If you’ve had enough of loading up an entire power strip with cellphone, tablet, and gadget chargers, we’ve got a space saving solution for you. Read on as we take the tiny-but-power-pushing Bolt for a spin and keep our devices charged up without the clutter.

如果您已经足够用手机,平板电脑和小工具充电器为整个电源板加电,那么我们将为您提供节省空间的解决方案。 继续阅读,我们以小巧但可推动功率的Bolt旋转,并保持设备充满电而不混乱。

什么是螺栓? (What Is The Bolt?)

For most of us, it has been a long time since the only portable electronic device we needed to charge was a flip-phone that could go a week on a single charge. These days we have phones, tablets, ebook readers,  and even watches that all need to be plugged in frequently and recharged. Add in devices with different chargers, different cables, and different needs, and suddenly you have a power strip worth of chargers and cable clutter on your hands.

对于我们大多数人来说,已经很长时间了,因为我们唯一需要充电的便携式电子设备是翻盖手机,一次充电可以使用一周。 如今,我们拥有手机,平板电脑,电子书阅读器, 甚至手表 ,这些都需要经常插入并充电。 添加具有不同充电器,不同电缆和不同需求的设备后,您手上的电源板突然变得价值不菲,充电器和电缆杂乱无章。

This is where the Bolt comes in. The Bolt is a multi-port USB charger intended to serve as a compact replacement for multiple USB-based device chargers/transformers. It has one thin two-prong power cable and the main box (seen in the photo above). That’s it. No additional bulky transformer and only one outlet required. In exchange for giving up that one outlet, you get four USB charging powers: two rated for 2.1A (ideal for charging devices with large batteries like tablets) and two rated for 1A (ideal for charging smaller devices like smartphones, smart watches, etc.)

这就是Bolt的用处。Bolt是一种多端口USB充电器,旨在作为多个基于USB的设备充电器/变压器的紧凑替代品。 它有一根细的两芯电源线和主箱(如上图所示)。 而已。 无需额外的笨重变压器,只需一个插座。 作为放弃一个插座的交换,您将获得四个USB充电电源:两个额定为2.1A(对于为带有大电池的平板电脑等设备充电的理想选择)和两个额定为1A(对为智能手机,智能手表等较小的设备充电的理想选择) )

如何使用? (How Do I Use It?)

Compared to some of the more sophisticated devices we’ve reviewed, like the TripMate travel router, the Bolt is ridiculously simple to setup and use. All you need to do is plug the appropriate USB charging cable for each device you want to charge into the Bolt (just like you would with a single-port USB charger). Plug your tablets and large devices into the 2.1A ports, and plug your less hungry devices into the 1A ports (like your phone).

与我们评测过的一些更复杂的设备(例如TripMate旅行路由器)相比 ,Bolt的设置和使用非常简单。 您需要做的就是将要充电的每个设备的相应USB充电电缆插入Bolt(就像使用单端口USB充电器一样)。 将平板电脑和大型设备插入2.1A端口,然后将不那么饿的设备插入1A端口(如手机)。

Don’t worry about plugging things into the wrong amperage port, by the way. Per USB device standards devices only take as much power as they can handle. A device that expects 1A charging won’t suddenly explode if plugged into a 2.1A port, it’ll just step the 2.1A source down to 1A. The only risk you face in plugging your iPad into one of the 1A ports and your iPhone into one of the 2.1A ports is that your iPad won’t charge as fast as you expect it to.

顺便说一下,不用担心将东西插入错误的安培数端口。 对于每个USB设备标准,设备仅占用其可处理的最大电量。 如果设备期望将1A电流充电,则将其插入2.1A端口不会突然爆炸,它只会将2.1A电流降低至1A。 将iPad插入1A端口之一和将iPhone插入2.1A端口之一面临的唯一风险是,iPad充电速度不会达到您期望的速度。

它如何执行? (How Does It Perform?)

There’s nothing worse than a flaky power source and, after more than a few bad experiences with cheap cellphone-store chargers and other low-quality chargers, we’d consider ourselves particularly sensitive to the quality of chargers we use.


In that regard, we can definitely put our stamp of approval on the Bolt. It’s sturdily constructed and it charged our devices big and small without hiccup. Charge times for both large devices (like our iPad and Kindle Fire) and smaller devices (like our Android phone and Pebble smartwatch) were the same as they were with their respective 2.1A and 1A chargers.

在这方面,我们绝对可以在螺栓上盖上我们的认可印章。 它结实耐用,可为我们的设备提供大大小小的充电,而不会打h。 大型设备(例如我们的iPad和Kindle Fire)和小型设备(例如我们的Android手机和Pebble智能手表)的充电时间与使用其各自的2.1A和1A充电器的时间相同。

好的,坏的和判决 (The Good, The Bad, and The Verdict)

Just because the Bolt is simple device doesn’t mean we don’t have a thing or two to say about it.


The Good: 


  • The unit is totally self contained. There’s no external transformer required, all you need is the little 3.5″ square box seen in the photos here and the single slender power cable.该单位是完全独立的。 无需外部变压器,您所需要的只是在此处的照片中看到的3.5英寸方形小方框和一根细长的电源线。
  • Four ports in less than four inches of face space is great.少于四英寸的面板空间中的四个端口很棒。
  • It’s extremely light. If you’re a frequent traveler, you could easily cut your charger-weight and volume in half by packing this instead.非常轻。 如果您经常旅行,可以通过打包包装轻松地将充电器的重量和体积减少一半。
  • It’s cheap. $20 for a high quality charger that replaces 4 other chargers and only uses one outlet is a bargain.

    很便宜 售价为20美元的高品质充电器可替代其他4个充电器,并且仅使用一个插座,这是很划算的。

The Bad: 


  • The LED indicator. We don’t know why manufacturers love electric blue LEDs so much. The blue LED on this unit is shockingly bright and if you’re going to use it on or under your nightstand like we do, you’ll definitely want to cover the LED with some black electrical tape. Without the tape covering the LED you can easily read by it.LED指示灯。 我们不知道为什么制造商如此钟爱电动蓝色LED。 本机上的蓝色LED令人震惊,如果您像我们一样在床头柜上或床头下使用它,则肯定要用一些黑色的电工胶带将其覆盖。 如果没有胶带覆盖LED,您可以轻松阅读它。

The Verdict: If you’re trying to consolidate chargers, cut down on clutter, or lighten your load while traveling, there’s really no reason not to pick one up. We’ve been so pleased with ours, we can’t believe we didn’t buy one earlier. In the age of multiple devices for every household member, it’s surprising we tend to stick with power strips packed with individual chargers instead of using all-in-one charging units like the Bolt.

结论:如果您打算合并充电器,减少混乱或减轻旅行时的负担,则实际上没有理由不提货。 我们对我们的产品感到非常满意,我们不敢相信我们之前没有买过。 在每个家庭成员都使用多种设备的时代,令人惊讶的是,我们倾向于坚持使用带有单独充电器的配电盘,而不是使用Bolt之类的多合一充电装置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/183627/htg-reviews-the-ravpower-bolt-the-all-in-one-charger-you-crave/

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