
Are you looking for a WordPress typography plugin to improve your design? Typography plays an important role in web design. It improves readability and the time users spend on your website. In this article, we will show you some of the best WordPress typography plugins to improve your design.

您是否正在寻找WordPress排版插件来改善设计? 排版在网页设计中起着重要作用。 它提高了可读性以及用户在您的网站上花费的时间。 在本文中,我们将向您展示一些最佳的WordPress排版插件,以改善您的设计。

为什么排版对您的WordPress网站很重要? (Why Typography is Important for Your WordPress Site?)

Typography plays an important role in design. Beautiful fonts create a better user experience, increase engagement, and boost time users spend on your site.

排版在设计中起着重要作用。 漂亮的字体可创造更好的用户体验,增加用户参与度,并增加用户在您的网站上花费的时间 。

Many premium WordPress themes already come with access to Google fonts and allow you to tweak typography to suit your needs.


Advanced users can learn how to add external fonts in WordPress. They can use Google Fonts in their WordPress themes.

高级用户可以学习如何在WordPress中添加外部字体 。 他们可以在WordPress主题中使用Google字体 。

However, most users are beginners and don’t know how to edit theme files. Luckily, there are plenty of WordPress plugins that help you improve typography on your site without writing any code.

但是,大多数用户是初学者,不知道如何编辑主题文件。 幸运的是,有很多WordPress插件可以帮助您在无需编写任何代码的情况下改善网站的排版。

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress typography plugins that you can try on your website.


1.简单的Google字体 (1. Easy Google Fonts)

Easy Google Fonts allow you to easily use Google Fonts on your WordPress site. It also allows you to control the typography on your WordPress site by adding a Typography tab in theme customizer.

简易的Google字体可让您轻松地在WordPress网站上使用Google字体。 它还允许您通过在主题定制器中添加“版式”选项卡来控制WordPress网站上的版式。

Using the typography tab, you can change fonts while viewing a live preview of your changes. You can select font sizes, colors, padding, border, and much more.

使用“排版”选项卡,您可以在查看更改的实时预览时更改字体。 您可以选择字体大小,颜色,填充,边框等。

For advanced typography you can use CSS selectors. Simply use the Inspect tool to find out the CSS classes you want to target.

对于高级排版,可以使用CSS选择器。 只需使用Inspect工具来查找您要定位CSS类。

2. Google字体管理器 (2. Google Font Manager)

Google Fonts Manager is another plugin that brings the power of Google’s fonts library to your WordPress site. You will need free Google Fonts API key, and you will find easy instructions to create one inside the plugin settings.

Google字体管理器是另一个将Google字体库的功能引入您的WordPress网站的插件。 您将需要免费的Google Fonts API密钥,并且会找到在插件设置中创建一个的简单说明。

Google Fonts Manager allows you to select, browse, and preview fonts from Google fonts and then add the fonts you want to use to your library. You can then use these fonts in your post editor and themes.

Google字体管理器允许您从Google字体中选择,浏览和预览字体,然后将要使用的字体添加到库中。 然后,您可以在帖子编辑器和主题中使用这些字体。

3. WordPress的Typekit字体 (3. Typekit Fonts for WordPress)

TypeKit is one of the largest font repositories on the web. It is a subscription based service with limited free usage. They have some of the most beautiful fonts that you can add to your site.

TypeKit是网络上最大的字体库之一。 这是一项基于订阅的服务,具有有限的免费使用量。 它们具有一些您可以添加到您的网站的最漂亮的字体。

TypeKit for WordPress plugin helps you connect your website to TypeKit, add the code to load the fonts, and even allows you to add custom CSS.


For step by step instructions, see our guide on how to add awesome typography in WordPress with TypeKit.

有关逐步说明,请参阅我们的指南,了解如何使用TypeKit在WordPress中添加很棒的排版 。

4.简单的盖帽 (4. Simple Drop Cap)

This simple plugin transforms the first letter in a blog post into a drop cap. You can set it to do it automatically for all posts or use [dropcap]A[/dropcap] shortcode.

这个简单的插件将博客文章中的第一个字母转换为首字下沉。 您可以将其设置为针对所有帖子自动执行此操作,也可以使用[dropcap]A[/dropcap]简码。

For more information, see our guide on how to add drop caps in WordPress posts.


5. wp排版 (5. wp-Typography)

By default, WordPress filters the text in your posts and pages for security and formatting. wp-Typography improves those filters for better typography.

默认情况下,WordPress会过滤您的帖子和页面中的文本,以确保安全和格式化。 wp-Typography改进了这些过滤器以获得更好的排版。

It can automatically use hyphens when needed. It can also perform smart handling of quotes, eclipses, dashes, trademark and copyright symbols, and much more. All these enhancements improve the reading experience for users.

需要时,它可以自动使用连字符。 它还可以对报价,日蚀,破折号,商标和版权符号等进行智能处理。 所有这些增强功能可改善用户的阅读体验。

6.简单的拉引号 (6. Simple Pull Quote)

Have you seen how popular news websites use blockquotes to highlight catchy lines from an article? These are called pull quotes, and they are very effective in improving how users read longer articles on your website.

您是否看到了流行的新闻网站如何使用大引用来突出文章的醒目内容? 这些称为拉引号,它们在改善用户阅读您网站上较长文章的方式方面非常有效。

Simple Pull Quotes plugin allows you to easily add beautiful pull quotes to your WordPress posts. You can use the button in the visual editor or use shortcodes to manually create pull quotes in your articles.

