第三方插件。

3. ForumEngine (3. ForumEngine)

ForumEngine is actually a WordPress theme which turns your WordPress site into a discussion forum. It’s a powerful theme built specifically for creating a forum in WordPress. The theme shows the forum threads right on your website homepage.

ForumEngine实际上是一个WordPress主题,它将您的WordPress网站变成一个讨论论坛。 这是一个强大的主题,专门用于在WordPress中创建论坛。 该主题在您的网站主页上显示论坛主题。

With ForumEngine, you can create forums where users can interact in many ways like posting topics, questions, replying, liking or disliking a topic. It allows users to quickly search any topic in the list with Ajax live search.

使用ForumEngine,您可以创建论坛,用户可以在其中以多种方式进行交互,例如发布主题,问题,回复,喜欢或不喜欢主题。 它允许用户使用Ajax实时搜索快速搜索列表中的任何主题。

It also provides a private space to your users where they can access and manage all their activities in the forum.




  • It’s a full-fledged WordPress forum theme, so you won’t need to install any plugin to create a forum in WordPress.这是一个功能完善的WordPress论坛主题,因此您无需安装任何插件即可在WordPress中创建论坛。
  • It provides plenty of styling options to change the appearance of your forum and make it look attractive.它提供了许多样式选项,可以更改论坛的外观并使其看起来更具吸引力。
  • Plenty of widgets for adding forum statistics, categories, hot topics, etc.大量的小部件,用于添加论坛统计信息,类别,热门话题等。
  • earn extra income.获得额外收入 。



  • eCommerce site with this. You can integrate it with your 电子商务网站 。 您可以将其与WordPress blog, but it doesn’t have options to display products, etc.WordPress博客集成,但是它没有显示产品等的选项。
  • It’s a paid theme. If you’ve limited budget, free options like bbPress and BuddyPress may be better options.这是一个付费主题。 如果预算有限,那么bbPress和BuddyPress等免费选项可能是更好的选择。

4.简单:按 (4. Simple:Press)

Simple:Press is a simple solution for adding a forum to your WordPress site. It comes with both free and premium versions, so you can choose the option according to your need.

Simple:Press是将论坛添加到WordPress网站的简单解决方案。 它具有免费和高级版本,因此您可以根据需要选择选项。

Using Simple:Press, you can create unlimited forums, forum groups, sub-forums, private and public forums easily. You can also lock and pin any forum. To let you manage the users, it has a powerful user group and permission system. Your users can create extended profiles with timezone, and a lot more.

使用Simple:Press,您可以轻松创建无限的论坛,论坛组,子论坛,私人和公共论坛。 您也可以锁定和固定任何论坛。 为了让您管理用户,它具有强大的用户组和权限系统。 您的用户可以创建带有时区的扩展配置文件,以及更多。



  • Fully integrated into WordPress, supports WordPress registrations and logins.完全集成到WordPress中,支持WordPress注册和登录。
  • Supports both standard WordPress and multisite installs as well.同时支持标准WordPress和多站点安装。
  • More than 70 premium plugins are available to extend its features.超过70个高级插件可扩展其功能。
  • SEO friendly permalinks and includes many SEO features.SEO友好的永久链接,并包括许多SEO功能。



  • The free version is fairly basic. You’ll need to purchase a premium plan to add advanced functionalities.免费版本是相当基本的。 您需要购买高级计划才能添加高级功能。

5. wpForo论坛 (5. wpForo Forum)

wpForo is a free WordPress forum plugin which comes with plenty of design and customization options. It features 3 design layouts for your forum: Extended, Simplified, and Question and Answer layout. Each layout has a unique design and features. Plus, there’re 6 set of forum color styles including dark style.

wpForo是一个免费的WordPress论坛插件,其中包含大量的设计和自定义选项。 它为您的论坛提供3种设计布局:扩展布局,简化布局和问答布局。 每种布局都有独特的设计和功能。 此外,还有6种论坛颜色样式,包括深色样式。

Using this plugin, you can easily create modern forums where your users can participate, get support, as well as contribute. Users can post questions, give answers, vote, subscribe to topics, and receive notifications, share topics on social media, etc.

