
Are you looking for the best product review plugins for WordPress? If you regularly add detailed product reviews on your website, then you can use a product review plugin to make them more SEO friendly. In this article, we have hand-picked the best product review plugins for WordPress.

您是否在寻找适用于WordPress的最佳产品评论插件? 如果您定期在网站上添加详细的产品评论,则可以使用产品评论插件使它们对SEO更友好。 在本文中,我们为WordPress挑选了最佳的产品评论插件。

为什么要在WordPress中使用产品评论插件? (Why Use Product Review Plugin in WordPress?)

What do you do when you want to buy something? If you are like most people, then you probably check out product reviews to compare different options.

您想买东西怎么办? 如果您像大多数人一样,那么您可能会查看产品评论以比较不同的选择。

That’s why there are so many popular reviews websites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Rotten Tomatoes, and more. Even Amazon, world’s largest online store features product reviews so prominently.

这就是为什么有这么多受欢迎的评论网站,例如Yelp,TripAdvisor,烂番茄等等。 即使是全球最大的在线商店亚马逊,其产品评论也非常突出。

Many WordPress site owners write product reviews to make money online. Some get paid directly by the company for the review while others use affiliate marketing to earn revenue.

许多WordPress网站所有者撰写产品评论以在线赚钱 。 其中一些直接由公司支付以进行审核,而其他一些则通过联属网络营销来赚取收入。

You can write a product review as a blog post. However, a plain blog post does not use product review format supported by search engines. This means your article will not be highlighted in search results as a review.

您可以将产品评论撰写为博客文章。 但是,普通博客文章不使用搜索引擎支持的产品评论格式。 这意味着您的文章不会作为评论在搜索结果中突出显示。

For better SEO, you need to write your reviews with schema.org rich snippets format. A product review plugin helps you easily write search engine friendly reviews that also look great on your website.

为了获得更好的SEO,您需要使用schema.org 丰富的摘要格式编写评论。 产品评论插件可帮助您轻松编写对搜索引擎友好的评论,这些评论在您的网站上也很棒。

Let’s take a look at some of the best product review plugins for WordPress.


1. WP Product Review Pro (1. WP Product Review Pro)

WP Product Review is the best WordPress product review plugin. It comes with a detailed settings section allowing you to choose how you want to manage and display reviews on your website.

WP Product Review是最好的WordPress产品评论插件。 它带有一个详细的设置部分,可让您选择要如何管理和在网站上显示评论。

Adding a product review is quite easy. Simply select the product review option when writing a blog post and the plugin will show you all settings to write your review. You can break down your review into features, add images, pros and cons, and more.

添加产品评论非常容易。 撰写博客文章时,只需选择产品评论选项,插件就会显示所有设置以撰写评论。 您可以将评论分解为功能,添加图像,优缺点等等。

It comes with sidebar widgets allowing you to showcase your reviews. You can also use it to collect user submitted reviews or allow your users to add their own rating and reviews in the comments. All reviews are displayed in schema.org rich snippet format for maximum SEO benefit.

它带有侧边栏小部件,可让您展示您的评论。 您也可以使用它来收集用户提交的评论,或者允许您的用户在评论中添加自己的评分和评论。 所有评论均以schema.org丰富的摘要格式显示,以最大程度地提高SEO。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create a niche review website in WordPress.


2.多合一架构丰富片段 (2. All in One Schema Rich Snippets)

As we mentioned earlier, your reviews need to be in a proper SEO friendly format. All in one Schema Rich Snippets plugin allows you to write different types of posts using the rich snippets format including product reviews.

正如我们前面提到的,您的评论必须采用适当的SEO友好格式。 Schema Rich Snippets插件合为一体,使您可以使用Rich Snippets格式(包括产品评论)来撰写不同类型的帖子。

Simply select ‘Item Review’ from a drop-down menu when writing a blog post, and the plugin will show review options like reviewer name, product name, and star rating. It will display this information below your blog post with the correct SEO friendly markup.