简单的Pull Quotes插件使您可以轻松地将漂亮的Pull Quotes添加到WordPress帖子中。 您可以使用可视化编辑器中的按钮,也可以使用简码在文章中手动创建拉引号。

You can also create pull quotes that are easy to share. See our guide on how to add click to Tweet boxes in WordPress posts.

您还可以创建易于共享的拉引号。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress帖子中的“ Tweet”框中添加单击 。

7. TinyMCE高级 (7. TinyMCE Advanced)

If you have been using WordPress visual editor, then you may have noticed that it lacks advanced editing features like changing font sizes, background colors, tables, etc.

如果您一直在使用WordPress可视编辑器 ,那么您可能已经注意到它缺少高级的编辑功能,例如更改字体大小 ,背景颜色,表格等。

This is where TinyMCE Advanced comes in.

这是TinyMCE Advanced出现的地方。

It extends the default WordPress editor with more formatting buttons. You can choose which buttons you want to add or remove from the visual editor.

它使用更多格式按钮扩展了默认WordPress编辑器。 您可以选择要在视觉编辑器中添加或删除的按钮。

8. Zeno字体大小调整器 (8. Zeno Font Resizer)

Users visiting your website can resize fonts using their browser. However, adding a font resizer to your website allows users to increase or decrease font size to their own liking.

访问您网站的用户可以使用其浏览器调整字体大小。 但是,将字体大小调整器添加到您的网站后,用户可以根据自己的喜好来增大或减小字体大小。

Zeno Font Resizer makes it easy to add a font resizer widget to your sidebar. This widget uses jQuery, which means user can adjust font size without reloading the page.

Zeno Font Resizer使您可以轻松地在侧边栏中添加字体调整器小部件。 此小部件使用jQuery,这意味着用户无需重新加载页面即可调整字体大小。

9.页面标题拆分器 (9. Page Title Splitter)

Page Title Splitter allows you to easily split longer post titles into new lines. This allows you to use longer post titles, while making sure they are still readable.

页面标题拆分器使您可以轻松地将较长的帖子标题拆分为新行。 这样,您就可以使用更长的帖子标题,同时确保它们仍然可读。

See our step by step guide on how to split post or page titles in WordPress.

请参阅我们的逐步指南, 了解如何在WordPress中拆分帖子或页面标题 。

10.次要标题 (10. Secondary Title)

Similar to Post Title Splitter, Secondary Title allows you to add a subtitle to your post, page, or custom post type titles.


11.辅助功能小部件 (11. Accessibility Widget)

Accessibility widget adds a font resizer widget that is more accessible for users with visual impairments.


The widget allows up to four resize options. The default options are 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120%. You can increase or decrease the font sizes here.

小部件最多允许四个调整大小选项。 默认选项是90%,100%,110%和120%。 您可以在此处增加或减少字体大小。

12.尾注 (12. Endnotes)

Endnotes provides an easier way to add footnotes to your WordPress posts. You can make footnotes collapsed by default and expand when a user clicks on them.

尾注为您在WordPress帖子中添加脚注提供了一种更简便的方法。 您可以默认使脚注折叠,并在用户单击时将其扩展。

13. Greg的主题注释编号 (13. Greg’s Threaded Comment Numbering)

Greg’s Threaded Comment Numbering plugin allows you to add numbers next to your WordPress comments. It is also able to handle threaded comments.

Greg的Threaded Comment Numbering插件允许您在WordPress注释旁边添加数字。 它还能够处理线程注释。

The plugin comes with its own stylesheet. You can also add your own custom styles to control how plugin displays numbers.

该插件带有自己的样式表。 您还可以添加自己的自定义样式来控制插件如何显示数字。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add numbers to WordPress comments layout.


14.彩色文本小部件 (14. Colorful text widget)

Tired of the same old boring text widget? Color Text Widget allows you to add colorful text widgets. This allows you to make your text widget popout.

厌倦了相同的旧无聊文本小部件? 彩色文本小部件允许您添加彩色文本小部件。 这使您可以弹出文本窗口小部件。

You can choose the background color, text, and title colors from the widget’s settings. For detailed instructions take a look at our guide on how to add colorful text widgets in WordPress.

您可以从小部件的设置中选择背景颜色,文本和标题颜色。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中添加彩色文本小部件的指南。

15.文字悬停 (15. Text Hover)

Text Hover plugin allows you to easily add tool tips to any text you want. You can create your own list of phrases, acronyms, and titles in the plugin settings using a simple format.

文本悬停插件可让您轻松地将工具提示添加到所需的任何文本。 您可以使用简单的格式在插件设置中创建自己的短语,缩写词和标题列表。

You can also enable text hover for comments and even make them case sensitive.


16.刚写作 (16. Just Writing)

WordPress comes with a distraction free writing mode which was introduced in WordPress 4.1. Before this version, WordPress had a real full screen distraction free writing mode called ‘Just Writing’.

WordPress附带了一种分散注意力的免费写作模式,该模式在WordPress 4.1中引入。 在此版本之前,WordPress具有真正的全屏分散注意力的免费写作模式,称为“ Just Writing”。

This plugin simply replaces the current WordPress distraction free writing mode with the full screen editor that was used before WordPress 4.1. It also allows you to choose which buttons and options you want to keep in the full screen writing mode.

该插件仅用WordPress 4.1之前使用的全屏编辑器替换了当前的WordPress分散注意力免费写作模式。 它还允许您选择要在全屏书写模式下保留的按钮和选项。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress typography plugins to improve your design. You may also want to see our list of 8 proven methods to promote old posts in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到最好的WordPress排版插件,以改善您的设计。 您可能还想查看我们的8种行之有效的方法列表, 以推广WordPress中的旧帖子 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-typography-plugins-to-improve-your-design/



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