使用此插件,您可以轻松创建现代论坛,您的用户可以在其中参与,获得支持以及做出贡献。 用户可以发布问题,给出答案,投票,订阅主题,接收通知,在社交媒体上共享主题等。



  • Available for free with options to extend functionalities by purchasing paid addons.可免费购买,并可以通过购买付费插件来扩展功能。
  • XML sitemap, XML网站地图 , caching, antispam, etc.缓存 ,反垃圾邮件等的内置功能。
  • Smooth integration with BuddyPress to allow more social networking features.与BuddyPress的平滑集成,以允许更多社交网络功能。



  • polls, user custom fields, private messaging, etc.民意调查 ,用户自定义字段,私人消息传递等。
  • The plugin settings are a bit complex for first time users.对于初次使用的用户,插件设置有些复杂。

6. Asgaros论坛 (6. Asgaros Forum)

Asgaros Forum is a simple WordPress forum plugin you can use on your live website. It’s the best forum plugin for anyone who is looking to add a lightweight forum page on their existing sites with ease. It’s super easy to setup and adds a feature-rich discussion board in WordPress.

Asgaros论坛是一个简单的WordPress论坛插件,您可以在实时网站上使用。 对于希望在现有站点上轻松添加轻量级论坛页面的任何人来说,它都是最好的论坛插件。 它非常容易设置,并在WordPress中添加了功能丰富的讨论区。



  • Simple and lightweight forum plugin for beginners as well as professionals.面向初学者和专业人士的简单轻量级论坛插件。
  • Simple yet powerful options available for content management, members, and permissions.简单但功能强大的选项可用于内容管理,成员和权限。
  • Forum statistics to let you see how well your forum is performing.论坛统计信息,可让您查看论坛的运行情况。
  • Multisite compatible plugin.多站点兼容插件。



  • It doesn’t have extensions to add more functionalities.它没有扩展来添加更多功能。

7. CM答案 (7. CM Answers)

CM Answers allows you to create a powerful Q&A (question and answer) discussion forum in WordPress. The basic free plugin comes with enough features to quickly setup a Stack Exchange like forum on your website.

CM Answers允许您在WordPress中创建一个功能强大的问答论坛(问答)。 基本的免费插件带有足够的功能,可以在您的网站上快速设置Stack Exchange之类的论坛。

It enables users to post questions, answer the questions, vote, upload files, subscribe categories, send private messages, etc. As the admin, you can customize questions, answers, filter out unwanted content, and manage the users. If you want additional features like anonymous posting and payments, you can buy the plugin addons.

它使用户可以发布问题,回答问题,投票,上传文件,订阅类别,发送私人消息等。作为管理员,您可以自定义问题,回答,过滤掉不需要的内容并管理用户。 如果您需要匿名发布和付款等其他功能,则可以购买插件插件。



  • Integrates seamlessly with most WordPress themes.与大多数WordPress主题无缝集成。
  • Users can vote on questions and answers.用户可以对问题和答案进行投票。
  • Premium version has a lot more features including the ability to choose best answer, profiles, comments, social media login, etc.高级版具有更多功能,包括选择最佳答案,个人资料,评论,社交媒体登录等功能。



  • Your forum is limited to Q&A format.您的论坛仅限问答形式。
  • Most useful features are available for the premium version.高级版提供了大多数有用的功能。
  • Some reviews on the plugin’s page indicate that users found it difficult to use.插件页面上的一些评论表明用户发现它难以使用。

8. WP Symposium Pro专业版 (8. WP Symposium Pro)

WP Symposium Pro is an alternative to BuddyPress. You can create your own social network using this plugin. Similar to BuddyPress or Facebook, it allows your users to create profiles and activity wall, add friends, set email alerts, join forums, and more.

WP Symposium Pro是BuddyPress的替代产品。 您可以使用此插件创建自己的社交网络。 与BuddyPress或Facebook类似,它允许您的用户创建个人资料和活动墙,添加朋友,设置电子邮件警报,加入论坛等。

The plugin is designed to work with any WordPress theme or plugin. This allows you to add it to an existing WordPress site.

该插件旨在与任何WordPress主题或插件配合使用。 这使您可以将其添加到现有的WordPress网站。



  • Highly customizable through shortcodes – change colors, fonts, buttons, etc. easily.可以通过短代码进行高度自定义-轻松更改颜色,字体,按钮等。
  • Option to buy Premium version or individual addons to add features. Premium support available for paid version users.可以选择购买高级版或单个附加组件以添加功能。 付费版本用户可以使用高级支持。
  • Documentation with videos is available on plugin’s website to help you get started.带有视频的文档可在插件的网站上找到,以帮助您入门。



  • Many useful features need a premium plan.许多有用的功能都需要付费计划。

9. DW问题与解答 (9. DW Question and Answer)

DW Question and Answer enables you to create a complete Q&A (question and answer) system on your WordPress site. If you’re thinking of creating a system like Quora or Stack Overflow, DW Question and Answer is the right plugin to start with.