撰写博客文章时,只需从下拉菜单中选择“商品评论”,该插件就会显示评论选项,例如评论者姓名,产品名称和星级。 它将以正确的SEO友好标记在您的博客文章下方显示此信息。

The plugin can also be used to add articles, products, recipes, software and more. For detailed instructions see our article on how to add rich snippets in WordPress.

该插件还可用于添加文章,产品,食谱,软件等。 有关详细说明,请参阅我们有关如何在WordPress中添加丰富网页摘要的文章。

3. WP评论专业版 (3. WP Review Pro)

WP Review is another excellent option to add product reviews in WordPress. It is beginner friendly and quite easy to use. Upon activation, simply write a new post and select the review type.

WP Review是在WordPress中添加产品评论的另一个绝佳选择。 它是初学者友好的,并且非常易于使用。 激活后,只需撰写新帖子并选择评论类型。

It supports three types of review ratings stars, points, and percentage. You can also add different ratings for individual features if you want. It also supports user ratings which simply allows users to submit their own ratings for a product.

它支持三种类型的评论评分星级,分数和百分比。 如果需要,还可以为各个功能添加不同的评级。 它还支持用户评分,这仅允许用户提交自己的产品评分。

It also comes with styling options located under Settings » WP Review page. From here you can choose your own colors for the review box to match your theme colors.

它还带有位于“ 设置”»“ WP审阅”页面下的样式选项。 在这里,您可以为检查框选择自己的颜色以匹配您的主题颜色。

4.丰富的评论 (4. Rich Reviews)

Rich Reviews is a simple free plugin that allows you to add reviews of your own products, services, or website. You can also allow your users to submit reviews.

Rich Reviews是一个简单的免费插件,可让您添加对自己的产品,服务或网站的评论。 您还可以允许您的用户提交评论。

It uses shortcodes to display reviews, and you can display a review anywhere on your website including posts, pages, and sidebar widgets.


If you are collecting user-submitted reviews, then this plugin allows you to manually approve each review before publishing it. The plugin’s settings panel comes with detailed instructions on how to use it.

如果您要收集用户提交的评论,则此插件可让您在发布每个评论之前手动批准它们。 插件的设置面板随附有关如何使用它的详细说明。

5. WP客户评论 (5. WP Customer Reviews)

WP Customer Reviews plugin allows you to collect customers reviews as well as create your own product reviews. Upon activation, simply edit a blog post where you want to add a product review and check the reviews option.

WP客户评论插件可让您收集客户评论以及创建自己的产品评论。 激活后,只需编辑您要在其中添加产品评论的博客文章,然后检查评论选项。

Next, you need to go to the Reviews » All Reviews page and click on the add new button. After that, you can select the post and write your review. The plugin also allows you to enable user submitted reviews which you can then approve and publish to display on your website.

接下来,您需要转到评论»所有评论页面,然后单击添加新按钮。 之后,您可以选择帖子并撰写评论。 该插件还允许您启用用户提交的评论,然后可以批准并发布以在您的网站上显示。

This plugin also allows you to customize the review form shown to users and comes with a how to use page with detailed instructions.


6.网站评论 (6. Site Reviews)

Site Reviews allows you to collect customer reviews for your products, services, or local business. It comes with a simple settings page allowing you to control how you want to gather reviews, and how you want to display them. You can customize the review form and display it anywhere on your website using a shortcode.

网站评论使您可以收集有关产品,服务或本地业务的客户评论。 它带有一个简单的设置页面,可让您控制如何收集评论以及如何显示评论。 您可以自定义审阅表单,并使用简码将其显示在网站上的任何位置。

You can also display reviews using the shortcode. The plugin adds an easy to use shortcode inserter on the post edit screen to manually display reviews, review form, and review summary.

您也可以使用简码显示评论。 该插件在帖子编辑屏幕上添加了一个易于使用的短代码插入器,以手动显示评论,评论表单和评论摘要。

We hope this article helped you find the best product review plugins for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of the best testimonial plugins for WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳产品评论插件。 您可能还希望查看我们的WordPress最佳推荐插件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/best-product-review-plugins-for-wordpress/



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