DW Question and Answer使您可以在WordPress网站上创建完整的问答系统(问答)。 如果您想创建Quora或Stack Overflow之类的系统,则DW Question and Answer是开始使用的正确插件。

Unlike normal forum plugins, it allows your users to vote the answers, so that the best answer comes to the top and the less meaningful answers go to the end. For more details see our tutorial on how to create a question and answers site in WordPress.

与普通的论坛插件不同,它允许您的用户对答案进行投票,因此,最佳答案排在最前,意义不大的答案排在最后。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何在WordPress中创建问答网站的教程。



  • You can use the free plugin for creating a basic question answer system. Advanced users can buy the premium version for more features.您可以使用免费的插件来创建基本的问答系统。 高级用户可以购买高级版本以使用更多功能。
  • CAPTCHA support helps you to combat spam.CAPTCHA支持可帮助您打击垃圾邮件。
  • Great for providing support to your customers/ users.非常适合为您的客户/用户提供支持。



  • The free plugin lets you create just a simple forum in question and answer format.免费的插件可让您以问答形式创建一个简单的论坛。

10.讨论板 (10. Discussion Board)

WordPress discussion board is a free plugin you can use to create a forum. It’s easy to install and setup the plugin, so anyone can build a forum in WordPress without touching any code.

WordPress讨论区是一个免费插件,可用于创建论坛。 安装和设置插件很容易,因此任何人都可以在WordPress中建立论坛而不用触摸任何代码。

Using this plugin, you can allow front-end registration and login system to attract more users. To avoid spamming, it has options to restrict repost, moderation for comments, etc.

使用此插件,您可以允许前端注册和登录系统吸引更多用户。 为避免垃圾邮件,它具有限制重新发布,审核评论等选项。



  • Discussion Board theme specifically designed to go well with the plugin. You can also use this plugin with any theme you like.专门为与插件配合使用而设计的讨论板主题。 您也可以将此插件与您喜欢的任何主题一起使用。
  • Comes with plenty of handy shortcodes for displaying forms, list of topics, etc.带有大量方便的简码,用于显示表单,主题列表等。
  • A paid version available for adding more options and possibilities.付费版本可用于添加更多选项和可能性。



  • The free version lacks powerful options. You’ll need to purchase their premium plan for many useful features.免费版本缺少强大的选项。 您需要购买其高级计划才能使用许多有用的功能。

建立论坛网站的重要建议 (Important Advice on Building a Forum Website)

Regardless of your choice of online forum software, you will need extra hosting resources to run a successful online community.


You can install all these WordPress forum plugins on a shared hosting plan. You can even run a forum quite effectively for a while on the same starter hosting package.

您可以在共享托管计划中安装所有这些WordPress论坛插件。 您甚至可以在相同的入门托管包上相当有效地运行一个论坛。

If you are just starting out and want to test the waters, then we recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the top hosting companies in the world and officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

如果您只是刚开始并想测试水域,那么我们建议使用Bluehost 。 它们是世界上顶级的托管公司之一,并且是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。

However, as more visitors use your forum, it will slow down your website and may even crash it. In that case, you will need to upgrade to a managed WordPress hosting plan.

但是,随着越来越多的访问者使用您的论坛,它会使您的网站变慢甚至崩溃。 在这种情况下,您将需要升级到托管的WordPress托管计划 。

We recommend using WPEngine. They are one of the top managed WordPress hosting companies in the world.

我们建议使用WPEngine 。 他们是全球托管量最高的WordPress托管公司之一。

Our second choice would be SiteGround. They are an officially recommended WordPress and bbPress hosting provider.

我们的第二个选择是SiteGround 。 他们是官方推荐的WordPress和bbPress托管提供商。

Need help moving your website? See our article on how to move WordPress to a new hosting server without any downtime.

需要搬家网站的帮助吗? 请参阅我们的文章,了解如何将WordPress迁移到新的托管服务器而无需停机。

We hope this article helped you find the best forum plugins for WordPress. You may also want to see our handpicked list of best Analytics Solutions for WordPress Users.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳论坛插件。 您可能还希望查看我们为WordPress用户选择的最佳分析解决方案列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/5-best-forum-plugins-for-wordpress/



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